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  • Post 911 Blues

    by Leon
    20th August, 2006 at 7:49 pm    

    This is catchy and funny!


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    Filed in: Humour

    134 Comments below   |  

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    1. Tony Montana — on 20th August, 2006 at 8:23 pm  

      Do you really think it’s funny and catchy leon?

      I think it’s lame, sub goldie-looking-chain shite, and just another Muslim victimhood whine. Obvious ‘jokes’, forced humour, shit beats, crap all around.

      One day, a Muslim rapper or artist will address why fascism of a murderous and nihilistic kind has arisen from within the Muslim community and I will pay my respect to them. That will take guts and honesty.

      In the meantime, we have Oxford University chumps ‘spitting rhymes’ about Bush and blah blah blah whilst their co-religionists plot to wreck our tolerant multicultural society and it does not even make them scratch their head or curious as to why Nazis in the name of their religion want to do that, or challenge that very fascist ideology that comes from members of their community.

      Nothing to worry about, no fascism, no extremism, no racist murderousness, just rap about how Muslims are victims of a global conspiracy ad nauseum.

      But at least he’s not as ugly as Aki Nawaz the Jihadi Spaz.

      (apologies for politically incorrect rhyme there but he is a King Twat and I couldnt resist)

    2. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 8:42 pm  

      I’m glad that Muslims in this country like this are actually beginning to mock and challenge Islamic terrorism and the sometimes brutally enforced patriorachal culture they live in, rather than just focus on the governments anti-terrorism efforts or the war on Iraq.

      Oh they didn’t.

    3. leon — on 20th August, 2006 at 8:47 pm  

      Yep, I thought it was amusing but then I appreciate satire as much as the next man.;)

    4. Sunny — on 20th August, 2006 at 8:51 pm  

      One day, a Muslim rapper or artist will address why fascism of a murderous and nihilistic kind has arisen from within the Muslim community and I will pay my respect to them.

      Ahhhh yes. When a Muslim points out the stupidity of this government’s actions or its wars abroad, he is whining. And he is only worthy of respect if he addresses what you want him to.

    5. Katy Newton — on 20th August, 2006 at 8:57 pm  

      One day, a Muslim rapper or artist will address why fascism of a murderous and nihilistic kind has arisen from within the Muslim community and I will pay my respect to them.

      Yes, and whilst he or she is doing that perhaps you’ll sit down and think about why the non-Muslim community in this country has regressed to the level of refusing to fly in the same plane as two brown men because they’re speaking a funny language and looking at their watches a lot. It cuts both ways, you know.

    6. Rakhee — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:04 pm  

      Katy, I could kiss you for saying that.

    7. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:05 pm  

      Yes, and whilst he or she is doing that perhaps you’ll sit down and think about why the non-Muslim community in this country has regressed to the level of refusing to fly in the same plane as two brown men because they’re speaking a funny language and looking at their watches a lot. It cuts both ways, you know.

      non-Muslim community in this country has regressed to the level of refusing to fly in the same plane as two brown men

      Katy it’s you’ve just lumped 58 million people all in the same category. But that’s ok, they’re mostly white.

      Anyway I think Charles Johnson says it best

      Haven’t authorities told us over and over to be vigilant and trust our instincts in these situations? Yet now we have a UK Homeland Security spokesperson denigrating British citizens for doing exactly that.

      I suppose it’s one view to say the passengers were behaving irrationally. But you could also look at it as evidence that people are beginning to distrust their governments’ ability to protect them, because of the politically correct touchy-feely multiculturalism they can see all around.

      As long as we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings, that’s the important thing. Passengers will profile when they believe there’s a chance their families lives are at stake. The government won’t. Snigger if you will at their primitive conclusions.

    8. Katy Newton — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:05 pm  

      *puckers up*

    9. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:09 pm  

      Do you Katy, sincerely trust airport security so much that you will deny your instincts? Okay, they were wrong in this instance.

      But I think it’s incredibly patronising for you pass judgement on them when you weren’t there yourself.

      They wasn’t “Just brown and looking at their watches a lot”. Contrary to what you may believe, these to men did fit the profile of Muslim extremists. They were Asain, had Quranic beards, spoke arabic, and it seems were atcing shiftily. But, the real evil here is that the public acted on their “irrational” instincts.

    10. Katy Newton — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:11 pm  

      Katy it’s you’ve just lumped 58 million people all in the same category. But that’s ok, they’re mostly white.

