Mourinho’s Meltdown and Devils Due: Football Schmootball

The Curious Case of Mourinho’s Meltdown  10 games into the season, as you no doubt know, Mourinho’s chelsea sit an absurd 15th place in the league table. Now, there are a couple of interesting things here. The first of course is the meaninglessness of football predictions. Go back to the pre-season predictions from almost every football […]

3 Transfer Myths To Bust

 Now that the hoo-haa of the transfer window has died down, and the all consuming, incessantly earth shattering and delusionally life-affirming big bang event is over, I see a lot of myths being perpetrated in the aftermath, as everybody tries to jump onto the bandwagon of deeper meaning and the crazed hunt for game-changing events. […]

Moyes Has To Climb The Himalayas With a Rueful Smile

David Moyes must vacillate between feeling like he’s walking on water, and feeling like he’s tightrope walking across the grand canyon with vultures flying around him. For some his crime is not having refused the Man United top spot. For others he’s unproven in the Champions League.    Through pre-season, United have not hit any […]