The Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN) was formed in April of 2002 to provide support for the growing Refuser Movement in Israel. The initial impetus for the establishment of the RSN was the RSN members at Gaza checkpointCourage to Refuse members speak to soldiers at a Gaza checkpoint. Publication in January 2002 of the Combatants Letter by a group of 52 reserve officers, which later became Ometz Le’sarev or Courage to Refuse. RSN supports Combatants for Peace, Israeli organizations advocating peaceful resolution in Israel/Palestine and working to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories seized in 1967. A 501(c)3 charitable organization, RSN makes grants to refuser groups to support their work financially. RSN is funded entirely by contributions from individuals in the U.S. and around the world. Our mission is as follows:

RSN builds support for, seeks to increase the visibility of, and educates the public about the Israeli refuser movements, with the objective of working together with refusers to end Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.

We encourage you to spend time looking through the website. We offer many resources, giving you background about the Refuser Movement, and also materials you can download and use to educate others in your community.

We also help organize tours of Refusers all over the world. You can find out about tours in your area. You can also invite a Refuser to come to your city, town, community group or synagogue.

We also make it very easy for you to take action to support the Refusers.

Our deepest thanks in advance for your support!

—The Refuser Solidarity Network


What Does a Solidarity Community for Israel Do?
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What Does a Solidarity Community for Israel Do?

A solidarity community for Israel can be defined as one of the biggest communities in the world. This particular community will be found so easily in so many various countries, which can be ranging from the United States of America to India. Basically, this kind of community will plan several programs or activities in order to strengthen its bonds to the Israel. Yet, what does a solidarity community for Israel do precisely? Well, you can actually figure them out when you continue reading below.

What Does a Solidarity Community for Israel DoHere are several things that a solidarity community will really do to make its bonds with the country tighter. They are like:
– Learn the history of Israel
In order to make the bonds of the members of the Israel solidarity community stronger and stronger, there are so many communities that will learn the history of the country. This specific activity has been focused on visiting some important historical places related to the country, which can be like Galicia Museum, the Wawel royal Castle, Temple Synagogue (Jewish Community Center), and so many more still. All of them are actually the amazing and wonderful places where you can find out all about Israel and Jew right from the trusted sources. So then, you will get the information of how the Israelis live and develop themselves to be the great society in the world. Aside of that, this activity can also be the perfect vacation as you can explore many other fabulous and remarkable landmarks there.

the Oscar Schindler Factory Museum– Remembering and honoring
Moreover, the other thing that a solidarity community for Israel will do is that it will always remind you to remember and honor the notable figures in the history of the country. There are so numerous important and influential people that you have to keep in your mind, such as a Polish proprietor named Tadeusz Pankiewics, Oscar Schindler (the Oscar Schindler Factory Museum), Victor Frankl, Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel, and so on. Each of them had fought so greatly to survive during the darkest time in the countrys history for sure.

In conclusion, those are some of the things that an Israeli solidarity does to make sure that they can never lose their bonds with the country. So then, all of the members of the will definitely be able to always close to the country that they really care about. Thus, hopefully, it can make the better connection for both of the counties and the people.

How to Join a Solidarity Community for Israel
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How to Join a Solidarity Community for Israel

Joining a solidarity community for Israel is such a very nice idea that you have to do mainly if you really care about that particular country. This kind of community will definitely give you the chance to give the optimal contribution to the people of Israel. So then, you can give you hand and spread some goodness to the others across the sea. Then, in case you are so interested in being a part of this community, there are several things that you have to do surely. Fortunately, you can follow these some steps below to make it easier.

– Fill out the application
The beginning step that you have to do when you want to join a solidarity community for Israel is register yourself by filling out the application. Actually, there are two different types of application that you have to complete, which are the online application and the printable application. In this case, you can get the online application by accessing the official website that you want to join. Then, you just need to give the basic information that is required by the community, which can be like name, address, residence identity card number, phone number, and so on. Then, do not ever forget to click the “submit” button. Afterwards, you have to download the printable application which is so necessary mainly if you want to do a mission to Israel. There are lots information that you have to write on this application form, which can be ranging from your personal information to flight arrangement and requests. So, you have to make sure that you do not miss any before you submit it.

