Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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Why we don’t make demands- by Crimethinc

From Occupy to Ferguson, whenever a new grassroots movement arises, pundits charge that it lacks clear demands. Why won’t protesters summarize their goals as a coherent program? Why aren’t there representatives who can negotiate with the authorities to advance a concrete agenda through institutional channels? Why can’t these movements express themselves in familiar language, with proper etiquette? Often, this is simply disingenuous rhetoric from those who prefer for movements to limit… …


Under Neoliberalism, You Can Be Your Own Tyrannical Boss- by. MEAGAN DAY

A new study finds an alarming rise in a novel form of psychological distress. Call it “neoliberal perfectionism.” A new study by Thomas Curran and Andrew Hill in the journal Psychological Bulletin finds perfectionism is on the rise. The authors, both psychologists, conclude that “recent generations of young people perceive that others are more demanding of them, are more demanding of others, and are more demanding of themselves.” When identifying the root cause of… …

Global movement

The Art of Not Being Governed: Hill Peoples and Valley Kingdoms in Mainland Southeast Asia

  For two thousand years, the peoples residing in Zomia — the mountainous region that stretches from the Central Highlands of Vietnam to northeastern India — have fled the organized state societies in the valleys. Far from being ‘remnants’ left behind by civilizing societies, they are “barbarians by choice”, peoples who have deliberately put distance between themselves and lowland, state-centers. James Scott, director of the Agrarian Studies Program at Yale… …

Events/Void Network News

ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ και Χρόνος στο έργο του Αντόνιο Νέγκρι Πέμπτη 26/4 Nosotros- Κενό Δίκτυο

ΚΥΚΛΟΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΕΩΝ μέρος 7ον: ΧΡΟΝΟΣ και ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ στο έργο του Αντόνιο Νέγκρι. Οι εποχές , οι πράξεις τα συμβάντα και οι προοπτικές Ομιλητές: Νίκος Πρατσίνης (Μεταφραστής) Παναγιώτης Καλαμαράς (Εκδότης) Γιώργος Σωτηρόπουλος (διδ.Πολιτικής Φιλοσοφίας- Κενό Δίκτυο) Παρουσίαση– συντονισμός Γιάννης Ραουζαίος– Κενό Δίκτυο (κριτικός κινηματογράφου, συγγραφέας) Πέμπτη 26/4/ 2018—ώρα 20.30 Ελεύθερος Κοινωνικός Χώρος ΝOSOTROS Θεμιστοκλέους 66 Εξάρχεια Η ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ όπως και ο Χρόνος, είναι δύο σημαίνοντα τα οποία αναζητούν στην πολύπλοκη και… …

Global movement

Rave culture is making its move onto the blockchain

By BEN VICKERS and HANS-ULRICH OBRIST Ain’t no party like a decentralised party In one sense, the rave scene has always been encrypted. In its heyday, when news of illicit parties spread by word of mouth, you just needed to know the right people. But new technologies are adding another layer to this. Throughout the last year, rumours of a crypto-enabled rave revival have been rife on the dark net and in closely… …


Η Σουηδία και ο σοσιαλδημοκρατικός μεταμοντερνισμός- Γιώργος Κουτσαντώνης

«Στον κόσμο που ζούμε […] τα τείχη δεν είναι στέρεα και σίγουρα δεν διαρκούν για πάντα· είναι ιδιαίτερα κινητικά και θυμίζουν στον ταξιδιώτη της ζωής χάρτινα διαχωριστικά ή καλύμματα, που σκοπός τους είναι να αλλάζουν συνεχώς θέση σύμφωνα με τις διαδοχικές αλλαγές των αναγκών και των γούστων» (Zygmunt Bauman) [1] Από τη δεκαετία του ’70 έως και σήμερα, κεντρική πολιτιστική επιταγή είναι η σχετικοποίηση των πάντων και μια τάση ριζικής… …

Global movement/Theory


After the initial wave of terror and fury, my post-election tactic has mostly been dissociation. Out of safety, out of self-protection. I know that ignoring these truths won’t save me- that I need to engage, to stand in solidarity with the homies- with the scientists- with the immigrants and children of immigrants- with the Muslims- with the Mexicans- with the queers- with the artists.. but something about the way the… …