      So do those YouGov polls you love to quote. A group of passengers on a plane from a popular holiday destination is about as good a cross-section of the British public as you’ll get, and I do not like what happened on that plane. I don’t want to be the next person who gets slung off because the other passengers don’t like my face.

      Snigger if you will at their primitive conclusions.

      Are you advocating flights segregated by colour? Because that’s the logical consequence of their “profiling”.

    11. Katy Newton — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:15 pm  

      As for air security, are you prepared to get on a train or a bus? If you are then you’re already taking a greater risk in terms of terrorism than you are by getting on a plane.

    12. Rakhee — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:15 pm  

      Hold up a minute Jonz,

      Trusting instincts and rightfully acting on a suspicion is one thing.

      Blatantly banning people from using a service on the grounds that they were ‘staring at the floor a lot’ and ‘moved from the back of the queue to the front’ (and yes, witnesses on ITV did actually say this) is UTTERLY ABSURD.

      There was no evidential reason which can support why these people were not allowed to travel.

      Charles is right to point out that we should trust our instincts in these circumstances. It isn’t right for authorities to allow those instincts to dictate the actions made against people in light of little or no evidence to support it.

      It’s a breach of human rights and it’s down-right racist. End of.

      ps Katy *mwah*

    13. Katy Newton — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:16 pm  

      Oh, they had beards!

      Evil Islamonazi beards!

      Beards of terror!


    14. leon — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:17 pm  

      Are you advocating flights segregated by colour? Because that’s the logical consequence of their “profiling”.

      Or worse non white planes and white planes. That story is disturbing on a number of levels. It’s bad enough intel agencies screw up but now every tom dick and harry can throw a fit to get rid of Asian looking people on planes? Idiocy, sheer idiocy.

    15. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:17 pm  

      Are you advocating flights segregated by colour? Because that’s the logical consequence of their “profiling”.

      Umm no? How is segregrating flights a logical consquence of targetting those more LIKELY to be doing wrong doing? A bit more stop & search?

      Question katy.

      Who is more likely to blow up a plane?

      a) A young asian man, with a straggly beard, muttering Arabic, and looking shifty and not interacting with the crowd around him at all.

      b) A chirpy blonde beautifician who doesn’t know her arse from her elbow, and keeps saying omigawd I hate flying.

      c) 1948

    16. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:20 pm  

      You all know I’m right!!

      I’m not adovating racist flights, and you know it. Just a tacit aknowledgement that stop & search etc will, inevitably, fit a certain profile. I’m not asking for seperate lines at airports or anything as draconian as that.

    17. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:25 pm  


    18. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:26 pm  


      “Contrary to what you may believe, these to men did fit the profile of Muslim extremists. They were Asain, had Quranic beards, spoke arabic, and it seems were atcing shiftily.”

      The Muslim extremist is one who is Asian, has a Quranic beard- whatever that means, and speaks Arabic? How many Muslim extremist in the U.K have had beards or have spoken Arabic? What does acting shiftily mean?

      If it is true that these are the criteria which the government uses to scrutinize possible terrorist than YES, they arent doing their job.

      Too bad.

    19. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:29 pm  

      a) A young asian man, with a straggly beard, muttering Arabic, and looking shifty and not interacting with the crowd around him at all.

      I’m as tired, stressed and bored as the next person when I’m struggling to get on a flight. Now I have to be chipper, engaging and efferverscent for your peace of mind j0nz?

      fuck off.

    20. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:32 pm  

      No Sid, but muttering in Arabic with a long Quranic beard and ignoring everybody else won’t do you any favours. It would probably make other Muslims feel a tad disconcerted.

      I’m just saying Sid. You know I’m right. I’m not saying you should be treated as second class or anything like that. Read what I have said.

    21. Chairwoman — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:34 pm  

      “A chirpy blonde beautifician who doesn’t know her arse from her elbow, and keeps saying omigawd I hate flying”

      jonz - So you too have flown with my niece!

    22. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:34 pm  

      It’s not for piece of mind, Sid.

      It’s so I don’t get blown into pieces. I’d rather be feel humiliated at the airport than get blown up. Kooky huh?

    23. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:36 pm  

      jonz - So you too have flown with my niece!

      LOL. She’s quite prolific isn’t she?!

