South Korea Seeks Peace With North: Will US Sanction Seoul?

Are the neocons running circles around President Trump? His Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has opposed the president’s moves to open dialogue with North Korea from the get-go. Now he has managed to scuttle a visit to Pyongyang by showing Trump a letter from a North Korean official that is reported to be “belligerent.” That was enough for Trump to cancel Pompeo’s trip. Meanwhile, South Korea is pursuing good relations with the North regardless of US backtracking. Washington is reportedly considering sanctions on its South Korean ally if Seoul continues on a peace path with Pyongyang. More on this bizarre turn of events in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Another False Flag Gas Attack for Syria? Bolton Warns of Massive US Response

The neocons are not going to give up on their obsession with “regime change” in Syria. Over the weekend National Security Advisor John Bolton all but called for another “chemical attack” in Syria to justify what he promise would be a massive US strike on Damascus. Sen. McCain may be gone, but his neocon policy lives on. On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

See Ya, John (McCain) by Peter Van Buren

It’ll always be too soon, won’t it?

Glorifying McCain as a war hero allows us to imagine away the sins of Vietnam by making ourselves the victim. He encouraged unjust war in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria and more as a cornerstone of his career.

When given the chance, he sold out and took Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate, enabling a change in the GOP and political discourse we are still paying for and he is responsible.

Continue reading “See Ya, John (McCain) by Peter Van Buren”

The US Must Stop Enabling Saudi Coalition War Crimes in Yemen

Originally appeared on The American Conservative.

The Norwegian Refugee Council condemned yesterday’s airstrike on civilians fleeing Hodeidah:

We are appalled by conflict that appears entirely ungoverned by the laws of war and astounded at the silence of the many governments enabling it. We cannot comprehend any possible moral justification for killing civilians fleeing to safety as their towns become battlegrounds.

The coalition’s Hodeidah offensive is forcing residents to flee by the hundreds of thousands. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), over half of the city’s population of 600,000 has been uprooted and forced to flee. Yesterday more than 30 of those people were blown up in another senseless, illegal coalition attack. Hodeidah’s residents are caught in a nightmarish situation: if they stay, they risk bombings, starvation, and disease, and if they flee they risk all of the same things. The coalition’s blatant disregard for civilian lives puts innocent Yemenis at risk of being killed no matter where they go.

Continue reading “The US Must Stop Enabling Saudi Coalition War Crimes in Yemen”

Ron Paul interviews Rep. Thomas Massie on Russia, Sanctions, and Tariffs

Why is Congress so obsessed with starting a new Cold War with Russia? Are they all gripped by group-think? Who do sanctions hurt most? And how can people visit with Rep. Thomas Massie and Ron Paul later this month? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report with a very special guest!

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.