Institute for War and Peace Reporting | Giving Voice, Driving Change

Promoting Free Expression

Multilingual collaborations aim to improve the flow of information across the region.


Online event looks at how pandemic will affect future economic interests in the region.

Building Inclusive Societies

IWPR discussion facilitates rare opportunity for dialogue.

Global Voices

© Tony Karumba/AFP via Getty Images
Africa Resilience Network – Call for Applications

We are currently seeking passionate people committed to fighting the Covid-19 infodemic to join the programme's second cohort of participants.

DEADLINE EXTENDED: 26 January, 2021.


Myanmar youths browsing Facebook pages at an internet shop in Yangon. Facebook has been heavily criticised over failures to control hate speech and misinformation in Myanmar. (Photo: Sai Aung Main/AFP via Getty Images)

As 2020 draws to a close, at IWPR we are grappling with a global challenge that in its way is even more grave than coronavirus.

Anthony Borden
Anthony Borden IWPR Executive Director
21 December 2020

Against the loss of life and economic devastation suffered in the pandemic, the world can at least take hope from science and the emerging vaccines. Yet another “new normal” has emerged with long-term consequences potentially even more dangerous – disinformation. IWPR is facing this challenge head-on, and we hope you will support us in this essential effort.

Driven by state powers and extremist operators, and fuelled by unregulated, conflict-driving social media, disinformation spreads even more quickly than a virus.

It divides societies and fuels violent radicalism, undermining democracy and faith in government. It also directly impacts public health – particularly the COVID-19 response – and other areas of public policy.

In a challenging year, I have never been more proud of IWPR’s staff, partners and beneficiaries around the world. COVID-19 has made more acute the challenges of government repression, clampdowns on women’s and minority rights, and restrictions on freedom of expression. Not only has IWPR adjusted to lockdown, staff have found creative solutions to delivering frontline programming.

Across more than 30 countries, IWPR is combatting disinformation – building up local media and civil society, supporting and producing reliable content, and building local coalitions for change. In Cuba, IWPR is building a new generation of independent voices. In Iraq, we train journalists to combat the impact of irresponsible social media. In a special programme, IWPR is partnering with technology, media and international institutes (including Poynter, Brookings and Hoover) to challenge the “sharp power” influence of China around the world.

For a brief perspective of IWPR programming, I invite you to view the video below from 3 of our local partners, highlighting the impact of IWPR’s work in: Lebanon, Central Asia and Nigeria.

At our recent IWPR International Board meeting, IWPR board members – FT editor Gillian Tett, award-winning author George Packer, and former New York Times editor Scott Malcomson – discussed the impact of the US elections on American foreign policy. You can watch a short summary below.

IWPR depends on donors, foundations and private supporters to help us continue to expand our counter-disinformation efforts. As a friend and supporter of IWPR, we would be so grateful for your gift to help us combat this global scourge.

ProjectsHighlights of IWPR programming in three-dozen countries around the world.

Disinformation, fake news and propaganda are emerging as among the most powerful threats of the modern age. Facilitated by new forms of media and spread by governments and non-state actors alike, these potent tools have far-reaching consequences for human rights and media freedoms around the world.


As coronavirus sweeps the globe, IWPR’s network of local reporters, activists and analysts are examining the economic, social and political impact of this era-defining pandemic.