    24. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:36 pm  


      Put it this way, if that is all that the government is looking for then it isnt being smart. One thing these terrorist are are smart, very smart.

      While you would like to argue the ideology of profiling, you better be able to prove its practicallity, usefulness, and its success. Just wanting to stick it to Asians Muslims on behalf of or indefense of great white Britian isnt going to make you safer.

      While you sit around and argue the rightness of kicking people off planes, the terrorist will find another way, and another way, and another way, and another way.

    25. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:37 pm  

      It’s so I don’t get blown into pieces. I’d rather be feel humiliated at the airport than get blown up. Kooky huh?

      And no doubt you’d fly guilt free knowing some brown person’s holiday has been fucked so that you can enjoy yours. Kooky? No, just racist.

    26. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:40 pm  

      I will say it again:

      Passengers, any passengers are not responsibile for the safety of the plane. The airline is responsible, or in my country, USA we sometimes have air marshalls. Now if a passenger fears that the planes security has been breached he/she/they, should get off and fly with a competitor. Thats business. If an airline doesnt appeal to the concerns of their potential customers, they should go with a competitor that they believe has taken the proper security cautions.

      No passengers are allowed to decide who flies. Security has that job. If they make security, they should fly. If a person doesnt feel comfortable with those fellow passengers who have made security, they get up, get off, and fly with a competitor. Done and Done. Thank the free market for allowing you so many choices.

    27. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:41 pm  

      Calm down Sid. I’d feel genuinely sorry for those two guys. But I am not about denounce the behaviour of the passengers as evil, obnoxious and racist. Let’s not get hysterical.

      I blame the government and authorities, they hardly inspire confidence sometimes, do they?

      Also we don’t know the situation - we weren’t there. Maybe they would have scared the shit out of you too, Sid.

    28. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:43 pm  


      if you’re are scared to fly amongst people you decide you don’t want to, I think its incumbent on YOU to get off the flight and not force others to.

    29. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:45 pm  

      Oh and BTW, if anything encapsulates the definition of racism, it is this. Accept it, if you can.

    30. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:47 pm  

      Bikhair you’re the last person I would have expected to come out in defence of the free market and the security services. It does kind of make sense what you say.

      The whole incident is unfortunate. But let’s not kid ourselves, if those (allegeded and all that) 24 Muslims hadn’t conspired to blow up 9 Airliners - this incident is very unlikely to have happened… So maybe we should be directing our anger at the failures within … Oh I give up.

    31. Katy Newton — on 20th August, 2006 at 9:52 pm  

      I was just about to say what Bikhair said - leave it to the professionals and if you think they’ve got it wrong it’s you who should get off the plane.

      Bikhair you have stolen my thunder. Do not do that again, dammit.

    32. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:02 pm  


      Yes we should all direct our anger at the 24 Muslims who… Then we have to move on and direct our anger at the 24 millions Muslims who dont do enough of this, dont do enough of that, dont denouce this, look like that, come on planes with beards, speak Arabic, wear hijab, love Muhammed, read Quran, have family in Pakistan, are still Muslim, go to faith schools, eat kebab, go to Mosque, wear short trousers, wear long trousers, have arranged marriages, etc.

    33. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:05 pm  


      And why the hell do you only come out of your rat hole on these occasions. Youre like a broken record that cant even make the top 400. Seriously are you employed?

    34. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:07 pm  

      j0nz is despicable toe cheese of the most virulent sort.

    35. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:09 pm  

      Well Bikahir, as an atheist I do find religion, on the whole, pretty offensive to the intellect amongst other things.

      I am just glad that the majority of Muslims don’t take their koran too literally. Call me stupid, but I don’t see how reading the koran will bring about peace love and unity.

    36. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:11 pm  

      j0nz is despicable toe cheese of the most virulent sort.

      And am condemned to eternal hell fire as Allah hath blinded me to my terrible cheesey smell.

    37. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:29 pm  


      You should really start thinking and acting like a man. This is why I am under the impression that you dont have any employment.

      “Call me stupid, but I don’t see how reading the koran will bring about peace love and unity.”

      What is implied by the above is that if something, like the Quran doesnt bring about peace, love and unity, it should be either discarded, watered down, or not taken literally.

      “Silly things like democracy, freedom of speech, equal rights, science over superstition, art and music and self-expression.”

      The above doesnt bring about peace love and unity either. Should it be disregarded? I didnt think so. The point is peace love and unity sholdnt be goals in and of themselves. Children think that way, men dont. Get a job.

