Night with George Galloway


Description: UK theatre audiences will now have the opportunity to meet and ask questions of the controversial and charismatic MP George Galloway when he presents the Mother of All One Man Shows – An Audience with George Galloway.

Following his sensational appearance in front of the US Senate last month, George Galloway made spectacular global headlines from seasoned observers of Capitol Hill politics such as :

· “If you want to give George Galloway a grilling, make sure you bring a grill!”

· “Galloway by a knockout – before round five”;

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer described the British MP’s evidence as “a blistering attack on US senators rarely heard” in the seat of American power.

The former Labour MP travelled to Washington after senators accused him of receiving credit to buy Iraqi oil – an allegation he has always denied.

Author of I’m Not The Only One, George Galloway is one of the most controversial figures in British politics today. A central organising force and mobilising figurehead for the Stop The War Coalition opposed to the war in Iraq – which lead to him being expelled from the Labour Party – George Galloway founded Respect a new political party becoming it’s first MP for the London constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow in this year’s general election. George Galloway will sign copies of his book during the evening.

George Galloway talks of his proudest achievements of the past few years “Having been a leader of the anti-war movement which built the biggest demonstrations in British history; having been right about Iraq; having made enemies like Tony Blair, Rupert Murdoch and Conrad Black; having defeated the Daily Telegraph in court; and having helped build Respect – the Unity Coalition.”

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