Stories about Privacy

25 July 2018

Ghanaians challenge their government over a telco monitoring program, claiming privacy violations

Petitioners say the system will monitor more than just revenues, warning that it will allow for easy government snooping on calls and messages.

11 July 2018

Iranian authorities arrest ‘Instagram celebrities’, in effort to assert control over social media

Iranian authorities announce plans to filter Instagram because of the evils of "Instagram celebrities". A few days later, the state broadcaster reveals the arrest of several "Instagram celebrities."

9 July 2018

Chinese mobile phone cameras are not-so-secretly recording users’ activities

This design feature has given Chinese mobile users a tangible sense of exactly when and how they are being monitored.

25 June 2018

Vietnam’s new Cybersecurity Law could further undermine free speech and disrupt businesses

"Despite the government’s claims, control is at the heart of the new legislation."

10 May 2018

Billions served? Human rights in the Facebook era

Tracking hate speech, harassment, and political censorship on the world’s largest social network

25 April 2018

The chilling effect of officials discussing Telegram's imminent ban in Iran

Some officials say Telegram is set to be blocked at the end of April. Although the app remains technically unfiltered at the moment, usage among Iranians is down.

13 April 2018

Netizen Report: Around the World, Activists Demand Answers From Facebook

The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

6 April 2018

India's Data Security Dilemma Continues With Cambridge Analytica

Indian political leaders are accusing one another of using Cambridge Analytica to manipulate local elections.

3 April 2018

With ‘Sharp Eyes’, Smart Phones and TV Sets Are Watching Chinese Citizens

By 2020, China could have a comprehensive nationwide surveillance network, wherein law enforcement will have easy access to data collected by any individual surveillance camera in the network.

23 March 2018

Netizen Report: Network Shutdowns Threaten Communities in Syria, Venezuela, Pakistan

The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.