    38. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:44 pm  

      what a sad little man you are jonz, me old mucker.

    39. Old Pickler — on 20th August, 2006 at 10:45 pm  

      That bloke in the video is quite fit.

    40. Clairwil — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:06 pm  

      I found these interesting articles about Jonz below. He reminds me of my mother in so many ways.

    41. leon — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:09 pm  

      God, you can imagine the BNP going “right, everyone book flights and finger the nearest Paki to cause a stink and get us in the news!”…actually, probably not, they’ve never shown any talent for applied strategy or tactics…

    42. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:09 pm  


      For all those people who want British Muslims to place being British over being Muslim I think this was a proper British thing to do innit? Mocking your government? Now thats what I call intergration.

    43. leon — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:14 pm  

      Mocking your government? Now thats what I call intergration

      Ha ha well said!

    44. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:28 pm  

      Anyway back to the music video… There’s loads of Muslim music videos at YouTube for your edification and amusment!

      This is hilarious.

      Muslim culture is keen on promoting gender equality when it comes to music videos as Deeyah will tell you

      Some other great Muslim contributions to the music video scene

    45. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:34 pm  

      Jonz, nice manboobs.

      here’s an Islamophobic site you link to from your blog:

      No music on there though.

    46. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:37 pm  

      Ok… umm.. and your devasting point is?!!

      Sid you co-religionists have commited over 5,620 terror attacks since 9/11. Next.

    47. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:40 pm  

      Iraqi civilians killed this year by Islamic Terrorists

    48. leon — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:40 pm  

      jonz, this isn’t a serious thread (it’s still the weekend dammit!), lay off the digs.

    49. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:43 pm  


      Your flesh folds alone are the breeding ground of millions of virulent superbugs, mutating faster than the international pharmaceutical industry can endow R&D; budgets to develop anti-toxins. Thats what frightens the bejesus out of me.

    50. Clairwil — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:43 pm  

      Tee hee! I’m going to buy an burkha and hang about jOnz looking shifty. Anyone else want to join in the flash Muslim mobbing of jOnz. His blog messes with my eyesight, I’m hopping mad and out for revenge.

    51. jonz — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:45 pm  

      Sid started it! He told me to fuck off because Muslims are more likely to commit terrorist attacks than non-Muslims. Anyway, I’m off, too much peace and love on this thread.

    52. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:47 pm  

      And not enough pies, I suspect.

    53. Clairwil — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:50 pm  

      Poor jOnz! The man is backward enough to think ‘gay’ is an insult. Now he’s resorting to sarcasm of the lamest sort. Still I’m not one to resist the throwing down of a mitten or the spitting of a dummy. Does anyone else suspect jOnz dresses up as a baby for sex kicks in private.

    54. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:51 pm  

      You Guys,

      Dont laugh! Jonz may be very afraid. He has a right to be afraid and we shouldnt mock him or his fear. Some of his policy recommendations are completely ridiculous but that is a different story.

      We should encourage jOnz to more constructive and positive acts of surveillance and community building. You guys making fun of him will drive him into the arms of extremist. We should cultivate workable and practical ways in which jOnz can feel safe about his community and his neighbors.

    55. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:52 pm  


      You killed it.

    56. Sid — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:53 pm  

      killed what?

    57. Clairwil — on 20th August, 2006 at 11:54 pm  

      Aw! Bikhair, you’re making me feel guilty. Maybe I’m getting broody but I can’t see jOnz as anything other than a ticklish, fat toddler. They like being scared. Admit it, you just want to bounce him on your knee.

    58. Sunny — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:08 am  

      Does anyone else suspect jOnz dresses up as a baby for sex kicks in private.

      ha ha!

    59. Clairwil — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:12 am  

      Oh God don’t upset him. He’s turned his Wildean wit to my blog now. I’m terrified now I know that jOnz is cross with me.

    60. Bikhair aka Taqiyyah — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:14 am  


      the joke about Jonz and pie. You killed it means you did well. I laughed.

    61. jonz — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:31 am  

      the joke about Jonz and pie. You killed it means you did well. I laughed.

      Blimey Sid, even I know when they say “you killed it” means that’s really funny. I did go to North London uni ya know.

    62. mirax — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:32 am  

      Would Jonz’ views be any less objectionable if he was good-looking? I’ve always thought Jonz a twat but not because he is fat. This is unpleasant, irrelevant stuff.

