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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Heartland Reggae - Bob Marley 1978 [VIDEO]

Life has been unkind for such a long time, I've been to hell and then some. The most difficult part is right now. The Crohn's disease feels like it is killing me..
I don't have much strength to sit and write today but I just wanted to post something.
This isn't even a new post. It's an old one with a new link to the film on  youtube, since I got ravaged by the web sheriff and other corporations that hate music sharing.
Funny how youtube is OK though eh?

I will just leave the original info about this film, it does the job.
I hope you had a very good Christmas, not a commercial, presents and greed-filled one, just time with your family. I did.
I wish you the very best of luck for 2014. Let us hope it will be a much better year than 2013, my worst health year ever!

I got hold of a few different films based on the history of reggae, Peter Tosh, Bob Marley and related stuff. I have really been loving watching these and they are so relaxing during some pretty intense pain filled days...I just smoke some weed and try to sail over the pain, with the music. Oh and a hot water bottle burning my abdomen of course and my cat, Oliver, keeping my morale up. Hehe. Pathetic I know but life is as it is..

Well here it is, excuse a lack of deep research but if I tried to explain where my mind is you wouldn't understand a word I said...neither would I!

Heartland Reggae - Bob Marley 1978
A website too!
This is an amazing to watch film, beautiful Jamaican scenes, great performances of great reggae music by the masters themselves..

Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, U-Roy, Inner Circle, Jacob Miller, Junior Tucker, Jody Mowatt, Dennis Brown, Althea & Donna, Lloyd Parkes, Ras Lee Morris, Marcia Griffiths, Natty Garfield. There, I think that's about all of them!
OK this film Is a bit amatuer, the dubbing seems awful at times but generally you can hear it fine and it works. The way it switches from a live set, to some Jamaican scenery is apparently random..but it still looks nice there :)
This film is shot just before and during the One Love Peace Concert in Jamaica in 1978, during what you might call a 'trying time' for the locals, police and politicians...the reggae singers didn't have ot so easy either. this is the famous part whetre Bob Marley get's the two opposition dicks to shake hands on stage.. the fact that there is an amazing thunderstorm with lightning striking is somehow apt for the situation.


U-Roy is superb on here, made me go crack open an old album of his I hadn't listened to for a while..still as good as it ever was too.

OK my friends, hope you enjoy this fine film and I hope I can return sooner than last time, I have another reggae film uploading for you, it was a stroke of luck I managed to find it so it isn't so easily available online :)

Watch Movie Here

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bob Marley - One Love Home Video DVD (Gold)

Hello people!
Just a really quick one for you.
This is an exclusive damn it!!!
There is some guy on youtube who, if you repost any of 'his' (he really does own the copyrights top these rare Bob Marley videos and he knows it!) rare Bob Marley DVDs or videos to youtube or anywhere, he makes out a report and claims copyright and, youtube or wherever remove it as he always is able to prove he really owns them.
Well as you can imagine that means you only get these where he releases them and on the understanding they go nowhere else and are NEVER EVER re encoded to lossy formats.

Well Bob would not agree methinks.
He would be so happy if these were copied and recopied and spread the world over in all or as many formats as people could need.

Spread that joy!!!

Hehe. Sorry I almost got carried away there.

Bob Marley - One Love Home Video DVD
This is an incredible bit of home video of Bob when he was really young. Some shots of him playing around a waterfall with friends and others of him doing some jamming with his acoustic in front of the camera. It comes from oldee stylee VHS and so the quality is poor but it is worth seeing if you like the guy at all..hehe

More details...I have to not copy and paste them directly...he probably searches google for the descriptions too..

Hmm I had to copy them after all as there is very little to discover!
Please click here if you want to read the info I found about this.

These links are long dead and gone.
I WILL find this online somewhere and post the links!!! January 2014 :)

And relax...thank you, a comment is always like a ray of sunshine to me miserable existence so please, don't be shy. Insults welcome too, I love a good fight!