Twenty-Five Theses on Fascism

-1- Fascism in the 21st century has direct continuity to the insurgent movements that tore apart Europe, culminating in the Second World War. The methods, tactics, and strategies have changed, but the potential of the genocidal-racialist machine remains, and the ideologies are linked through history. -2- Fascism does not necessitate a specific type of statecraft (or a state at all), nor does it require a particular party apparatus, a fixed demographic… …

Global movement

Anarchy in the UK: The Social Centres roundup in England

For all its small size and general impoverishment the libertarian socialist movement actually runs a surprisingly large amount of real estate around Britain, all on non-hierarchical lines, by and for the people of the cities and towns we’re in. Housing co-ops, bookshops, bike collectives, archives, distros, printers and the like are all part of the collective mix. Below, Freedom News briefly rounds up some goings-on at 15 radical social centres… …


A Mad World: Capitalism and the rise of mental illness- Rod Tweedy

What if it’s not us who are sick, asks Rod Tweedy, but a system at odds with who we are as social beings? Mental illness is now recognised as one of the biggest causes of individual distress and misery in our societies and cities, comparable to poverty and unemployment. One in four adults in the UK today has been diagnosed with a mental illness, and four million people take antidepressants every year.… …

Global movement

America’s War On Venezuela and the Fascists We Get to Fight It

What you are about to read is a real life horror story. It is a tale of tear gas, bloodshed, and fascists burning a black man alive; it is a tale of overwhelming imperial aggression against a people who pose no threat to their invaders, a calculated strike of pure barbarism that would give Attila the Hun pause and Andrew Jackson the willies. It is the story of Venezuela, America’s newest… …

Global movement

Global publishing giant wins $15 million damages against researcher for sharing publicly-funded knowledge- by Glyn Moody

It’s not every day that one of the world’s largest publishing companies is awarded $15 million in damages for copyright infringement against a site set up by a Kazakh neuroscientist. That makes the almost total lack of wider coverage of Elsevier’s win in New York against Sci-Hub surprising. But it is only the latest development in a saga that is of great interest for the deep flaws it exposes in both scientific publishing and… …

Κοινωνικη Ανυπακοή- οικονομική αυτοοργανωσή στην πράξη-ομιλία / Civil Disobedience and active Self Organization of the Economy- Occupied theater Embros Wednesday 21/6 at 21.00

** [text: Eng./ Ελλ.] Η ομιλία θα είναι στα αγγλικά με ομιλητές από την Ισπανία και την Κένυα και μετάφραση στα ελληνικά. ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 21/6 ώρα 21.00 Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ (Ρ.Παλαμήδη 2 – Ψυρρή) Τhe talk will be in English with activists from Spain and Kenya at Occupied Self Organized Free Theater EMBROS (Riga Palamidi 2- Psiris Area Athens Το Grassroots Economics Foundation (Ίδρυμα Οικονομικών Από Τα Κάτω) είναι μία… …


Anarchism and Nationalism- by Uri Gordon

Anarchists are against nationalism; everyone knows that. Instead of solidarity across borders and anti-hierarchical antagonism within them, nationalism engenders loyalty to the state with its armed forces and public symbols, encourages the oppressed to identify with their compatriot oppressors, scapegoats minorities, and pits workers of different countries against one another in economic competition or open warfare. Opposition to nationalism is an almost trivial starting point for anarchist politics, reflected in… …

Events/Void Network News

Anarchists Fill Services Void Left by Faltering Greek Governance- article in New York Times by NIKI KITSANTONIS Αφιέρωμα των New York Times στους αναρχικούς της Ελλάδας!

Text: Ελληνικά / English. It may seem paradoxical, but Greece ’s anarchists are organizing like never before. Seven years of austerity policies and a more recent refugee crisis have left the government with fewer and fewer resources, offering citizens less and less. Many have lost faith. Some who never had faith in the first place are taking matters into their own hands, to the chagrin of the authorities. Tasos Sagris,… …


What Exactly Is Neoliberalism?- a talk with Wendy Brown

  Climate change, a crippled welfare state, the financial crisis, skyrocketing income inequality, political disappointments reaching back decades, terrible superhero movies grossing billions of dollars, Facebook and Tinder—these are just a few of the sins attributed to neoliberalism. But what exactly is neoliberalism? An economic doctrine? The revenge of capitalism’s ruling class? Or something even more insidious? Booked is a monthly series of Q&As with authors by Dissent contributing editor Timothy Shenk. For this… …