    63. Don — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:40 am  

      I’m with Mirax. What the fuck is going on?

    64. Refresh — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:41 am  

      Can I write in support of j0nz.

      Bear in mind most of these holidaymakers would probably have been abroad at the time of the ‘John Reid Special’ and would have got their news intermittently and from newly arriving holidaymakers. And the only topic they would have been discussing was the delays at the airports and of course terrorism.

      Waiting at an airport in Spain for a flight at 3.00am is not great. Lots of tired children, and of course (from my experience) a bunch of drinkers. It would take only one person to start the rumours, and mass hysteria need not be far behind.

      I would not be hasty and condemn all the travellers, but would be very wary of people who initiate such behaviour. Rather than treat all the travellers with courtesy when reporters are interviewing them, I would pinpoint the ones that started the rumours and ask of them what and why. And if necessary their background. Yes, even propensity for racist behaviour.

      What is worrying is that people, supposedly, didn’t stand up in defence of these poor lads. In fact I happen to believe there would have been people there that would have spoken up in support of good common sense and decency. I would like to hear of and from these people.

      The British people as a rule do not let injustice stand.

      What I would go on to say to j0nz, from what I have heard of and from you (mainly from you), I would not want to share the same flight as you. I understand that a friend of your’s was a victim of the 7/7 bombing - and if it hadn’t been for a problem with your wrist, you two could have been a casualty.

      Having written the sort of material you have and the obsession with spreading hate, I would suggest counselling (I think I may have suggested that before). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a recognised condition and you may need help.

    65. Clairwil — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:43 am  

      His looks have nothing to do with his views. The fact that they are truly awful makes him easier to insult. That is all.

    66. jonz — on 21st August, 2006 at 12:56 am  

      Try clicking on Clairwil’s blog, where she wished me dead on her blog. Nice.

      I’ve always enjoyed commenting on PP, and and at times got into some very heated arguments, but never this personal before.

    67. Katy Newton — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:01 am  

      Well, it is very easy to get carried away with commenting and become personal because it is not face to face and you forget that there is a person that you’re addressing there, not just a screen.

    68. Don — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:04 am  

      So we’ve learned from Inigo not to identify yourself, and we’ve learned from j0nz not to let your pic get out there.

      Both quite depressing, but instructive.


      I agree with most of what you say, but I don’t see any reason not to ‘ treat all the travellers with courtesy’. If the panic was started by identifiable individuals, I’d much sooner they were asked to have a cup of tea and a chat with the people the two guys. But that’s the wishy-washy liberal coming out in me.

    69. Sunny — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:10 am  

      So we’ve learned from Inigo not to identify yourself, and we’ve learned from j0nz not to let your pic get out there.

      Hell, I got stick for weeks about my beard on CIF, but it hasn’t killed me yet.

    70. Katy Newton — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:13 am  

      If anything it has only made Sunny more determined to trim his beard with care.

    71. Refresh — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:16 am  


      “not to ‘ treat all the travellers with courtesy’”

      Yes a cup of tea - with lots of sugar at the airport before departure.

      But after the event, the reporters need to get to the bottom of this. If for no other reason than bringing some common sense to future silliness.

    72. Clairwil — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:16 am  

      Pah! jOnz, you’re such a child. ‘oooooh Clairwil wished me dead’! What a big baby you are. Get out out your high chair and learn to wrestle like the rest of us. You don’t get me greeting because you were too shit scared when the Dept of Hate went for you but you’re quite happy to turn up on my blog and slag me.

    73. Refresh — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:18 am  

      From an interview with a holidaymaker:

      “Two people didn’t look as if they belonged there.”

    74. Katy Newton — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:20 am  

      Clairwil believes in tough love.

      Clairwil, you know that Japanese logic puzzle your friend posted on his blog? Well, I can’t do it, and it is annoying me.

    75. Clairwil — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:22 am  

      Oh Katy you were foolish to attempt it. He put it there to annoy people. He’s a very bitter man.

    76. jonz — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:24 am  

      Sunny doesn’t it ever concern you that you’ll get some Hizb ut-Tahrir or MPAC guys give you some abuse if they see you out?

    77. Katy Newton — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:29 am  

      It is such a weird little puzzle. I am going to go and try to do it again.