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Various Artists - El Album Verde [2006] - - - - Reggae Tribute to The Beatles - - - -

Hello once again tu le monde.
I bring gifts of Beatlesque-ness from the land of Argentine.
this is a nice change and, yes, I know there are a million and one tribute albums to The Beatles and another million and ten albums of Beatles covers in varying styles but...and it is a good 'but'!
...this one is...well, it's refreshingly different.
It made me laugh the other day I came across some post on youtube where a track from this had been posted as Bob Marley singing a Beatles track. Funny how a lot of the comments didn't seem to notice it wasn't the great Marley dude until some with a little more up top put them right.

Here is the official album page, I ran it through the amazingly talented google translator first so be prepared for some random nonsense! Still worth a look though.
El Album Verde
Anyway I am not going for a track by track account nor am I giving you much to go on.
I want you to download this and listen to it, that is all.
If you like reggae music you might want to have a go at this.
If you like The Beatles then you might also want to have a go.
If you like neither and are a Celine dion fan then what the feck are you doing here??
OK so see what you reckon.
A comment would be nice, even just as a reminder that I am not talking only to myself and the google searchbot!

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And How Your Bird Can Sing.

OK I decided, at the last minute, to give you a wee taster...have a swizzle at this then and tell me it ain't cricket!
Come Togheta (yes they meant to spell it that way!)
One more for you that I like,

OK then just one more as it's got to be my all-time favourite Beatles song:


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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lucky Dube - Prisoner [1989] & Lucky Dube - House of Exile [1991]

Hello freaks.
You may not know or care but a reggae artist by name of Lucky Dube was murdered this month. Well last month it was, 18th October. I only found out via a magazine I get delivered so I'm behind the rest of the world..
I know.
It goes on.
Life hurts etc etc.
Still I would like to let you hear some of his stuff in a show of respect.
You can learn a bit about the guy on wikipedia.
I just learned he was South Africa's Biggest Selling reggae star.
I don't know the politics in South Africa any more than in Zimbabwe or anywhere else. That is, a little but not much. I knew he did a lot for the whole South African Apartheid situation by which I mean he spoke out against it, got his music out there and even had his music banned but didn't stop singing about the problems and pushing the issue. That's what makes him a cut above in the same way Bob Marley used to bring issues to the masses, Lucky Dube did this in South Africa. You may not have heard of him but he left his mark.
He was killed by car-jackers. In front of his kids too. Animals.
How fucking dignifying.
I hope I meet my end in a slightly more glamourous way.
I don't know...orgasm related heart attack maybe?

The 'Prisoner' album is only 128K but it sounds fine, trust me. the other is high quality.

Remember - Files are in Rar archives~ Info Here, Winrar Software Here

Lucky Dube - Prisoner
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Click or Click.
Lucky Dube - House of Exile
Single Rar Archive]
Click or Click.



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Friday, September 28, 2007

Cedella Booker Marley - Awake Zion (1991)

Back again before I sleep. I just thought that, even though the day has been spent fixing many Theme Time Radio links I need to put an album up for you so it's a nice one too. One I was listening to a few times this afternoon.
Cedella Booker Marley - Awake Zion (1991)
Now, when I was a bit younger I used to see the name 'Marley' and assume it would be know how it was - loads of grass or hash, reggae or pink floyd was the staple, anything goes and everything bob Marley was cool.
I like to think I have matured these days.
I think.
Well, maybe not.
I was a bit more wary when I got this album and so I listened to it with an open mind.
I am happy to say it did well!
I like it. It's not exactly astounding or breaking the mould but, to it's credit (and it deserves credit), it is simple, mellow and full of love andthe joy you would have used to expect from bob himself. Seems his mother is a joyful soul too :)
With the usual reggae roots fayre, sung nicely too - the female reggae vocal always gets me- and rounded off nicely with a couple of bob's songs. Done in his mothers own style. Of course.
Definitely one for the collection.

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Some great stuff uploading whilst I sleep so I'll do mesel' proud tomorra...G'night.



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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Complete Wailers:1967 - 72 {Jad Records} Bob Marley 8 disc set.

