The task of building a stronger socialist left in this country remains.

The internal rifts inside the Liberal Party means the task of building a stronger socialist left in this country is even more urgent.

With confirmation that 100% of New South Wales is now officially in drought, it is clear that the federal government’s climate change denial is putting agriculture and the planet at risk.

Left parties and organisations across the Asia-Pacific condemn the violent repression of the peaceful protests by students in Bangladesh.

Before the “super Saturday” byelections on July 28, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was saying the outcome would be a “test of leadership”. Then he lost all five contests and changed his tune.

This shocking case is just the latest illustration of how Australian governments — Coalition and Labor — have served multinational corporate interests at the expense of the Timorese people.

The existence of Border Force is just as racist and authoritarian as Trump’s proposed Border Wall or Israel's Apartheid Wall.

It is vitally important that people are not so cowed by the new anti protest laws that they stop protesting — quite the opposite.

The federal Coalition government's so-called "tax reform" represents a major escalation of the capitalist class war against the poor and working people.

  We need to keep the pressure up for real solutions, on our terms, which will begin to shatter institutional sexism.