Global movement

AWARDS High Tension: The Contemporary Moment in France, photos by Rémy Soubanère

No, these are not photos from battlegrounds in Ukraine or Syria—these are from Paris, the erstwhile city of love and light, transformed into another stage for conflict in the aftermath of two years of terror attacks and heightened security and anxiety. photo 1: Nous Somme le Peule Qui Manque [We Are the Missing People]. Rue de Chaligny. Paris, May 26, 2016. Nearly three months after the first gatherings, the demonstrations became… …

Global movement

Protesting intervention at the American Consulate General in Thessaloniki- Anarchist Federation in Greece

The visit of the outgoing US President Barack Obama to Greece is anything but ceremonial. Apart from the strong symbolic weight of the visit of an American president on the eve of the Athens Polytechnic uprising anniversary (and, what is more, under a self-proclaimed “left-wing” government), the content of Obama’s visit could be actually summed up in the phrase “business as usual”; a type of business, however, that, as we… …

Local movement

Ποια νέα γενιά εκπροσωπεί η κυρία Αχτσιόγλου;

  Έντονη συζήτηση έχει ανοίξει τις τελευταίες μέρες για την τοποθέτηση στο υπουργείο Εργασίας της 31χρονης Έφης Αχτσιόγλου. Από τη μεριά της κυβέρνησης, η επιλογή αυτή δέχεται ιδιαίτερης στήριξης. Ο ίδιος ο πρωθυπουργός, στο πρώτο υπουργικό συμβούλιο αναφέρθηκε ιδιαίτερα στο «μεγάλο βάρος της διαπραγμάτευσης στα εργασιακά» που «θα το επωμιστεί μία νέα συνάδελφος αλλά εξαιρετικά ικανή, που αναλαμβάνει το χαρτοφυλάκιο Εργασίας και είμαι βέβαιος ότι θα έχει τη στήριξη όλων… …

Global movement

Basic income most subversive idea in politics How much is just enough? by Mona Chollet / Ελάχιστο εγγυημένο εισόδημα: Μια επαναστατική ιδέα… ή μήπως όχι; – Mona Chollet

Language: English / Ελληνικά The basic income — paid to all, and for life — is now a fashionable idea across Europe. But would it supplement welfare or replace it? Olli Kangas, a director at Finland’s social insurance body, Kela (1), says: ‘To talk about a basic income without being specific is like talking about getting a kitten without saying whether you mean a cat or a tiger.’ Over the last… …

Global movement

From neoliberalism to ecologism: what needs to happen next? Nick Meynen

The alternatives to neoliberalism – including a new community type of agriculture and community-owned green energy, local currencies, peer-to-peer networks and a sharing economy – are already here and unfolding right now. All we need is a revolution writes NICK MEYNEN TTIP, bargain sales of crown jewels of states, Panama-Paper-scale tax evasions, fast-tracks for dirty mining companies in Greece, expulsions to make place for Special Economic Zones and new zones… …

Void Network News

REFUGEES WELCOME! DUB UNITY Reggae Dub | Hip Hop | Drum n Bass SAT. 13/2/2016 OCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS athens

Occupied Accomodation Area for Refugees and Immigrants (Notara 26-Exarchia) People’s Solidarity Initiatives  REFUGEES WELCOME!No One is IllegalDUB UNITYReggae Dub | Hip Hop | Drum n BassSAT. 13/2/2016 Eλεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣOCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS(R.Palamidi 2 / Psiris area / athens)starts at 23.00dj booker (hip hop) golden child (hip hop)natural reaction ft junior x (dub roots)dub riots ft . bluez < live >  (dub roots -steppers)insp – i – ration soundsystem (dub)basik 1 (drum n… …


“Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us”, Paul Verhaeghe

We tend to perceive our identities as stable and largely separate from outside forces. But over decades of research and therapeutic practice, I have become convinced that economic change is having a profound effect not only on our values but also on our personalities. Thirty years of neoliberalism, free-market forces and privatisation have taken their toll, as relentless pressure to achieve has become normative. If you’re reading this sceptically, I… …

