Dublin: Leo’s Early Risers

Yesterday [9/8/18] the housing activist occupation at 35 Summerhill Parade entered its third day. Approximately 100 people attended the ‘Leo’s Early Risers’* event yesterday evening to show solidarity and support to the local community and all those involved in the occupation.

Speeches came from housing activists and residents in the local area to demand adequate and affordable homes for all and stress the need for direct action to take back housing from slum landlords – such as multi millionaire Pat O’Donnell who evicted over 120 people from five houses on Summerhill Parade in May – and all those who profit from the current housing crisis.
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Amsterdam: Bajesdorp celebrating free spaces

Bajesdorp Festival 2018, saturday 11 august, 14:00.

We in Bajesdorp are keeping an eye out as our neighbourhood is rapidly getting a facelift by gentrifiers. We are doing our utmost to keep the spirit of Bajesdorp alive through these changing times. We have made a strong effort over the years to prevent vacancy and keep the neighbourhood habitable, and to make sure we have a beautiful, diverse place to call home.

Every year we are excited to share our picturesque neighbourhood with our friends, lovers, (chosen) families, and other earth dwellers when we turn our home into a festival ground for everyone to enjoy. This year is no exception! We would love to see you all in Bajesdorp celebrating free spaces that are becoming an endangered species in Amsterdam. Come enjoy delicious food, refreshing drinks, thought-provoking stalls, wide range of music and the general gezelligheid of the Bajesdorp Festival 2018!

Bajesdorp, H.J.E. Wenckebachweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Kempton Park (South Africa): Brutal Attack on the Phumula Mqashi Land Occupation in Tembisa

30 July 2018 – Phumula Mqashi Land Occupation Press Statement

The Phumula Mqashi Land Occupation in Tembisa on the East Rand was founded on 13 February 2018. It has been coming under sustained, illegal and often violent attack from the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD). Shacks and people’s possessions have been repeatedly burnt. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Council of State wants the ADM gone within five months

On 25 July 2018, in higher appeal, the Council of State has announced ADM to be empty within 5 months, by 25 December 2018. A new court case started by the ADM against the city of Amsterdam took place on 23 july 2018.
The ADM festival 2018 is scheduled from 20 till 23 September 2018. The event is moved earlier and won’t take place around the ADM birthday on October 12th.
During the Jetlag fourth edition, on Sunday 22 July 2018, Hay Schoolmeesters gave a speech about the current ADM situation:

Just great that you are all here
In a time wherein gentrification and commercialisation are preached by administrators and companies
Not only as an all-embracing credo
But even worse, every time is used as a methodology for the design of our city, our culture and our society

The public space has been sold to greed and commerce Renting is unaffordable
Social housing is prehistoric
People are kicked out or forced to move
Social and cultural initiatives are expelled from the city Hardly any squats are left
And the last Cultural Free Spaces like ADM
Are threatened to be pulverised [Read More]

Athens (Greece): Occupied gym evicted and demolished

On Tuesday morning [July 17th, 2018] a bulldozer (with agreement of the owner of course) demolished squat in Exarchia, Athens, which was acting as the only occupied gym in the city. No one was arrested. Workers worked on the building while riot police was on alert and protecting the area. [Read More]

São Paulo (Brasil): Call for an Independent Materials Fair – August 25th, 2018

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Turin (Italy): Police attack Askatasuna social centre

A massive repressive operation took place on Friday 13 in Turin. 15 precautionary measures were notified at dawn, against university students, antieviction and notav struggles’ militants: 9 of them were put under house arrests. The social centre Askatasuna and the people’s space Neruda were raided, too. The operation is linked to Mayday 2017, when amongst the general bewilderment the police charged in order to prevent the social bloc from entering the demonstration’s conclusive square, out of fear of protests against confederal trade unions and the Democratic Party.
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Dijon (France): Large refugee squat evicted

Yesterday (10/7/18) early morning French police, with assistance from border police evicted the XXL Squat in Dijon, where about hundred asylum seekers lived. During the eviction, twenty-four people were detained by the border police. The eviction was enforced despite of the ongoing negotiations with the property owner.

