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Article 19

Article 19 is a British human rights organization with a specific mandate and focus on the defense and promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of information worldwide founded in 1987.

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Latest posts by Article 19

11 July 2018

Iranian authorities arrest ‘Instagram celebrities’, in effort to assert control over social media


Iranian authorities announce plans to filter Instagram because of the evils of "Instagram celebrities". A few days later, the state broadcaster reveals the arrest of several "Instagram celebrities."

16 March 2018

Iranian Detainees Face Privacy Violations, Public Smear Campaigns


Two cases in Iran highlight new signs of violations of due process and in how personal electronic devices are seized and the right to privacy is violated.

8 March 2018

Evidence Says Iran Throttled Telegram Connections After January Protests


User reports and various data suggests even after the Iranian government removed censorship on the popular messaging and social media platform, they were still slowing down speeds.

23 January 2018

Protests Underscore the Potential Power of Iran's Access to Information Law


This is an opportune time to fully enforce efforts towards transparency after Iran's December-January protests. The first step must be a full implementation of Iran’s Access to Information law.

17 May 2017

Iran Elections 2017: Hassan Rouhani Ran on Openness. But What Did He Actually Achieve?


Hassan Rouhani has been both the candidate and President of "hope and moderation" for Iranians. Article 19's report assesses how this has had an affect on freedoms online.

28 March 2017

Iranians See Arrests and Intimidation of Telegram Administrators and Journalists Ahead of the Elections


Revolutionary Guards have previously attempted to limit Telegram's free flow of information with arrests for immoral or obscene content. This is the first time crackdowns have focused on political affiliation.

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