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Observing Irving 2 - in the blogosphere

Ginmar becomes the first of my online acquaintances to comment on the case.

DK adds his three pennies worth. (nb: you don't want to know what i read that as this morning!)

nb: i'll be editing this post as more entries emerge, so this is the one to watch if i happen to be your main Irv-watch channel. for your sanity's sake i hope i'm not.


( 4 ducky chirps — Quack quack )
Feb. 21st, 2006 07:13 pm (UTC)
hey, read your post in animal rights uk, are you a hull based animal rights activist? I'm really looking to meet people like you in Hull for demos etc and would be grateful if you could post your email on my livejournal or my website or otherwise get in touch. or add me to msn, constantly_confused@hotmail.com
Feb. 22nd, 2006 10:21 am (UTC)
I'm based in Nottingham, don't know what's going on in Hull right now. Your best source of information would be the Animals Contacts Directory (also generated in Nottingham, although not by me) - you can search online for animal rights groups in your area.
I will also pass your email address on to someone i know in Grimsby who organises circus protests.
Feb. 21st, 2006 08:01 pm (UTC)
Reading the Guardian article I was interested to read what his partner had to say about the whole thing:

Last night Irving's partner Bente Hogh said he had brought his imprisonment on himself by going to Austria despite the ban. She said: "He was not jailed just for his views but because he's banned from Austria and still went. David doesn't take advice from anyone. He thought it was a bit of fun, to provoke a little bit."

Says it all really. Grrrr.
Mar. 1st, 2006 03:54 pm (UTC)
me too
"DK adds his three pennies worth. (nb: you don't want to know what i read that as this morning!)"

- sick minds think alike
( 4 ducky chirps — Quack quack )

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