Hello there.
Illness is rife at the moment. Let me put it another way:
I feel fucked.
The music I bring you today has been sitting waiting to be posted probably for over a week or more but, well, like I said I feel fucked.
The thanks to this goes out to some website visitor who emailed me asking if I could specifically get a hold of this Bob Marley collection.
I already had what I thought was most box sets and collections out there but, when I went and looked into this one I just had to get it.
so thanks whoever you are and for the rest of you here is a real treat.
What do I know about it.
Hmm, as usual not fuckin' much but hey it's a collection of Bob Marley tracks that will blow your mind ... from the real early stuff to Demo's to Dub 'version' versions of known and some unknown's all in this superb set.
The only info the guy gave me was the website that sells it so I will just give the same link to you and you can go see for yourself. There is a LOAD of good reading on this to be found there so make sure you have a look!
Thankfully some kind person on Demonoid has shared it in FLAC (if you care to download the much larger files go get it) and so here we are.


Oh and there are a couple more to this I think so stay tuned won't you.


Box I - disc 1 'Rock to the Rock'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click
Box I - disc 2 'Selassie is the Chapel'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click
Box I - disc 3 'Best of Wailers'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click
Box II - disc 1 'Soul Rebel'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click
Box II - disc 2 'Soul Revolution'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click
Box II - disc 3 'More Axe'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click
Box III - disc 1 'Keep On Skanking'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click
Box III - disc 2 'Satisfy My Soul'
Click, or Click
Mirror: Click or Click

If any of these links go down let me know ;)
Enjoy it won't you.



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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

BOB MARLEY LIVE & ACOUSTIC 1976 - The Yvette chrichton Acoustic Tape.

Wow. A lot has happened around these parts over the Easter break.
Easter eh...what a wonderfully sanctimonious festival that is.
What exactly are we celebrating?
The invention of chocolate that can be made into the shape of an egg?'s a load of balls that's for sure.

Today I bring you a favourite Marley bootleg. Sorry to say it is only 128k bitrate but it is not to be sniffed at. Uh-uh. Forget about bitrate and think of the music.

Here is a comment from somewhere around..not my words:
The Yvette Acoustic Tape 1976
Recorded in one of Bob's girlfriend's houses this tape includes many songs that Bob never released and some that would become some of his most famous classics.
The mood is really relaxed and Bob seems to be in a really great mood often laughing out loud at some of the things he is singing.
He then gets a bit more serious with the deeply religious God of All Ages where he is accompanied by the heartbeat rhythm of a bongo drum.
Rumors is also another great highlight featuring some fantastic vocal form.
Bob on this tape also composes some of jammin as well as a very early rendition of Easy Skanking.
He also chats a bit between songs about opening a hospital in Ethiopia.
The tape closes out with Oh What a Day, which is a long very early version of what would become Misty Morning.

And that is enough from me.
Hope you enjoy it.
Is there anyone still coming here? Hehe.

Oh I just have to say...this crap with the British twats being captured and then released bla bla bla...I seriously have doubts about the credibility of the story.
For one thing, have you seen the video footage of the 'hostages' (who the fuck said they were hostages anyway? There were no demands! (usually a requirement to being a hostage), They were prisoners for fucks sake. It just sounds better to say hostages though doesn't it.) Anyway the footage of them that was taken AFTER they had supposedly gone through 'terror and a frightening hell of veritable torture.
What the fuck???
And yet on the video they are seen to be relaxing and laughing and acting as if they don't actually realise they are being filmed!
I am not talking about the film footage of them that was shown around the world all week, I am talking of the latest one released by Iran in response to the stories that are now being told about their terrifying ordeal(!). It basically proves that there could not have been much terrorizing going on at all!
Anyway that woman, I watched her interview and it seems like she tries to exaggerate every point to make it sound worse than it is! Go watch it at's there.
All I am pissed off about is that these idiots are milking it for whatever they, sympathy, whatever.
what happened to the real face of the military?
They shouldn't be fucking celebrities!
It's all a bit weird.
What these twats seem to be forgetting is that, whilst they may get sympathy and lessen the apparent blame on themselves for what happened, their 'stories' are just achieving one thing that is important to us all:
They are really winding up the Iranian people.
Is it so fucking impossible for a person from the Great Colonial Empire of Britain to be HUMBLE?
Anyway...I probably just pissed a few of you off but think about it, what is important in this?
The face-saving of a few marines, or the good relations with a country that has, historically, had a bad deal from us. For once they decide to do something almost unbelievable and for good (albeit as a propaganda exercise and a piss take of the British army!) and all we can do is try to retaliate and make things worse.
Fucking idiots.