    78. Katy Newton — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:31 am  

      Jonz, Sunny fears no one. He is one mean mofo.

    79. Refresh — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:34 am  

      “His wife, Jo Schofield, a college lecturer, said there was a “pin-drop’s silence” when the men entered the cabin, and that they were eventually led off by police, with their heads bowed, as people watched in silence. She said suspicion was aroused after a passenger had earlier claimed to have heard them say something alarming in Arabic.”

      To repeat - ‘heard them say something alarming in Arabic’

      How did, whoever was alarmed, know they were speaking Arabic? If they understood Arabic, what was said that was so alarming?

    80. Refresh — on 21st August, 2006 at 1:37 am  

      j0nz, this is what you are feeding into:

      Continuing from the report in the Independent:

      ‘She said she was “frightened” by how quickly people’s attitudes had changed and was worried for the future. “For years we have put a lot of time and effort as a society into making Britain culturally diverse and politically correct with equal opportunities and now people are changing their opinions.People are becoming frightened and are judging and labelling people,” Mrs Schofield said.’

    81. Kismet Hardy — on 21st August, 2006 at 2:05 am  

      (skim reads and decides)

      Jonz is a sex gimp?

    82. Sid — on 21st August, 2006 at 8:19 am  

      Oh come on, its only a bit of nipple-tweaking banter with jOnz. He knows I’m only pulling his rhubarb. Anyway, on jOnz, Andy Warhol said it best:

      “Even beauties can be unattractive. If you catch a beauty in the wrong light at the right time, forget it. I believe in low lights and trick mirrors. I believe in plastic surgery.”

    83. Old Pickler — on 21st August, 2006 at 10:09 am  

      Of course when people start making abusive personal comments, it is a sign that they have lost the argument. It has happened to me here, and I find it rather amusing.

      The case for profiling is overwhelming. Airport staff should not be spending their time frisking elderly nuns for the sake of political correctness when, simply as a matter of fact, the terrorists are far more likely to be male, 18-35, bearded and swarthy.

      The issue of profiling is a separate one from this “mutiny”. The incident is indeed unfortunate, but whose fault is it? And which community again and again denies any responsiblity?

    84. Bert Preast — on 21st August, 2006 at 10:25 am  

      Amusing. But filed under “irritating” rather than “catchy”.

    85. leon — on 21st August, 2006 at 5:37 pm  

      Hey it can be catchy and irritating (see that bloody Frosties advert)!

    86. ill man — on 21st August, 2006 at 9:41 pm  


      Well, yes I am…………

      Anyway, there is a solution which I will post up at some point. If I can remember what it was………..

      Katy, I found it all came together when I stopped thinking so hard about it.

    87. Sunny — on 21st August, 2006 at 9:47 pm  

      If anything it has only made Sunny more determined to trim his beard with care.

      Damn straight! If I’m gonna get beaten up at least I’ll have a well trimmed beard for the cameras.
      But to answer your question seriously, I’ve been threatened by Sikh, Hindu, BNP and Muslim fanatics, and usually I find them to be armchair activists. Saying that, if anyone did try anything with me I’ll make sure they regret it for the rest of their lives. :)

      Of course when people start making abusive personal comments, it is a sign that they have lost the argument.
      The same goes for racist comments OP.

    88. Katy Newton — on 21st August, 2006 at 11:48 pm  

      Hey illman and Clairwill, I just did the logic puzzle!

      It just suddenly worked! I had them all on the other side of the river doing their weird little straight-arm salutes. It was all a bit Third Reich actually.

      Of course, I’ve been trying to do it again and I can’t.

    89. ill man — on 22nd August, 2006 at 12:22 am  

      Yay Katy! I knew you’d get it. It’s one of those Eureka! moments when it all suddenly makes sense. Like you, I forgot how to do it again. Doh!

    90. Sunny — on 22nd August, 2006 at 1:33 am  

      Woohoo! I don’t know how but I did that puzzle too! Don’t ask me how though :|

    91. Kismet Hardy — on 22nd August, 2006 at 2:23 am  

      I can’t find the puzzle

      Somehow I doubt I’d be able to crack it if I can’t even find it

      Ooh ooh Kismet, do you think you can find your way out of this maze?

      I can’t find the maze

      I mean really. I wish I had friends

    92. Sharifa — on 22nd August, 2006 at 8:48 am  


      Going back to yr statistics..

