Narendra Modi认证账号


Prime Minister of India

加入于 2009年1月
生于 9月17日


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  1. Birthday greetings to my colleague Shri Radha Mohan Singh Ji. A grassroots leader, Radha Mohan Ji’s deep understanding of the agriculture sector is an asset for the Government. His passion for farmer welfare is noteworthy. I pray for his long and healthy life. .

  2. Prayed at Kathmandu’s iconic Pashupatinath Temple.

  3. Absolutely thrilled by the success of the women’s Hockey Team! Their spectacular performance is a matter of immense happiness for the 125 crore people of India. Congratulations on winning the Silver!

  4. Dear , India is phenomenally proud of you! I am confident you are going to continue your pursuit of excellence in the times to come. Congratulations for the Bronze in the 75kg Men's Boxing event.

  5. Superb Squash! Kudos to the team of , Harinder Pal Singh, Ramit Tandon and Mahesh Mangaonkar for winning the Bronze. Best wishes to these youngsters for their future endeavours.

  6. The Sailing contingent gives us more reasons to smile! Proud of Varun Thakkar and KC Ganpathy for securing the Bronze in the Men's 49er Sailing event.

  7. The will be specially remembered for the several young and promising athletes who have distinguished themselves. 16 year old Harshita Tomar brings home the prized Bronze in the Open Laser Sailing event. Her success is truly inspiring. Congrats to her.

  8. I thank my sisters and brothers of Nepal for their warmth and affection during my visit. This visit will further deepen India-Nepal friendship. I would like to specially thank PM KP Sharma Oli and the Govt. of Nepal for hosting a wonderful and productive BIMSTEC Summit.

  9. काठमाण्डौमा अद्भूत एवं फलदायी बिम्स्टेक सम्मेलन आयोजना गर्नु भएकोमा म नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्री के.पी. शर्मा ओली र नेपाल सरकारलाई विशेष धन्यवाद ज्ञापन गर्न चाहन्छु ।

  10. मेरो नेपाल भ्रमणका क्रममा नेपाली दाजुभाइ तथा दिदीबहिनीहरुले देखाउनु भएको न्यानोपन र आत्मियता प्रति म आभार प्रकट गर्दछु । यस भ्रमणले नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धलाई थप गहिरो बनाउने छ ।

  11. Glad to inaugurate the Nepal-Bharat Maitri Pashupati Dharamshala in Kathmandu. Watch my speech.

  12. Here is a photo.

  13. A splendid Silver in sailing. Congratulations to Varsha Gautham and Sweta Shervegar for their Silver medal in the sailing event. Their talent and teamwork has done wonders for India

  14. Met PM KP Sharma Oli in Kathmandu. Our deliberations were wide-ranging, covering multiple aspects of India-Nepal relations. We discussed ways to further deepen our economic, trade and cultural ties. Enhancing connectivity between our nations was discussed as well.

  15. Today’s proceedings at the BIMSTEC Summit were extremely productive. We built on the ground covered yesterday and reiterated our commitment to further strengthen multilateral cooperation in diverse areas.

  16. 转推了

    "Towards a Peaceful, Prosperous & Sustainable Bay of Bengal Region" Here's the link to the Fourth Summit Declaration

  17. India cherishes the longstanding and robust friendship with Bhutan. In Kathmandu today, held extensive talks with Dasho Tshering Wangchuk, Chief Advisor of the Interim Government of Bhutan.

  18. Met President Win Myint of Myanmar. Our discussions were centred around enhancing cooperation in trade, energy and several other sectors.

  19. Mr. Prayut Chan-o-cha and I had a great meeting. Our talks focussed on boosting cooperation between India and Thailand for the mutual benefit of our citizens.

  20. Wonderful discussions and exchange of ideas on strengthening BIMSTEC during the retreat of leaders in Kathmandu this morning.



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