01 - Are You Ready?
02 - When I Get To You
03 - God of All Ages
04 - Rumors
05 - They Set You Up My Son
06 - Jammin
07 - Easy Skankin
08 - Oh What A Day


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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 04-22-78 One Love Peace Concert, National Heroes stadium, Kingston, Jamaica.

Stole this bit of info from my favourite bootleg verification site here..
This was Bob's first show back in Jamaica after the attempt on his life in December 1976. The original Wailers reunited for the show. During the song "Jammin'", Bob called up the Prime Minister, Michael Manley, and the opposition party leader, Edward Seaga, to join hands and show their faith in the peace. After a few moments of waiting, they joined hands with Bob and sang "One Love".

Lineup: Dennis Brown, Ras Michael & the Sons of Negus, Big Youth, Peter Tosh, Leroy Smart and Ron Wood
There is a truly wonderful site here that gives details of the concert and is well worth a read: Click!

Also, don't miss this site which, amongst some factoids, has a few short video clips of the man talking in the way only he could. Go!

(I have a copy that contains a text within it stating that the last two tracks are erm...'missing'. I have not been able to find a reliable source for these as yet but I am looking and they will be posted if and when. If you know or have them yourself then share with us here!)

1. Intro
2. Lion Of Judah
3. Natural Mystic
4. Trenchtown Rock
5. Natty Dread
6. Positve Vibration
7. Positive Vibration Jam
8. War
9. Jammin


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Have some random Bob Marley Tracks...
Bob Marley - Iron Lion Zion.mp3
Bob Marley-Rock Steady.mp3
Bob Marley - Roots Rock Reggae.mp3
Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining (Original).mp3
Bob Marley and the Wailers - I Know a Place(1).mp3
Bob Marley and the Wailers - I Know a Place.mp3
Bob Marley- Go, Tell It on the Mountain.mp3
Bob Marley-One Love.mp3
Bob Marley-Redemption Song (BAND Version)_Very Rare.mp3

If you want to download some real good tracks including such artists as..
Fela Kuti
Damien Marley
Jimi Hendrix
The Beatles
Django Reinhardt
JJ Cale
Paolo Conte
Bob Dylan
to UB40!
Then it might be to your advantage to have a wee look-see at the full directory at THIS LINK.

Personally I just discovered a real liking for Fela Kuti.
Bloody good stuff.
Enjoy the music folks and forgive the erratic updates. I'm getting sick of mentioning illness so I am now going to refrain from doing so after this post!

Oh and one more thing...anyone who wants to try the version of XP PRO that needs no activation and comes including Office 2003(activated) and a few really useful programs already installed too...well it can be downloaded directly..(It is a 650Mb file remember!) from here.
I highly recommend it.
Been using it over a week now and it is the best!

More tomorrow and no I haven't forgotten about the Hendrix Fanzine..just delayed it that's all. Coming up!


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 12-02-79 Santa Cruz Civic Center (Early Show), Santa Cruz, CA Bootleg MP3

Another show for you. Don't ask: Illness again. Life sucks right now.
Show details to be found HERE.
This is a fine concert, like all of them(!) and the quality is great too.
01 Positive Vibration
02 Wake Up And Live
03 Dem Belly Full
04 Concrete Jungle
05 I Shot The Sheriff
06 Running Away -> Crazy Baldhead
07 Ambush In The Night
08 Heathen
09 War! -> No More Trouble
10 Ride Natty Ride
11 Africa Unite
12 One Drop
13 Jammin'
14 E: Is This Love? ->
15 Knotty Dread ->
16 Exodus ->
17 Get Up Stand Up


Split Rar Archive] Part 1 or Part 1, Part 2 or Part 2.
Split Rar Archive Alternate1] Part 1 or Part 1, Part 2 or Part 2.
Split Rar Archives Alternate2] Part 1 or Part 1 or Part 1 or Part 1.
Part 2 or Part 2

Believe me folks..this is the best I can do right now. Fucking illness has become a tad more complicated recently. Got a lot of these Wailers bootlegs to come so keep watching!


