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I’ll do it, but only if you’ll help

Pledge “blog4uzbekistan”

"I will blog about the situation in Uzbekistan, supporting call for sanctions on Uzbek cotton on September 1st but only if 20 other people will do the same."

— Disillusioned kid, activist and blogger

Deadline to sign up by: 1st September 2005
22 people signed up (2 over target)

More details
Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, has called for sanctions to be imposed on Uzbek cotton in order to put pressure on the country's president Islam Karimov, a major violator of human rights.

The idea behind this campaign is to use September Ist, Uzbekistan's independence day, to promote awareness of the situation there and of the call for sanctions.

If 20 or more bloggers were to do this, we could begin to make a difference. I hope you'll feel able to do this small thing. If you need any more information, please fell free to post questions in the comments section.

The original Craig Murray article:

Murray's response to concerns about sanctions:

This pledge has now closed; it was successful!

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Things to do with this pledge

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Current signatories (Green text = they've done it)

Disillusioned kid, the Pledge Creator, joined by:

  • Nosemonkey
  • Alex Gregory
  • Justin McKeating
  • Robin Grant
  • Dan R
  • Simon Holledge
  • UK Watch Staff
  • Tim Ireland
  • Tim Thomson
  • Galgacus
  • sheshrugged
  • BlairWatch
  • Bruce Hadden
  • Friend
  • Ben Godfrey
  • J. Otto Pohl
  • Luther Blisset
  • Garry Smith
  • Underblog
  • Epitaf
  • sympathetic in Tajikistan
  • 1 person who did not want to give their name

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