
Novara Media is an independent media organisation addressing the issues – from a crisis of capitalism to racism and climate change – that are set to define the 21st century. Within that context our goal is a simple one: to tell stories and provide analysis shaped by the political uncertainties of the age, elevating critical perspectives you’re unlikely to find elsewhere. Driven to build a new media for a different politics, our journalism is always politically committed; rather than seeking to moderate between two sides of a debate, our output actively intends to feed back into political action.

You can get in touch by email and keep up to date by following us on a range of social media platforms: YoutubeFacebook, and Twitter.

General inquiries: [email protected]

Donation & subscription inquiries: [email protected]

To pitch an article please consult this page first: Pitching articles

For make a complaint or correction consult this page: Complaints & Corrections

This is our Editorial Code of Conduct and Ethics

Editorial Team
Aaron Bastani Senior Editor
[email protected]

Aaron started Novara as a podcast in the Spring of 2011, going on to co-found Novara Media with James Butler later that year. He has a PhD in media and politics and his new book ‘Fully Automated Luxury Communism’ is out with Verso in 2019.

Ash Sarkar Senior Editor
[email protected]

Ash Sarkar is a writer, broadcaster, journalist and lecturer living in London. She is a Senior Editor at Novara Media, where her work focuses on race, gender, class and power. As part of her work, she has appeared on numerous panels, hosted live events, and interviewed frontbench politicians on everything from foreign policy to football opinions. Ash supports Tottenham Hotspur, and has never knowingly kissed a Tory.

James Butler Senior Editor
[email protected]

James is responsible for audio at Novara. He presents Novara FM and the video series Terms of Engagement. His intellectual interests include political theory, the history of social movements and the relationship between literature and politics.

Craig Gent Senior Editor
[email protected]

Craig is responsible for the articles operation at Novara, supporting the articles team to deliver regular commentary and analysis. He also looks after Novara’s finances. Craig lives in the West Midlands where he is finishing a PhD on the politics of algorithmic management. He is a teacher and organises in the UCU.

Eleanor Penny Senior Editor
[email protected]

Eleanor is editor of Long Reads, a weekly strand dedicated to more in-depth political writing. She also presents and produces video and audio content.

Clare Hymer Articles Editor
[email protected]

Clare is an articles editor at Novara. She holds an MA in philosophy, and has political and intellectual interests in the environment, climate justice, education and identity.

Dalia Gebrial Articles Editor
[email protected]

Dalia is an articles editor at Novara. She is a PhD candidate, and her interests lie in immigrant rights, anti-racist social movements, climate justice and workers’ movements.

Shon Faye Regular Contributor

Shon Faye is a writer and performer. She presents Shon This Way, a video series looking at a range of issues from sexual and gender politics to popular culture and mental health.

Michael Walker Regular Contributor

Michael hosts the TyskySour video podcast and formerly hosted The Fix. His interests include electoral strategy, populism and political communication.

Gary McQuiggin Head of Video
[email protected]

Gary is responsible for overseeing all video content at Novara. In addition to this he has been working as a freelance video producer for 10 years making propaganda, music videos, commercials and documentaries.

Charlotte England Articles Editor
[email protected]

Charlotte is an articles editor at Novara. She is also a multimedia journalist producing news and features for several other publications. She studied at SOAS.

Charlotte Grace Merchandise

Charlotte is responsible for Novara set, merchandise and assists with aesthetic direction. She’s a lecturer in architecture, specialising in urban dissent and spatial propaganda. She’s involved with Concrete Action, Architectural Workers and Plan C.

Beth Perkin Articles Editor
[email protected]

Beth is an articles editor at Novara. She is a journalist who works on various radical publications. Her interests lie in workers’ rights, housing, education and decolonial politics.

Matt Zarb-Cousin and Max Shanly

Matt Zarb-Cousin and Max Shanly host All The Best, a fortnightly podcast that provides insights into the Labour leadership and analysis of political life in Britain and beyond

Sam Swann Regular Contributor

Sam is an actor and filmmaker. He is the resident rookie co-host of The Lockdown. His interests include justice, accountability, left populism, feminism and helping men out of their emotional straitjackets.

Ruairidh Paton Events Coordinator
[email protected]

Ruairidh Paton is the events organiser for Novara Media and a political organiser for Red Pepper Magazine. After returning from many haggard years at sea, he helped to set up The World Transformed, a festival of political debate and discussion, attempting to build a world beyond capitalism and free from nightmares of the Kraken stalking ships from somewhere in the inky blackness far below.

Georgia Anderson Video Team

Georgia is part of Novara’s video team. She shoots and edits video content and produces livestreams.

Tony Badu Video Team

Anthony is a political filmmaker from South London.
He works as an Assistant producer with NGO’s and charities and freelances on a range of social impact projects. He volunteers video production and editing services for Novara and is interested in mixed media political storytelling.

Jack Barraclough Video Team

Jack is a freelance video director and editor working across music video, commercials and visual arts. He volunteers his video production skills to Novara as a big believer in the project and it’s potential to help transform society with fun, popular & politically engaging video content.

Fraser Watt Optimisation Officer

Fraser works on Novara’s analytics and on optimising the organisations processes. His interests include electoral politics and the intersection between politics and technology

Camille Mijola Video Team

Camille holds an MA in journalism and is a feminist investigative fellow at Open Democracy. She is interested in political storytelling and would like to see platforms like Novara Media advance in Latin American countries, where she is from.

Oonagh Ryder Contributor

Oonagh is a co-host of The Lockdown on Novara, a podcast about prison abolition and the criminal justice system in the UK. She works in the voluntary sector in criminal justice and her interests include prison abolition, transformative justice and politicising the voluntary sector.