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Thursday, March 29, 2007

BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 10-19-73 Matrix Club San Francisco, CA USA Bootleg MP3

Sorry but very little information on this one apart from the setlist and verification Here

When I started posting tonight I felt not too bad but alrady the health is overpowering me so I'm going to have to have a rest. I know I said a MUSIC overdose. Three bloody album posts doesn't quite constitute that does it. Hehe.
OK I will try one more post!

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Click or Click.

Enjoy won't you.

I must stop for a break my friends, although I have a few more to post here my energy doesn't allow it. I'm fucked for the moment!


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 05-24-73 Paris Theatre, LONDON bootleg MP3

Another copy&Paste; job (for speed)...Here comes another repost of a popular set!

I must warn you that I know very little about most of these bootlegs and as such would appreciate any of you nerdy anorak music types to give me some info(so that I too can then be a nerdy music anorak!). I had a quick search but turned up very little about this concert apart from the fact that it was in the Paris Theatre in London(surprise surprise!) and that it was recorded by the BBC for something they called 'In Concert'. Not exactly enlightening facts but I tried. Surely you know someone who knows someone who knows something?
Or was even there?
Let us know anything about it by leaving a comment.
The quality is great and again, the talent leaves the hairs on the back of my neck standing..

NOTE: I found a corrected entry for this show Here.


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Click or Click.

Now go forth and reminisce!


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 04-10-79 Nakano Sun Plaza - Osaka, Japan

The first thing I discover when researching this concert is that the title is wrong. It goes around trading networks etc with this title and numerous other titles but this one is not right. I feel the show is pretty much in order but the title. It says 'Nakano Sun Plaza, Osaka. Yet when I look it up I keep finding that there were two shows, one is '04-10-79 Nakano Sun Plaza Hall, Nakano, Tokyo, Japan' and the other: '04-11-79 Osaka Kosei Nenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan', the following day!

It is such a bloody MAZE of disinformation when you start looking into bootlegs and don't go fully head first right in there until you are an expert. Even then you are always going to find an update or a fix to a track or a show you thought was something it turned out not to be. I know this from the Hendrix trading area...With Marley shows it seems to be pretty bad too.
OK enough of that for now. All I can do is bring you this fine, fine collectrion of tracks that, to my knowledge is the concert IN ORDER and in a good quality sound too. the great thing about most of these Marley shows is that they are Soundboard to DAT masters. Which basically means the quality is lovely.


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Click or Click.
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Click or Click.
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Click or Click.

There, you should get a link out of that little lot!


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 05-31-78 Miami Rehearsal, Florida. 1978

So I cheated...this is a repost from a long time ago on here...I copy&pasted; the original text so I can get more posts up today...ENJOY!

Simply put, this is the best recording of Bob Marley that I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. I was speechless when I first heard it the other night.

This is a rehearsal session that is taken straight from the soundboard (super clear quality). It is a full CDs worth of Bob Marley & The Wailers, circa 1978. The tracks covered are excellent too and even better to hear the band and Bob just literally jamming, creating licks and riffs before our ears, some that did make it onto the final cuts of those tracks.

Listen to a 24-minute jam of 'Time Will Tell' and how Bob varies the singing and they all try lotsof different melodies. It plays like a typical stoned guitar jamming session really. No note or string is out of time or tune. The whole thing flows like water. Beautifully done.
The best part for me is hearing just how fucking great Bobs voice was.

Wow. This is a treasure to behold.
I don't think I can top this one.


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Part 1 or Part 1.
Part 2 or Part 2
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Part 1 or Part 1
Part 2 or Part 2
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Part 1 or Part 1
Part 2 or Part 2

You might think the tracklists are way out but, there are so many versions going around, where eople have taken the liberty of seperating into tracks, long jams that sound best left to run on. This tracklist seems good to me and was the ne I found finally that I liked so don't worry when you compare the tracks to the list here as it really is the same show. All of the songs are there, just that they run into each other.!

