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 The loss of ILF doesn’t just affect ILF users-it affects everyone

We’re all in it together – aren’t we? from Moore Lavan Films on Vimeo.

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John McDonnell MP Praises DPAC at DPAC national Conference 2014

Read more on #DPAC2014, tweet from HERE

 Video from outside Courts of Justice 13th March 2013: Challenging DWP on the Closure of ILF

Tweet/read more on ILF  HERE

Conference notes & films – DPAC Independent Living Campaign Conference Nov 2017

In November 2017 Disabled People Against Cuts and Disabled People’s Organisations involved in the Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance held a national Independent Living Campaign conference. The aim of the day was to take stock of the key barriers to independent living that Disabled people who use adult social care services face and assess how far… Continue Reading Conference notes & films – DPAC Independent Living Campaign Conference Nov 2017

National Day of Action to #StopandScrap Universal Credit #BenefitsNotBombs

This Wednesday 18 April join DPAC, Single Mothers’ Self-Defence and WinVisible to call on the Government to #StopAndScrap Universal Credit.  London Protest – meet for 11am outside the visitor’s entrance to House of Commons. You can see details of local actions around the country on this page. To download a flyer for use on the… Continue Reading National Day of Action to #StopandScrap Universal Credit #BenefitsNotBombs

The folly of left wing support for the neoliberal trap of basic income.

As we campaign against Universal Credit, it’s important to remember the pitfalls of Universal Basic Income and why this isn’t an alternative vision of social security that we should be fighting for. DPAC ally John Clarke from Ontario Coalition against Poverty sent this feedback from his recent trip to Vancouver where he was invited to… Continue Reading The folly of left wing support for the neoliberal trap of basic income.

Hundreds of thousands of disabled people and young children in low income homes could be worse off without a fuel price cap – make your voice heard NOW!

Mon 13 November at 9 am is the deadline for responses to a proposed limited cap on energy prices. You may know that the government has for over a year been promising relief for people who pay the default “standard variable tariff” (SVT) – and who are getting ripped off as a result. Meanwhile prices… Continue Reading Hundreds of thousands of disabled people and young children in low income homes could be worse off without a fuel price cap – make your voice heard NOW!