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Facebook admits it has been slow in addressing hate speech in Myanmar

"The ethnic violence in Myanmar is horrific and we have been too slow to prevent misinformation and hate on Facebook."

#FreeKhayrullo: Human rights groups demand justice for Tajik journalist facing trial

A bold and popular journalist is appealing a 12 year-sentence he received after speaking out against official corruption.

Facebook bans 196 pages in Brazil, attempting to rein in abuse and disinformation

Free Brazil Movement is accusing the platform of censoring right-wing groups.

Lebanon ramps up interrogations of online activists

“You cannot bring us up with a mentality of freedom and then try to oppress us.”

Condemnation of independence activist draws a red line for Hong Kong's press freedom

The Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents' Club is under fire for organizing a talk by independence activist Andy Chan.

Russians are facing criminal prosecution for sharing memes online, thanks to anti-extremism laws

Repressive laws and cumbersome bureaucracy are putting hundreds of Russians behind bars for sharing memes online.

Netizen Report: Bangladesh protests trigger mobile network cuts, journalist arrest

Venezuela goes after journalists' cameras after drone attack, Iran re-routes Telegram (to government servers) and Google tries to go back to China.

India's biometric ID system takes more heat, after Google admits it coded helpline numbers into Android phones

With a growing list of incidents of system malfunctions and personal data leaks, Aadhaar has failed to gain public trust.

As Malaysia's new government marks 100 days in office, is free speech still under threat?

"We hope to see a genuine departure from the old oppression, and a transition into a Malaysia where all ideas can be discussed peacefully and our constitutional rights exercised maturely."

Landmark ruling in Angola acquits journalist Rafael Marques of all charges

While Marques had been brought to court on previous occasions, this was the first time he was formally acquitted.