I really do love this. I am listening to it right now and it almost gets me emotional.
What a great man he was.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

BOB MARLEY LIVE 10-31-73 The Record Plant, Sausalito, USA KSAN Broadcast

In response to a reader re-upload request...Here is a brilliant and favourite Live Marley show of mine.

I am just copying the text from the ORIGINAL POST HERE
Bob Marley & The Wailers - 10-31-73 Sausalito, USA KSAN Broadcast
This show seems to be currently going under two different names/dates. One is of noticably better quality than the other but I like to have both as they are obviously different recordings. I can tell you that the one I have re-upped here is the one of better quality! Of course!
I originally uploaded both but only the original one, for now.
The other named set goes by 12-02-73 The Record Plant, Sausalito, CA but it is easy to find out online that there was no second date at that studio in that year!

No, seriously, you will only want to download the first one offered below, that has all the tracks in great quality too. The other version has three tracks mysteriously missing!
Here is a great resource for some facts about this particular show and the place I go to verify the recording details of bootlegs!
check it here

Ok then, just for you..

1. Rastaman Chant
2. Bend Down Low
3. Slave Driver
4. Can't Blame The Youth
5. Stop hat Train
6. Burnin' and Lootin'
7. Kinky Reggae
8. Get Up Stand Up
9. Lively Up Yourself
10. Walk The Proud Land

I love this show but then I am pretty biased. You will be too soon.

Might as well add that the format/quality is:
Format : Fraunhofer
Bitrate : 256K/s

The TRUE dated version, 10-31-73

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Now don't be bloody asking me for more links!
Also...PLEASE everyone NOTE that I have actually been working to create helpful information in a FAQ page and I would like it if you used it.
If you get a problem, go there FIRST to see if it is answered for you ok.
Most of all enjoy this brilliant concert and look forward to two more live marley concerts tomorrow.
Also just discovered (somewhat later than most you might say) Devendra Banhart so am uploading some albums too as I think it's pretty good shit.
What a day: Ireland is united?!
Iran is rattling a sabre at UK?!
The future will be interesting no doubt.
Zimbabwe still goes down the drain.

Freshly updated (march 2007) in response to a reader it pays to ask!

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Friday, March 23, 2007

La Zimbabwe - Four Albums, 1 EP [Reggae - Dub MP3]

Staying somewhat with the theme of a third world country that is being choked and strangled by its own elite until the lifeblood of the poor runs like a river through the dusty tracks where no one cares anyway, I am posting these albums I found.
It is amazing what you find online when you type in the name of a country in crisis with the word +mp3 after it. Google is great.
Google is the new God.
Unfortunately, Google isn't that fucking great. There is little to no information around to tell us much about who this band is etc except for a couple of facts: they are an Argentinian band who play reggae(!) ... Ok yeah the second one was a bit too obvious but I found out where they were from so give me that at least.
All I can give you is this pathetic attempt at an online translation from a page that isn't in tries it's best but to be honest, it struggles. You can get some bits from it here and there though. Here is another. Maybe now would be a good time to email some of the people on Orkut who seem to be fluent in the languages of South America...maybe we can get a human translation eh. I might just do that!

One thing I must say, the music is really really good. Trust me! I have listened to and loved so much reggae and dub over the years. This is nice also by the fact that you don't need to know the lyrics. The language barrier doesn't quite exists when the music flows the same in any language.
Try it.


[1988] La Zimbabwe] Click, Click, Click, Click, Click
[1989] Caminando En El Fuego] Click or Click
[1994] Cuestion De Honor] Click or Click
[1997] ADN] Click or Click
[1998] Seguir En La Ruta] Click or Click

A picture of a band member! >> Hehe..I think.

I am a member of the band - La Zimbabwe

So people, tell me...what do you want to see here?
More DEX posts?
A certain GENRE you wish to see?
I won't know if you dont

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bob Marley & The Wailers - Rufaro Stadium, Zimbabwe [19th April,1980]

In 1980, Bob Marley and The Wailers had a visit to Zimbabwe.
You might have heard of the place?

