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On The Fly in The Washington Post


“In an era when tent cities spring up in prosperous American metropolitan areas, the lives captured in “On the Fly” feel less comfortably distant than we might like. That is perhaps why the best of these classic accounts of “bumming around” retain all their simmering anger and desperate optimism." Ernest Hilbert, The Washington Post

“This book is a tantalizing boxcar ride back through the history of the hobo, all told from the hobo’s point of view. What more could anyone ask?”
—Paul Garon, coeditor of What’s the Use of Walking If There’s a Freight Train Going Your Way? Black Hoboes & Their Songs and author of Blues and the Poetic Spirit

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Buy On the Fly! Hobo Literature and Songs, 1879–1941

PM Press: Ten Years of Literary Molotovs in the Fifth Estate


"Anti-authoritarian books garner plenty of attention within the modern anarchist movement, but building lasting alternatives to capitalism is what we have to do, not just churn out books. The ideas and examples contained in these books must inspire the doers who create community lending libraries, food-growing and sharing co-ops, non-capitalist child and elder care, prisoner support networks—and yes, as dated as it sounds, revolution against oppression by any means necessary." —Craig O'Hara, Fifth Estate

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"This book is an informative, insightful introduction to a complex topic." -Publishers Weekly


"In this trenchant and accessible diagnosis of the ills plaguing American healthcare, Fine, a family physician and former director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, argues that America has “a healthcare market, not a healthcare system”—and everyone is worse off because of it. Fine persuasively demonstrates that the profit motive built into the patchwork of federal, state, and local programs that pass for healthcare in the U.S. leads to ballooning costs, gross inefficiency, and treatment for the privileged few instead of cost-effective prevention for the many...This book is an informative, insightful introduction to a complex topic."—Publishers Weekly

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Buy Health Care Revolt: How to Organize, Build a Health Care System, and Resuscitate Democracy—All at the Same Time

Richard Walker, Pictures of a Gone City in Citylab, NYT


"Walker’s new book is urban geography for our times. It illuminates the basic crisis and contradiction of the San Francisco Bay Area, which is an example of capitalism at its most innovative and dynamic, and simultaneously the site of severe inequality and failing public policies and infrastructure..."—Richard Florida, CityLab

Read more: CityLab
New York Times: San Francisco Is So Expensive, You Can Make Six Figures and Still Be ‘Low Income’
Buy Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area

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