Global movement

No System but the Ecosystem: Earth First! and Anarchism by Panagioti Tsolkas

There is a clear case to be made for the connection between ecology and anarchism.1 Many philosophers, academics, and radicals have elaborated this over the past two centuries2. But reviewing the history of this theoretical relationship is not the goal here. The movement surrounding anarchism in the past 200 years has certainly included its fair share of theory, yet what has rooted anarchist ideas so deeply in human society is… …

Global movement

“How to Uphold White Supremacy by Focusing on Diversity and Inclusion. Liberalism’s inherent racism.” by KYRA a Chinese-Amerikan trans woman working to create space for radical racial justice

Since the civil rights movement, white people have exploited every opportunity to conceal their colonialist legacy and longstanding (ab)use of white supremacist power. They’ve proven time and again that they have no interest in rectifying that history, only in dealing with the fact that they could no longer deny the reality of those injustices. One effective tactic has been to separate white supremacy and colonialism from the way racism is… …

Void Network News

For the Commons of Freedom / Open Public Talk at Occupied Theatre Embros. Athens// ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΚΟΙΝΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ ΟΜΙΛΙΑ | ANOIXTH ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗ

ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ[Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες]ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΚΟΙΝΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣΟΜΙΛΙΑ | ANOIXTH ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ 3/2/2015 ΩΡΑ: 21.00 Ελεύθερο ΑυτοδιαχειριζόμενοΘέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣΡ. ΠΑΛΑΜΗΔΗ 3 | ΨΥΡΡΗ, ΑΘΗΝΑ Ο καθηγητής Πολιτικής Θεωρίας Αλέξανδρος Κιουπκιολήςμιλά με αφορμή το βιβλίο του «Τα Κοινά της Ελευθερίας»που κυκλοφορεί από τις εκδόσεις ΕξάρχειαΑπό το Κενό Δίκτυοθα μιλήσουν ο συγγραφέας Γ. Ραουζαίος& o διδ. Πολιτικής Φιλοσοφίας Γ. Σωτηρόπουλος Τα «κοινά», οι συλλογικοί, φυσικοί και πολιτισμικοί πόροι που διαχειριζόμαστε… …

Global movement

The West is Manufacturing Muslim Monsters. Who Should be Blamed for Muslim Terrorism? by ANDRE VLTCHEK

photos from Afghanistan in 70s, before CIA promoting Islam fundamentalists   A hundred years ago, it would have been unimaginable to have a pair of Muslim men enter a cafe or a public transportation vehicle, and then blow themselves up, killing dozens. Or to massacre the staff of a satirical magazine in Paris! Things like that were simply not done. When you read the memoirs of Edward Said, or talk… …


“The End of Money” by Daniel Pinchbeck

  The current economic crisis may be another bump on capitalism’s always dizzying terrain, or it may signal epochal changes. The crisis of the financial markets has taken on gargantuan proportions. This spring saw the emergency sale of Bear Stearns, the fifth largest financial institution on Wall Street, to JP Morgan for a paltry sum by “Master of the Universe” standards, including its flashy corporate headquarters and thousands of employees.… …

Global movement

Touching the heart: about the blackmail concerning ‘the immigrants’

During the last 10 years, a lot of comrades in different countries have participated in the struggle around the question of migration, whether it be about the struggle of paperless people to get regularized, the struggle around housing in poor neighbourhoods, the struggle against raids on the street and on the public transport or the struggle against the detention centres. Often these have led to a repetition of certain impasses… …

Void Network News

ΜETA TIΣ ΣΥΓΚΡΟΥΣΕΙΣ; Aνοιχτή Συζήτηση με την συλλογικότητα CRIMETHINC (Η.Π.Α.) / θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Δευτ. 22/9/2014 AFTER THE CREST Open Assembly with the collective CRIMETHINC in Athens Greece