It has been in the news recently...
... Do yourself a favour and please, check out some or all of the following sites and have a clue about the atrocious situation that is being allowed to continue by the rest of the world who, by doing nothing, are surely condoning the behaviour of the tyrannical dictator Mugabe.

I wouldn't profess to know the history and the ins and outs of the Land Redistribution and the plight of the farmers that seems to be at the root of so many of the problems but I do know enough about what is happening right there, right now, to innocent fucking people. I see film of children who are starving & frightened, people whose lives are becoming dangerously weakened and threatened. I just see what I know to be a terrible situation and it makes me sad that no other country steps in when they are needed. They stepped into Iraq of course as we all know but what is it about Africans? It won't be the first time that a generation of Africans have been left to die and the West has more or less let it happen and looked away.
This site is about music but music and politics are interlinked. Anyway, I am not trying to get you into politics. This is just about realising what horrors are going on not too far away from you and hoping that there can be a solution soon. What can I do? What can you do?
Well you can start by having a look and listen to this,
this rather interesting topic,

(Each of the above opens in a new window so feel free to check some of them out please)

You really dropped by here looking for music and I promise I haven't let you down on that front today.

As I started to say Bob Marley went to Zimbabwe in are the scant details I managed to find about this concert...
In April 1980, Bob Marley and the Wailers were afforded the highest honor of their musical careers. On April 18th, the country Rhodesia was to celebrate its independence from England and Bob Marley and The Wailers were invited to perform at the ceremony. From that day forward the African nation was to be called Zimbabwe. Officials from Zimbabwe's government-elect invited Marley and the band to perform at the Independence ceremonies. Cost was to be no barrier: Marley, whose "Zimbabwe" tune had proved inspirational to the ZANLA (Zimbabwe National Liberation Army) freedom fighters, was paying for it all out of his own pocket. He would be playing amidst the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, an enormous pyramid built by Solomon and Sheba.'

This show has often been mislabelled as taking place on April 17th, 1980. I only learned that today(after mislabelling it myself based on the labelling it had when I got it!) so I now realise it is actually from April 19th, the second of two shows Bob had scheduled to more here

You MUST check out this article -
entitled 'When Bob Marley caused Riot inna Africa
from the very respectable 'Rasta Times'.

I hope you can enjoy this one. It took a while to update today and I am now wondering seriously how long I can keep this up as my health is sinking fast..aarrgghh..hehe
Seriously though it's becoming worse than shit.


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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Finally the Wailers concert DVD!!!

Hiya 'This here

OK, i tried doing a torrent

BUT am not sure if i'm thick as a brick on 2 short planks

or its my ISP

or summit else : the thing jist widnae wurk nowhitamean?

SO i had do do it this way...(every 2nd part's got a mirror)

Anyway, here it is, going on 27 years old,

spliff up and enjoy the californian sunshine :)

Santa Barbara, 1980

Can anyone tell me where I3 Marcia was???



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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Beres Hammond - Can't Stop A Man [2003]

Beres Hammond. You've heard of him right?
Guaranteed you will have heard some of his it playing in the background in a restaurant or pub...lazy summer afternoon radioplay, somewhere sometime you WILL have heard more of these than you might have thought. that's what happened when I put it on at least!
I only knew of Beres for some great reggae tracks that, when I try to think of them, are just a smokey haze. Somewhere in my addled brain from the days when I ventured into hydroponic growing experimenting; I kept the name Beres Hammond in there flagged as someone worth looking into. Unfortunately I kind of forgot to look into it.
Today I changed that.
All in all I have to say the reggae has not let me down. Smooth and mellow is the simplest way of describing this guys style. There is nothing shocking or surprising to the senses guaranteed when you listen to this. Don't take that to mean it's boring: Far from it. It induces relaxation. It makes you sit still, your mind and body welcomes such a treat. Well, mine does.
I was surprised however to hear some non-reggae tunes on here. Unfortunately(for me) the very first track is some kind of soul-cheese tune and I won't analyze it further: Suffice it to say I cannot stand soul music. I find it has no soul. I know I must be in the minority here but, well who gives a fuck. It's shite and that's that ok.
Gladly, Beres doesn't include many of his crap soul smoothy cheesy tunes on this album - which is a compilation of his best- and the reggae beats flow thick and fast/ erm, slow.
My rating is: bloody brilliant.