      If tomorrow we see US/Brits pulling out of Iraq on grounds that Iraq is now in the midst of a civil war, would then subsequent death of Iraqi civilians by terrorists still be an accurate discription on the status of civilians versus terrorists?

      I am not leaning on that analogy that one woman’s terrorist is another woman’s freedom fighter.

    93. Old Pickler — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:57 am  

      The same goes for racist comments OP.

      You’re right. But I never lose arguments so I don’t make racist comments.

    94. ill man — on 22nd August, 2006 at 8:55 pm  

      Kismet, maybe it’s best you don’t find it……….

      It’s on the blog somewhere.

      Sunny, it’s a fiend, isn’t it?


    95. Kismet Hardy — on 22nd August, 2006 at 8:59 pm  

      That’s so cruel.

      Please show me the way to the puzzle

      I’m tired and I wanna go to bed

      Well I had meself a crack pipe an hour ago

      And it went straight to my head

    96. Don — on 22nd August, 2006 at 9:07 pm  


      This is the site;

      It’s Japanes, but Ill Man kindly provided these instructions;

      You have a mother, a father, two daughters, two sons, what looks like a child convict and a policeman. They have to get across the stream on a raft. Only two people may ride on the raft at any one time and you need at least one ‘adult’ per trip to pilot the raft. None of the family can be in the company of the convict without the policeman present (lest they be attacked), even stranger, no male child can be left with the mother without the prescence of the father (and vice versa).

      I would have got it, but my family ganged up and dragged me from the keyboard. It’s evil.

    97. Kismet Hardy — on 22nd August, 2006 at 9:23 pm  

      fuck. that’s christmas ruined

      I may be some time

    98. Kismet Hardy — on 22nd August, 2006 at 9:36 pm  


      I’m okay. i’ve nearly cracked it

    99. Katy Newton — on 22nd August, 2006 at 9:39 pm  

      Ya ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Ill man is right, it all comes together once you’ve stopped thinking about it. Which is unfortunate, because then when you think “Hurrah, I’ve cracked it” you suddenly realise that you cannot for the life of you remember how to do it.

    100. Don — on 22nd August, 2006 at 9:47 pm  

      I just got it. God, that was easy. All you have to do is, um …

    101. Kismet Hardy — on 22nd August, 2006 at 10:07 pm  

      Don you are officially my nemesis

    102. Don — on 22nd August, 2006 at 10:15 pm  

      It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

    103. Kulvinder — on 22nd August, 2006 at 10:38 pm  

      think i fluked it but it wasn’t that bad

















    104. Kismet Hardy — on 22nd August, 2006 at 10:45 pm  

      I didn’t see that

      Kulvinder, I bt you’re the guy who said: ‘oh you’re going to see sixth sense? bruce willis is darth vadar you know’

      Someone told me that and I haven’t seen it as a result

    105. Refresh — on 22nd August, 2006 at 10:54 pm  

      Damn - don’t you just hate it when someone gives it away!

    106. Sunny — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:15 pm  

      I just did it again. First you take all the boys to the other side, then you keep taking the girls over until there’s one little girl and the con/policeman on the other side. And you then use the policeman to transfer the last girl over and then come back and take the con.

    107. Refresh — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:22 pm  

      Yes yes we know. Kulvinder was kind enough to put us out of our misery.

      Clairwil can you find us another one - this one is dead

    108. Clairwil — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:26 pm  

      Ah! But why doesn’t the con run away? Is he a special?

    109. Katy Newton — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:29 pm  

      Speaking as someone who also fluked it…


    110. Clairwil — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:30 pm  

      I don’t do puzzles. It was my friend The Ill Man (Glasgow’s Top Male Blogger 2006). Ask him for new brain tease, he’s the king.

    111. leon — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:31 pm  

      OI! You lot, stop your damned derailing of this thread of great political importance!>:[

    112. Refresh — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:35 pm  

      Leon, enough politics. Each weekend and midweek thread should be a puzzle.

      There should also be one at the start and an early mid-mid-week one tailing off with a later mid-mid-week puzzle. Much more fun and far more intriguing.

    113. Refresh — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:36 pm  

      Leon I thought every PP thread got derailed. This a better derailment than most. Long may it continue.

    114. leon — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:36 pm  

      Er, this isn’t a mid week thread as far as I know (although I did jokingly suggest it last week). Knowing you lot if you had you way every thread would be an open one.:P

    115. Don — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:43 pm  

      I think we should do lists.

