
Who we are

Christian Peacemaker Teams Palestine is a faith-based organization that supports Palestinian-led, non-violent, grassroots resistance to the Israeli occupation and the unjust structures that uphold it. By collaborating with local Palestinian and Israeli peacemakers and educating people in our home communities we strive to help create a space for justice and peace.

20 Years of CPT Palestine in Photos

Updates from the field

At 10pm on Wednesday, August 9th, the Ibrahimi Mosque checkpoint in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron) was closed. Announcements had been made on the radio the next morning that the closure was due to a Jewish holiday, and that the Mosque itself has been closed entirely to both Palestinians and non-Jews alike. Additionally, the call to prayer…

A Visit with Imad Abu Shamsieh On March 24, 2015 Imad Abu Shamsieh, a Palestinian resident of Tel Rumeida, filmed the execution of 21-year-old Abdel Fattah al-Sharif by Israeli Occupation soldier, Elor Azaria. The video, shared with the media by the human rights group, B’Tselem, provoked outrage from around the world, demanding justice on behalf…

“Now is the time to unite the soul and the world, Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows” Rumi CPT Palestine team is happy to be able to experience the Islamic holy month of Ramadan in al-Khalil (Hebron), standing with the Palestinian community in celebrating this holy month….


UNICEF group, a member from EAPPI and myself walking in Shuhada Street. Checkpoint 56 appears in the background.

December 21 was a special day for me. I passed through Checkpoint 56 in H2 area of Hebron, without the soldiers stopping me, searching my bag and checking my ID. It is one of the checkpoints that leads to Shuhada Street, which used to be the main artery of Hebron. It’s been mostly closed to Palestinians since 1994, and the closure became complete after the second Intifada in 2000. That morning, Geert Cappelaere, who is the UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, came to visit Qurtoba Basic School and…Read more

Exposure to violence

A Palestinian boy tries to evade an onslaught of Israeli tear gas on his way to school.

Palestinian children in the H-2 / Israeli military-controlled area of Hebron, besides having to deal with the violence, poverty, humiliation and restrictions on their movement that are a direct result of Israel’s military occupation of the city, must regularly walk through toxic clouds of teargas on their way to school. The hundreds of students attending Ibrahimi, Al Fayhaa, Tareq Ibn Ziad, Khadeegeh, Hebron, and the UNRWA schools, as well as their teachers and neighbors,… Read more

Stats on Teargas

An Israeli border police officer unloads a torrent of tear gas in the Quiton neighborhood of Hebron.

Palestinians living in Hebron / Al-Khalil repeatedly face teargas, sound grenades, and other violent measures deployed by Israeli forces. Christian Peacemaker Teams accompanies Palestinians living in H-2 / Israeli-occupied Hebron and documents the Israeli military’s use of violence against the people living there. The numbers below tally up-to-the-hour incidents of teargas and sound grenades in the areas of Hebron’s Old City that CPT and the International Solidarity Movement monitor…Read more

© 2015 With love from Hebron.
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