Occupy Planet Earth 2011 ΜETA TIΣ ΣΥΓΚΡΟΥΣΕΙΣ; Τι κάνουμε την περίοδο ανάμεσα στις Ταραχές;Με ποιο τρόπο συνεχίζουμε  και επεκτείνουμε την κοινωνική εξέγερση; ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΞΕΓΕΡΣΗΣ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ  22 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 2014 ΩΡΑ: 20.30 ΚΑΤΕΙΛΗΜΜΕΝΟ  ΘΕΑΤΡΟ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Ρ.ΠΑΛΑΜΗΔΗ 2 ΨΥΡΡΗ Τα τελευταία χρόνια, σε πολλές περιοχές του κόσμου ξέσπασαν εκρήξεις διαμαρτυρίας στις οποίες μεγάλα πλήθη ξεχύθηκαν οργισμένα στους δρόμους.   Οι ξεσηκωμοί πήραν διάφορες μορφές αλλά ακόμα και στις πλέον… …


WHY RIOT? — by Phil A. Neel / Ultra magazine

Two years ago in Seattle, on May 1st, 2012, roughly four to five hundred people engaged in the largest riot the city had seen in more than a decade. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of property were destroyed[i], a minor state of emergency was declared, and the next day’s headlines were filled with horror stories of crazy, “out-of-town” anarchists run amok. This event, occurring on the tail end of the… …

Void Network News


ΑΝΟΙΧΤΟ ΚΑΛΕΣΜΑ ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΑΤΑΛΗΨΗ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ! To Kενό Δίκτυο στα πλαίσια της συμμετοχής του στο Αντιφασιστικό Φεστιβάλ Παραστατικών Τεχνών θα ήθελε να ευχαριστήσει θερμά  τους περίπου 200 καλλιτέχνες που παρουσίασαν το έργο τους, τους 40 πολιτισμικούς ακτιβιστές που έφεραν εις πέρας την τεράστια παραγωγή και τους 10.000 ανθρώπους που συμμετείχαν σε αυτή την μεγάλη γιορτή ελευθερίας. Για 10 μέρες η κατάληψη ΕΜΠΡΟΣ έγινε ένας πολύ ισχυρός φάρος πολιτισμού, κοινωνικής ευαισθητοποίησης… …


Spain’s Micro-Utopias: The 15M Movement and its Prototypes

Dear comrade, for sure there are a lot of projects In this article that Void Network  disagree with them or we could critisize them as naive, non antagonistic, alternative or passive. But we have to agree that there is a lot of inspiration, a lot of creative effort, a lot of fantasy and many many good intentions in all these projects that this article includes. It is the work of… …


“Contemporary Nihilism” an essay On Innocence Organised / by ADILKNO, the foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge

With the emergence of a privileged mediocrity, the innocent life became accessible to the masses. No longer was joe average part of a class striving to historical ends, e.g. revolution or fascism; enter a cold era, now devoid of passion. While outside, storms raged and changerapidly followed change, one’s own life was left to grind to a halt.Time, regardless of history, fashion, politics, sex and the media, was to take… …


Social violence and anti-social violence: Emma Goldman

“To analyze the psychology of political violence is not only extremely difficult, but also very dangerous. If such acts are treated with understanding, one is immediately accused of eulogizing them. If, on the other hand, human sympathy is expressed with the Attentäter, one risks being considered a possible accomplice. Yet it is only intelligence and sympathy that can bring us closer to the source of human suffering, and teach us… …


Slavoj Žižek: “Trouble in Paradise” On the protests in Turkey and Greece

In his early writings, Marx described the German situation as one in which the only answer to particular problems was the universal solution: global revolution. This is a succinct expression of the difference between a reformist and a revolutionary period: in a reformist period, global revolution remains a dream which, if it does anything, merely lends weight to attempts to change things locally; in a revolutionary period, it becomes clear… …


“Wrong to work! Two perspectives on the abolition of work” by Joseph Kay

ALL MUST WORK! declares the cabinet of millionaires. ‘Workers not shirkers!’, they implore. ‘Strivers not skivers!’ The divide-and-rule rhetoric trying to pit those in work against those without is as relentless as it is transparent. But what’s so good about work anyway? Junge Linke’s short piece nicely skewers how attempts to mobilise resentment of claimants and the unemployed undermine even those in work who aren’t claiming benefits. What I’d like to focus… …


“Beyond the Impossible” by Raoul Vaneigem 2012

“To deny society, one must attack its language.” – Guy Debord. The impossible is a closed universe. Nevertheless, we possess the key to it and, as we’ve suspected for millennia, its door opens on a field of infinite possibilities. More than ever, this field belongs to us, to explore and cultivate. The key is neither magic nor symbolic. The ancient Greeks called it “poetry,” from the verb poiein, to construct,… …