    116. Kulvinder — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:50 pm  

      Try the hapland series

    117. Refresh — on 22nd August, 2006 at 11:51 pm  

      Mr Ill Man, could you please offer us another puzzle. The last one got wrecked by somebody (claims it was a fluke) who is too clever to be blogging. Calls himself Kulvinder, but I suspect he’s Mr Clive Sinclair himself.

      Hope you get well soon.

      btw which part of Scotland do you hail from? If close to Edinburgh, maybe catch up with you.

    118. Refresh — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:00 am  

      kulvinder - what torches?

      I’ve just fired a man through the cannon. Am I supposed to ?

    119. Clairwil — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:01 am  

      I’m not the Ill Mans spokesman but I have information on his whereabouts. With him being MY BEST FRIEND! He lives in Glasgow and we are both meeting for a pint on 1st Sept 2006 at Babbity Bowster, Blackfriars St, Glasgow, G1. That is quite near Edinburgh. We have invited strangers from the internet. Do drop in…

    120. Refresh — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:08 am  

      That’d be nice, I’m in middle of a contract which could conclude by then - so yes. But will confirm later if I may.

    121. Clairwil — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:12 am  

      Don’t put yourself out. It’s a regular meeting. If anyone else wants to come, they may. We’ll speak to anyone no matter how dull.

    122. Refresh — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:15 am  

      Oh good, glad to hear it - how do you identify each other?

    123. Sunny — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:20 am  

      That puzzle Kulvinder posted has really started to annoy me and thus I’m stopping myself. And I was having such a nice day too.

    124. Clairwil — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:23 am  

      I wear a name badge and I’ll either have brown or black hair.

      Here is a picture of the IllMan*
      * He usually wears spectacles.

      Here is our advert. Quite a number have confirmed.

    125. Refresh — on 23rd August, 2006 at 12:27 am  

      Sunny, don’t give up - it gets really interesting in a nasty sort of way.

      Still don’t know where the torches are tho’.

    126. Don — on 23rd August, 2006 at 1:21 am  

      I was thinking of a trip to Edinburgh around then, a wee break and check out

      A diversion sounds fun.

      Are we talking carry-outs and sleeping bags here?

    127. Kismet Hardy — on 23rd August, 2006 at 1:23 am  

      I’m puzzled.

      Do I win anything?

    128. Katy Newton — on 23rd August, 2006 at 8:46 am  

      Damn you Kulvinder!

      You have destroyed my productivity with your Hapland series. I don’t understaaaaaand…

      *shakes fist impotently*

    129. Kulvinder — on 23rd August, 2006 at 3:45 pm  

      I’ve just fired a man through the cannon. Am I supposed to ?

      Yup at the bell, quickly click on the spear thing as hes flying to stop him being killed.

    130. ill man — on 23rd August, 2006 at 9:50 pm  

      Clairwil, couldn’t you have found a slightly more flattering photograph of me?

      Like this maybe -

      Refresh, I’m afraid the logic puzzle came from an email at work and since the swines are clamping down on our emails etc at the moment, I don’t foresee any more in the near future. If I find anything equally devilish, I’ll probably stick it up on my blog.

      Don, just bring yourself.

    131. Clairwil — on 24th August, 2006 at 12:42 am  

      Ill Man,
      I just picked the first picture I came too. Anyway your appearance has always reminded me of a good quality grandfather clock.

      I think Don may be looking for digs. As a spinster of the parish of Townhead I’m not able to oblige. However Babbity Bowster do rooms and the finest cooked breakfast in the world at a very reasonable price.

    132. Sunny — on 24th August, 2006 at 12:59 am  

      Kulvinder - gimme some clues. That puzzle is really doing my head in. what do i do with the two bombs in the cannon? or how do i deal wit the guy who comes from the bottom left?

      Ok I finally got it! Just needed to figure out how to avoid killing the guy when I chucked him up there. Nice.

    133. ill man — on 24th August, 2006 at 1:12 am  

      Clairwil, I replied to yr email. There are B&B;’s at Kelvinbridge, though i’m not up on their prices. If he can get a room at Babbity’s then he’d be laughing….

      Good Quality Grandfather Clock?!!

      You mean I keep good time?

    134. Leon — on 24th August, 2006 at 10:13 am  

      Man, this has got to be the biggest derail ever!

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