Stop the Wall

The Stop the Wall Campaign’s aim to tear down the Wall is aligned with the Palestinian desire for liberation—for those of us inside and in exile, the young and old, those who have died, and those yet to be born.

We are a grassroots movement uniting the struggle of the popular committees in the villages, refugee camps and cities struggling against the Wall and the settlements and the efforts of Palestinian civil society.  

Our call is to:

  • Stop the Wall
  • Dismantle parts already built
  • Return all lands confiscated for the Wall
  • Compensate for all losses.

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Click here for the full Call.

Click here to see an overview of the #WorldwithoutWalls 2017 mobilization.

#WorldwithoutWalls 2018 on its way....

After the powerful coming together of struggles for a #WorldwithoutWalls in 2017, this year we renew our call for InterAction, November 9 2018.

We are many, we are everywhere and we are building every day a #WorldwithoutWalls.



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The Latest From Palestine

On August 11, Nabi Saleh hosted some 700 people that gathered for a one day event, dominated by the power of a new generation of women in struggle. The festival honoured Palestinian prisoners and reinforcing resolve no Israeli repression will stop popular resistance.

On Friday, July 27, in Rio de Janeiro, a full day of initiatives against militarism in Latin America is being organized under the title “United Struggles Against Militarization, from Latin America to Palestine”.

On Monday, the Israeli High Court issued a decision to delay the demolition of Khan Al-Ahmar, the Palestinian Bedouin Community East of Jerusalem until July 17.

Palestinian lawyers representing the residents of Khan al-Ahmar village in the West Bank filed a petition last week, claiming that no eviction orders had been given to the residents.

The community of Khan al Ahmar and the popular resistance in Palestine has won a small but significant battle against Israeli ethnic cleansing. The occupation forces have to stop their onslaught until July 11. Your action is crucial now! 

Since yesterday, Israeli bulldozers and some 300 Israeli military and intelligence officers have started the full scale onslaught to destroy the Bedouin community of Khan el Ahmar. People are still resisting and need your support! 

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New Resources

After the powerful coming together of struggles for a #WorldwithoutWalls in 2017, this yearwe renew our call for InterAction, November 9 2018. Israel's brutal gunning down of Palestinian protestors that have been marching on March 30 nonviolently towards and prayed along the militarized fencing that is part of the wall structure imposing since over a decade the brutal siege on the occupied Gaza Strip is a stark reminder for the urgency of action. 

We want to continue to bring together our struggles and experiences, challenge the policies that build the walls in front of our struggles for justice and end the architecture of impunity that shields corporations enabling, facilitating and profiting from the construction and growth of visible and invisible walls of injustice.

As at least 15 Palestinian civilians have ben killed and over 1200 injured as they were marching unarmed to the Wall that enforces the brutal siege on Gaza, the #WorldwithoutWalls delegation of organizers fighting the US-Mexico border wall that visited Palestine to learn about Palestinian resistance against Israel's apartheid Wall, releases its statement of solidarity. 


On April 10, about 100 activists from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro held a protest against the 2018 edition of the LAAD, the International Corporate Security Trade Fair, which takes place this week in São Paulo. Known as “Fair of Death”, this is the biggest weapon trade market in Latin America and includes many Israeli companies as exhibitors.