How to Join a Solidarity Community for Israel– Submit important documents
Furthermore, the next thing that you have to do is to submit the other important documents which one of them is the release form. This release form, which will be about your approval that you can take all the risks and consequences that might happen if you decide to join a mission, can be downloaded so easily from the official website of your community. So, after giving your approval, do not ever forget to prepare some other documents such as a copy of your passport and the complete application form. Next, you have to send them to the specific address of the community. Lastly, you just need to wait for the confirmation from the community related to your membership or any further requirements.

Solidarity Community for Israel: The Programs
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Solidarity Community for Israel: The Programs

It will always be a very great idea for you to be the part of the solidarity community for Israel especially if you really care about this country. This particular community will definitely allow you to get involved in so various notable programs. In the other words, you can dedicate yourself in spreading the goodness to the people in Israel for sure. Then, what are the programs of the community actually? In case you really want to figure the answers out, you better keep reading below.

There are so numerous programs that a solidarity community for Israel will do. Some of them are:
• Grant for Young Adult Israel Programs
Grant for Young Adult Israel Programs can be defined as one of the most substantial things which will be focused on participating in the educational programs in Israel. It will definitely provide the notable fund for the junior and senior high school students, which can be up to $3,000. All of it will suit your requirements and needs so well in order to support you based on your education level in the best way possible, which can be ranging from the regular fees to the program cost. So, it is so obvious that it will prevent you from diving in to your pocket too deep and any other financial issues.

Solidarity Community for Israel The Programs• Post High School Israel Subsidy
Aside of that, there will be the Post High School Israel Subsidy that will give nice fund to the school graduates, which can be as big as $4,000. Well, you can get the maximum extra fund that can be up to $1,000 when you also get the maximum fund during your junior or senior high school period. This addition has been estimated as well as possible to support your learning process at the university perfectly. That is the main reason why all of the financial support will only cover the cost of the program that you choose. So, there are some other expenses that you have to pay off yourself still while studying in Israel.

After putting it all together, those are some of the excellent programs that a solidarity community for Israel can offer to you. Actually, it is so much recommended for you to apply for one of those programs. So then, you will be able to pursue the bigger and better chances to get the best quality education in Israel with the affordable costs. Thus, in the end, you can really increase your opportunity to have the brighter career in the future.

Solidarity Community for Israel: The Activities
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Solidarity Community for Israel: The Activities

A solidarity community for Israel is a particular group who really want to always keep its bonds to Israel. Most of them will have some specific missions to supports their goals that have been existed for quite long time. Actually, there are so many missions that can make the group able to attract the people to join it for sure. Aside of that, you can also find so various activities that this community can offer to you. Then, do you really want to find out what they are? If you do, it will be so much recommended for you to keep reading below.

Here are some nice activities that a solidarity community for Israel commonly does, which can be like:
• Vital funding
One of so numerous activities have been done by the solidarity community for Israel is vital funding. This particular activity will be focused on helping the elderly, new immigrants, and all of the Israeli population who lives with risks and threats. All of the fund will be provided through the trusted institutions such as the World ORT, the Joint Distribution Committee, Jewish Agency for Israel, and so on. So then, you can really make sure that all of the needed people will get what they deserve surely. By doing so, hopefully, all of the members of the community are able to reduce the burdens that many unfortunate people in Israel have to bear.

Solidarity Community for Israel The Activities• Financial support
Furthermore, the other activity that a solidarity community for Israel will do is giving the financial support. This excellent thing will be emphasized on providing some bursaries for them who are so interested in learning about Israel through performances and lectures. In this other words, it will definitely give you the best funding so that you can meet all of your requirements when you learning periods in the high school or university. Thus, in the end, you can see that it can be a very great benefit which makes you want to be the part of the bigger and greater community in the future.

In conclusion, those are some of the notable activities of a solidarity community for Israel. All of them can be the remarkable ways the community has to do in order to strengthen their bonds to the country. So then, all of the members of the community can have the same good roles to keep the bonds tight time after time.