Decades in the Struggle: A Multimedia History Project

For some time I and a few colleagues have bandied about the idea of collecting interviews (filmed, recorded, transcribed...), autobiographical statements, photographs, etc. from older anarchists--individuals who have been involved in the anarchist movement in various capacities since the 1970s or earlier. Part of the inspiration here is, of course, Paul Avrich's important work, but we have also taken a cue from more recent endeavors such as the incredible Anarchism: A Documentary, to which this project could serve as a complement.

michael.loadenthal's picture

Theory In Action journal released, Special Edition 3rd Annual NAASN conference

Transformative studies institutE, "Putting Theory Into Action"

CFP: Fourth North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference, 4-6 January 2013, New Orleans, LA


Fourth Annual North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference

New Orleans, Louisiana – January 4-6, 2013

Deadline for Proposals: November 15, 2012


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