
The new DPC website is currently under construction. Our latest guidance in relation to GDPR, which comes into effect on 25th May, 2018, can be found at gdprandyou.ie and via pages on this website starting with "NEW" as per the navigation pane on the left. All other material on this site relates to the previous legislative regime under the Data Protection Acts 1988-2003 ("the Acts"). While the Acts may continue to apply in some circumstances, as of 25th May, 2018 the GDPR is the primary piece of legislation governing data protection.

Data Protection Commission

Training and Public Awareness


For Organisations

We have developed a range of materials that we hope will help you to develop tailored training programmes for your staff.

Our video "My Data - Your Business?”  shows how data protection principles apply in a normal business environment (public or private).  It is accompanied by a "Facilitators Guide" which encourages group-discussion on how the data protection principles apply in practice in a particular setting.   The video and the Guide can be viewed and downloaded here

Our Guide for Data Controllers summarises how organisations should deal with the personal data of their staff and customers. You can either download the guide or contact us for printed copies.

We have also produced a special resource for schools,including a chart summarising the responsibilities of Data Controllers and the rights of Data Subjects under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003.
You can either download this chart or contact us for printed copies.

For more detailed information, please see the Your Responsibilities section of our website.


For Individuals and Groups

Part of our work is making sure that you know what your data protection rights are and what to do if they are not being respected.  Our Guide to Your Rights is a summary. You can get a printed version of this booklet by contacting us.

A PowerPoint presentation summarising your data protection rights is available here.

For more detailed information, please see the "For Individuals" section of our website.




We have also prepared a series of PowerPoint presentations on different aspects of data protection which are available here. You can "mix-and-match" from these different presentations to come up with a presentation that matches the needs of your particular audience.