Creating Common Wealth and Cracking Capitalism: A cross-reading by John Holloway’s, Michael Hardt / Tony Negri’s books

In the first of a two part correspondence, John Holloway and Michael Hardt discuss some common themes that have emerged from their most recent books “Crack Capitalism” and “CommonWealth” and touch of the topics of organisation, democracy and institutionalism. The second part of the exchange will be published in Issue 15 of Shift magazine. July 2010 Dear John,One of the things I love about ‘Crack Capitalism’, which it shares with… …

Void Network News

Short Film Report From Madrid: “Madrid On The Brink: S25 → S29” by Brandon Jourdan

Madrid On The Brink: S25 → S29 from brandon jourdan on Vimeo. Void Network presents the short film report  from Madrid :  “Madrid On The Brink: S25 → S29″ by Brandon Jourdan This short film chronicles the events of September 25-29th in Madrid, Spain where tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to demand the resignation of the government and an end to police brutality. Many of the protests ended in clashes with the police.Since the… …


“Democracy kidnapped” in Spain

   Thousands marched yesterday in Spain near the parliament building, demanding the resignation of Mariano Rajoy’s government as well as the rewrite of constitution. The police have fired rubber bullets and baton-charged protesters. Spanish media reported that at least 32 people were detained and more than a dozen injured. The protesters dispersed after MPs left the building. A demonstrator, Montse Puigdavall spoke at BBC: I’m here because of all the social… …


“Sustainable Prosperity: A Greek Perspective II” by Michalis Theodoropoulos

In Worldwatch Institute Europe’s second article examining the current situation in Greece we explore the particularities behind the current social situation, the ongoing changes taking place within Greek society and the notion of sustainable prosperity as viewed from a Greek standpoint.Worldwatch researcher Eirini Glyki [ ] interviews Michalis Theodoropoulos [ ], European Parliament assistant for the Greek Green Ecologists and responsible for environmental, food safety and health issues:… …

Global movement

Riot, Si Se Puede by Lilprole / Complete Report from the people’s struggles in Arizona U.S.A.

  Riot, Si Se Puede! [by lilprole] by lilprole Special to Phoenix Class War Council “[When] we permit the police, Klan and Nazis to terrorize whatever sector of the population they wish without repaying them back in kind. In short, by not engaging in mass organizing and delivering war to the oppressors, we become anarchists in name only.” -Kuwasi Balagoon Canisters are hurled into the sky, exploding into smoke as… …

Void Network News

International Call Against Cop15 United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen December 2009

The catastrophe is real and climate change is one of its many symptoms. The COP15’s inevitable talk of “saving the world from the climate crisis” is an elaborate hoax to disguise the COP15’s true purpose: to restore the legitimacy of global capitalism by inaugurating an era of “green” capitalism. A new rhetoric of “saving the climate” will exist to justify their repression, their fortified borders, their colonial resource wars. To… …

Global movement

Fight Against G-20 in Pittsburgh…What Happened There?

photos originaly from Reuters and Associated Press Void Network and Void Mirror international blog offers here analysis and review from Crimethic Ex Workers Collective about the riots took place in Pittsburgh-U.S.A. during the conference of G-20 there… As long as the “world leaders” and the financial elite will gather to organize the exploitation of human beings and the destruction of Earth, they will be allways sensitive and consciouss human beings… …

Global movement

The Tyranny Of The Clock by George Woodcock

THE TYRANNY OF THE CLOCK George Woodcock (1912-1995) In no characteristic is existing society in the West so sharply distinguished from the earlier societies, whether of Europe or the East, than in its conception of time. To the ancient Chinese or Greek, to the Arab herdsman or Mexican peon of today, time is represented by the cyclic processes of nature, the alternation of day and night, the passage from season… …

Global movement

From the Multitudes of Europe Rising Up Against the Empire and Marching

Wandering about the lack of serious invitations or preparations from the side of Italian Movement against the meeting of G8 leaders in Italy during July 2009,… as we are searching for voices of revolt and resistance in Italian society, as we observe the Italian antagonistic movement to follow the way of the Left parties into oblivion, as we observe the Italian fascists to take more and more power in Italy… …

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