The building have been occupied since August 2016. Apart for providing home to many people, it also hosted a number of projects, including French language classes and legal assistance group, medical and social spaces.
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Rotterdam (Netherlands): Squatting the Grey City

Squatting the Grey City is a book about the squatters movement in Rotterdam in the Netherlands from the 1970s to the present day.
Rotterdam has a rich and diverse history of squatting. As well as countless houses, many venues and other projects came from the movement. If you know where to look, the city is full of stories. This book will give you one version of this colourful past, from one squat researcher’s perspective. Read about everything from the Aktiekomittee Progastarbeiders to Zines, with loads of pictures and activist analysis in between.

Download pdf /epub.

Cobble Books

London: Check out that A.S.S.

Squatters beware – there have been multiple cases in the last few weeks of people being arrested for burglary when squatting a place. With that in mind the Advisory Service for Squatters (A.S.S.) would like to remind people a few things to keep them safe if faced with arrest:

  1. No comment – You might be able to explain your situation to the police, but in 99% of cases what you say to them will not get you out of the cells any faster, and can be used to incriminate you or any other people arrested. If you go to court it can all be used against you, especially if you are caught fibbing to the rozzers. Say NO COMMENT to any questions the police ask you and keep you and your crew safe.
  2. Have a bail address – someone who doesn’t mind telling the police that you stay with them sometimes and that you can possibly stay with for a bit if the police do put any bail conditions on you. You don’t want to give them an excuse to keep you in prison.
  3. Know a legal firm to call – don’t in any circumstances take the duty solicitor provided by the police. Remember the name of one of the solicitor firms on the bust card, available at all good anarchist soical centres and refuse t have an interview until your lawyers are called.

Good luck out there! Feed the pigeons!

From Squatters of London Action Paper Issue 9 (pdf) – back issues here

NFA Antifascists

London: Report back from TAA May

Temporary Autonomous Arts was in May determined to return to its roots as a squatted exhibition. A decrepit long term empty in Bow was transformed into a blank canvas by the TAA mob, who then were boosted after 24 hours notice after a rapid-response possession order requested them to attend High Court in Birmingham. Undeterred, a second building was snatched in North Woolwich and repurposed against the clock. The TAA opened as planned on the Wednesday to a splatter of spoken word,followed up by a blinding cabaret gig featuring public urination, wild drag anarchy from Jizmik Hunt and the body-positive monarchy-bashing of Glittasphxia.

Saturday things started turning sour, with a day of escalating violence and conflict between the squatters and locals over accusations of the graffing of a pie’n’mash shop and breakins by kids into thee building culminating with 20 roided-up cops turning up to face-off against the 60 or so mob holding the courtyard. The gigs were
cut short after the cops broke out the Criminal Justice Act and threatened to seize the sound system. Concerned for the safety of the artworks, equipment and liberty of the guests, the TAA crew elected to keep the music off and let the night deflate like a wet fart in a wet paper bag. Opinions are divided, with some people furious
that another building in London has been burnt for the sake of a “anarchohipster lollapallooza”, and others
arguing that the TAA crew made a tactical decision in a tight spot.

From Squatters of London Action Paper Issue 9 (pdf) – back issues here

NFA Antifascists

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Amsterdam: We Are Here at the Entrada 600 in Duivendrecht

7 july 2018, Amsterdam – Refugee collective We Are Here, who previously stayed in a squat in Amstelveen, took the unoccupied building on the Entrada 600 in Amsterdam-Duivendrecht.

The offices space was empty and unused. Unfortunately, we are forced to get shelter in this way, because otherwise we have to roam the streets. the BBB is overcrowded and has a waiting list and in the Havenstraat only people with a Dublin claim are welcome.
In addition, the Havenstraat is a former prison and that can be felt in the daily controls we must endure. Recently one of our members was arrested because he asked for food because of this diabetes and this was refused. We do not feel safe in such an environment and ask for 24/7 shelter.
There are municipal plans to realize this 24/7 for undocumented people, but that will certainly take until end of the year before it is realized. We would love work and rent a house ourselves.
We intend to live here quietly and build a good relationship with the neighborhood and offices around us. We would like to meet fellow residents who are always welcome to come and have a cup of coffee with us. [Read More]