Blog Posts - Rush Limbaugh

Quote du jour

"The conservative-media revolution has caused the liberal media to abandon any pretense of objectivity and fairness and actively advocate on the Left’s behalf."- Rush Limbaugh...
by Proof Positive on Dec 18, 2015

Who's Unhinged?

Donald J. Trump(Photo: Wikipedia)By Eddie Howell The left, the media, and the GOP establishment are furious over Donald Trump's proposal for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. Jeb Bush says Trump is “unhinged.”Before jumping t...
by Something You Might Like on Dec 9, 2015

Interview with John Calvin Hughes, Author of “Killing Rush”

What is your book about? Killing Rush is about two brothers on a road trip down the peninsula of Florida. Samuel has come down from Mississippi to look after his brother Adam, who has had a breakdown following the deaths of his wife and son. Adam bel...
by Pat Bertram Introduces . . . on Mar 12, 2015

Former Radio Pro Roshon Vance Needs Your Help

Former radio pro Roshon Vance is asking for your help, he’s a convicted felon recently... Click link above for story...
by Radio Facts on Mar 2, 2015

Peddlers of climate change deceit have significant advantages over climate realists

Scientists are as sure of industrial climate disruption as they are that smoking causes lung cancer. So why hasn't the international community made progress toward addressing climate disruption? There are at least four reasons. Continue reading ...
by Scholars & Rogues on Feb 21, 2015

10 Reasons Why Agent 007 Cannot Possibly Be Black

There are few time-honored traditions that aren’t meant to be broken, such as the sun coming up every morning, or Santa Claus having a beard, or an American president being white (well, until recently). And a white actor playing Agent 007 ha...
by List of X on Dec 27, 2014

Rush Limbaugh Says Idris Elba Can’t Play James Bond Because He’s Black and Then Admits He’s Racist

After emails were leaked between Sony execs eyeing Idris Elba for the film franchise,Rush Limbaugh offered his two (offensive) cents on the matter. During his news program, the controversial commentator expressed his concern over the Avengers: Age o...
by Spaced Out Magazine on Dec 25, 2014

GUEST POST: The average Black Radio host makes only $30K a year fearing for his job

We need God back in Black America NOW! This is not meant to be a criticism, but a Wake Up Call.... Click link above for story...
by Radio Facts on Dec 4, 2014

Bones 10.3 Meets Rush and a Dominatrix

No, not Rush Limbaugh, but the victim in Bones 10.3, found big bottom out, sure resembles the blowhard conservative radio talker.  Hutch is not only portly, but popular, enthralling millions with his Republican rants.And the kicker is that the m...

Rush Limbaugh Clarifies His Remarks About Robin Williams' Death Mediaite - ‎6 hours ago‎

On his Wednesday show, Rush Limbaugh clarified his controversial remarks on Robin Williams’s death. He claimed that he never said Williams killed himself because of his political views, and that his comments were "misquoted, purposely taken out of...
by Trending topics on Aug 13, 2014

Quote du jour

"Barack Obama is the first post-American president of the U.S.A."-Rush Limbaugh...
by Proof Positive on Jul 31, 2014

Rush Limbaugh compares Harry Reid’s ranting against the Koch brothers to Elliot Rodger’s ranting against women

  This post will most likely upset my conservative readers but here goes anyway.   I am not a fan of Rush Limbaugh. I  sometimes put on his show at lunch just to see what he is saying and  when I do I find that he is either always talking about h...
by America's Watchtower on May 28, 2014

Death Panels at the Veterans Affairs Health Care system?

CNN delivers a shocking report that “at least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.”
by Can America survive Obama? on May 21, 2014

Rush Limbaugh Bashes The #BringBackOurGirls Campaign

Drug-user, over-eater, and all around talk radio garbage pit Rush Limbaugh is once again pimping the news cycle to improve his Arbitron numbers. Limbaugh took aim at the #BringBackOurGirls social media hashtag campaign that has swept the Internet in...
by Prune Juice Media on May 13, 2014

Quote du jour

”Have you ever noticed how under capitalism the rich become powerful, and under socialism the powerful become rich?" -Rush Limbaugh...
by Proof Positive on Feb 5, 2014

POLITICS - Sandra Fluke Running to Replace Rep. Henry Waxman

I'll vote for anyone 'Limburger' hates."Sandra Fluke running for Congress.  What will Rush Limbaugh say?" by Peter Grie, DC Decoder 2/4/2014Sandra Fluke wants to succeed retiring Rep. Henry Waxman (D) of California.  The women’s rights ac...
by Mage Soapbox on Feb 4, 2014

10 Reasons Why Republican Leaders Don’t Like Pope Francis

Since his election in early 2013, Pope Francis has made quite a few controversial statements. For example, in his recent writings, Francis criticized the excesses of free market, the “idolatry of money”, and called for measures alleviati...
by List of X on Dec 5, 2013


                        Liver is one of those things you either love or you hate.  Very few people are on the fence when it comes to liver. Nobody says, “Liver’s okay.”  If you watch someone try liver for the … Conti...
by The Writing Deputy on Oct 11, 2013

Government Shutdown Not Unbearable – Especially Nice for Obama and Reid

Cantor and other House and Senate leaders meeting with President Barack Obama in November 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Wow, the Democrats get to huff and puff about how they're not going to negotiate over either Obamacare or the debt ceiling. They...
by Something You Might Like on Oct 4, 2013

10 Reasons Why Conservatives Are Against Water

Last week, the First Lady Michelle Obama rolled out “Drink Up”, a new public health campaign aimed to convince Americans to drink just one more glass of water a day, and it didn’t take long for conservatives, most prominently Rush &...
by List of X on Sep 23, 2013

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