Beres Hammond take a bow, you're cool.

Hey! I bet this is good music for the old intimate relations thingy...


101 One Step Ahead.mp3 5.04 MB
102 I'm So In Love.mp3 5.29 MB
103 Last War.mp3 5.55 MB
104 Groovy Little Thing.mp3 4.8 MB
105 What One Dance Can Do.mp3 5.78 MB
106 She Loves Me Now.mp3 5.46 MB
107 Tempted To Touch.mp3 4.31 MB
108 Putting Up Resistance.mp3 5.24 MB
109 Come Back Home.mp3 5.03 MB
110 Full Attention.mp3 5.48 MB
111 Who Say.mp3 4.34 MB
112 Live On.mp3 4.32 MB
113 Double Trouble.mp3 4.85 MB
114 Step Aside.mp3 5.51 MB
115 Love Means Never To Say You're Sorry.mp3 5.29 MB
116 Show It Off.mp3 5.66 MB
117 Doctor's Orders.mp3 4.44 MB
118 My Wish.mp3 4.27 MB
119 Sweetness.mp3 5.58 MB
120 Sugar You Want.mp3 5.16 MB
201 Preacher Man.mp3 5.34 MB
202 Left Me Crying.mp3 5.14 MB
203 I Could Beat Myself.mp3 5.58 MB
204 No Disturb Sign.mp3 6.06 MB
205 Can't Stop A Man.mp3 5.25 MB
206 Love From A Distance.mp3 5.2 MB
207 Sweet Lies.mp3 5.31 MB
208 Call On The Father.mp3 5.28 MB
209 Warriors Don't Cry.mp3 4.43 MB
210 Queen & Lady.mp3 4.45 MB
211 Hold On.mp3 5.24 MB
212 Can You Play Some More.mp3 4.89 MB
213 They Gonna Talk.mp3 5.39 MB
214 Rockaway.mp3 5.34 MB
215 Ain't It Good To Know.mp3 5.45 MB
216 Come Down Father.mp3 5.58 MB
217 Ain't That Loving You.mp3 5.23 MB
218 Dancehall Vibes.mp3 5.81 MB
219 Giving Thanks.mp3 8.37 MB


Comments of course are appreciated..



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Thursday, January 12, 2006

BOB MARLEY LIVE Part 2 - 10-31-73 The Record Plant, Sausalito, USA KSAN Broadcast

Fuck fuck fuck.
The requests box has disappeared(you might have noticed). It would appear that the lovely people offering this free service have abandoned all hope and just evaporated.
The bastards.

So, if you placed a comment or a request in that box over there with the 'page not found' in it, consider it a waste of your time.
If you are kind enough to consider leaving a comment in future, please do so via the comments link at the foot of the posts.
A new requests provider will be found as soon as I can be arsed to find one that doesn't sneak ads or friggin' popups onto the page.

Bob Marley & The Wailers - 10-31-73 Sausalito, USA KSAN Broadcast
This show seems to be currently going under two different names/dates. I will provide you with both. One is of noticably better quality than the other but I like to have both as they are obviously different recordings.
The other named set goes by 12-02-73 The Record Plant, Sausalito, CA but it is easy to find out online that there was no second date at that studio in that year!
For those on limited bandwidth...
...get a proper job!
No, seriously, you will only want to download the first one offered below, that has all the tracks in great quality too. The other version has three tracks mysteriously missing!
Anyway..Here is a great resource for some facts about this particular show and Bob Marley in general...
check it here

Ok then, just for you..

1. Rastaman Chant
2. Bend Down Low
3. Slave Driver
4. Can't Blame The Youth
5. Stop hat Train
6. Burnin' and Lootin'
7. Kinky Reggae
8. Get Up Stand Up
9. Lively Up Yourself
10. Walk The Proud Land

I love this show but then I am pretty biased. You will be too soon.

The TRUE dated version, 10-31-73
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Freshly updated (march 2007) in response to a reader it pays to ask!
And no I haven't uploaded the second show as isn't real anyway. Maybe another time though.
Check the new post here


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