Breaking the Illusion of Liberal Democracy and Building ?Dual Power? in the Urban Setting

Breaking the Illusion of Liberal Democracy and Building ‘Dual Power’ in the Urban Setting

by Comrade Victor Hampton, Revolutionary Initiative

Revolutionary Initiative, as a revolutionary communist pre-Party organization has a responsibility to employ revolutionary methods in building the mass movement and the people’s resistance to capitalism and imperialism. The party also has the responsibility to contribute to the ideological and strategic debates among the mass movements as well as among the advanced elements on the Left.

Emerging from the cracks in the old to build the new.

Below is a brief reflection on the organizing in metropolitan, urban centres and the struggles manifesting in these spaces as the crisis in capitalism intensifies. Moreover, the struggle of people in their neighbourhoods against the policies of local governments and its agents raises the question of building ‘dual power’ structures as strategy for shattering the pretenses of bourgeois democracy and creating a further fracture between the people and the bourgeois state. Continue reading “Breaking the Illusion of Liberal Democracy and Building ‘Dual Power’ in the Urban Setting”