Recent ZMagazine

Noam Chomsky: “A Complete Disaster”

Interview on Trump and the future of U.S. politics

Jack Rasmus: Trump’s Phony Trade War

Is the Trump phony trade war really about reducing the U.S. $375 billion annual trade deficit with China? Or about U.S. bankers wanting more access and ownership of operations in China?

Bill Fletcher: Zohra Drif’s Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter 

In her actions as a militant, Drif casts aside the romanticization of revolution

Todd Miller: The Border Fetish, The U.S. Frontier
 as a Zone of Profit and Sacrifice

Borders have become another way of making sure that nothing gets in the way of the sanctity of business as usual in a world that desperately needs something new

Joel Chaffee: Events

A list of events, activities, books, music and more for activists

Pete Dolack: Trump Administration Takes Aim At The World

Trump trade policy is set by economic nationalists determined to deepen the dominance of U.S. corporate power at the expense of working people everywhere, U.S. working people not excepted. It is the height of naïveté to expect anything else

Jeremy Kuzmarov: Secret Teams in Another Deadly Imperial War?

Since the end of the Cold War, this undercover infrastructure has only expanded as the brutal destabilizing operations continue. Yemen is but the latest playground, with severe consequences yet again.

Tarek R. Dika: Syria and the Politics of International Law

Moral posturing by the United States and its allies fall on deaf ears in the Middle East

Sharon Kelly: Fifteen Years of Pipeline Spills

5,475 days, 527 pipeline spills: that’s the math presented in a new report from environmental groups Greenpeace USA and the Waterkeeper Alliance examining pipelines

William Boardman: The President’s Blatant Bigotry May Save DREAMERS in Federal Court

There is a hint of light at the end of the tunnel for DACA, but there may only be the Supreme Court at the end of the tunnel, a court where many parties have pleaded positions that are heartless and the court has affirmed their heartlessness

Francis Boyle: The Unlimited Imperialists

The factual circumstances surrounding the outbreaks of both the First World War and the Second World War currently hover like twin Swords of Damocles over the heads of all humanity

C.: On The Crest Of 
A Strike Wave

To build on West Virginia’s success, we must be reminded that no victory is assured, and that we are fighting enemies of extraordinary power

Chuck Idelson: Daniel Ellsberg’s New Nuclear Wakeup Call

Can we step back from the danger of extinction of all life on earth? Without complete dismantling of everyone’s nuclear arsenal?

John Malkin: Rock ‘n Roll Resistance at Big Mountain, Arizona

I recently spoke with Clayson and Jeneda Benally about their bands Blackfire and Sihasin, their indigenous roots and the power of punk rock to change the world.

Vincent Emanuele: Red State Organizing in the Age of Trump

Reflections on the sort of organizing work I’m currently doing in Northwest Indiana, where I live and work. I hope people will find some of my insights interesting and useful.

Jack Rasmus: Trump’s tax Cuts, Budget Deficits, Trump’s Recession 2019?

The U.S. budget deficit consequences of the Trump tax cuts are therefore massive. Instead of averaging $150 billion a year on average (the $1.5 trillion) the effect will be three to four times that, or around $300 to $400 billion a year.

Michael T. Klare: Extraction

Donald Trump and his generals are making fossil fuels a crucial ingredient for bulking up our national security. In that way, they will turn anything (or any group) standing in the way of the extraction and exploitation of oil, coal, and natural gas into obstructers of the national interest and, quite literally, of American national security.

Margaret Flowers: No Foreign Bases: Challenging the Footprint of U.S. Empire

The footprint of U.S. empire are what Chalmers Johnson called an “empire of bases.”

Nicolas J.S. Davies: Why North Korea Wants Nuke Deterrence

If politicians in the U.S. and around the world need the ugliness of Donald Trump as a mirror for their own greed, ignorance and temerity, to shame them into changing their ways, so be it–whatever it takes

Allan C. Brownfeld: Quakers Who Rescued Jews From The Nazis Are Now Banned From Israel

Quaker leaders and their Jewish counterparts were instrumental in organizing the Kinder-transport, which brought 10,000 German-Jewish children to safety in Britain in 1938 and 1939. For this work and more, British Quaker organizations and the AFSC won the Nobel Peace Prize together in 1947…

Steve Ellner: Leopoldo Lopez & MLK

The New York Times, by glorifying leaders like López, is demonstrating that the support of the U.S. liberal establishment for popular pro-working class reforms on the nation’s domestic front does not extend to third-world countries.

William Boardman: U.S Military Intervention in Vermont Town Meeting

General Cray’s approach to the F-35 is misleading, corrupt, and dishonest as well as in clear violation of U.S. Army Regulations

Patrick Bond: Africa’s Systematic Looting

Last year, the Bank appointed Zambia the main pilot country study within the project “Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services

Kenneth Surin: Extreme Poverty in the U.S. is a Political Choice of the Powerful

Alston began his statement on the U.S. by saying that “in practice, the United States is alone among developed countries in insisting that while human rights are of fundamental importance, they do not include rights that guard against dying of hunger, dying from a lack of access to affordable healthcare, or growing up in a context of total deprivation.

karl bode: Community Owned Administration

According to a freshly updated map of community-owned networks, more than 750 communities across the United States have embraced operating their own broadband network, are served by local rural electric cooperatives, or have made at least some portion of a local fiber network publicly available

Jacob Sugarman: The Trump Administration is Planning to Rob America’s Waitresses

Two of the Trump administration’s favorite pastimes are imperiling women and screwing over workers

Noam Chomsky: Trump & Nukes

Here we have a world looking for salvation to China, of all places, when the United States is the wrecking machine that’s threatening destruction.

John Pilger: The Power of Documentaries

In survey after survey, when people are asked what they would like more of on television, they say documentaries

Vandana Shiva: Food Sovereignty

Two decades of corporate-driven globalization has destroyed the biodiversity and cultural diversity of our indigenous food systems, the health of people and the planet

Michelle Black Smith: #Hashtag Me TOO: Reflections on Women’s Solidarity

5 percent voted to elect the over 70, sexually aggressive, “pussy-grabbing” unproven and under-qualified man to the most powerful political office in the country.

Dawson Barrett: Ten Awesome High School Protests That Defied the Trump Agenda

Undeterred, muckraking student reporters continued to take seriously their own role as the Fourth Estate

Pete Dolack: Tax Cuts & Social Security

Lurking behind this devastating corporate offensive is the little matter of the extra $1.5 trillion to be added to the deficit.

Marjorie Cohn: Gunning For Mueller

Since his investigation began in May, Mueller has already obtained two indictments and two guilty pleas

Jane McAlevey: #MeToo & Labor

There’s enough wealth in this country to allow the rich to be rich and still eradicate most barriers to a genuine women’s liberation, which starts with economic justice in the workplace

Ramzy Baroud: Will 2018 Usher in a new Palestinian Strategy?

TheTrump Administration suffocated all optimism as soon as it took over the White House, with a promise to relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thus recognizing, in defiance of international law, the Holy City as Israel’s capital

Lawrence Wittner: The “Merchants of Death” Survive and Prosper

According to a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, sales of weapons and military services by the world’s largest 100 corporate military purveyors in 2016 (the latest year for which figures are available) rose to $375 billion

Jack Rasmus: Breibart Billionaire Board Bashes Bannon

In the months ahead the Republican wing—for whom Trump has nicely delivered in the form of tax cuts in the trillions of dollars and with whom Trump is now playing ball with regard to free trade—will circle the wagons on behalf of Trump. The Republican party wing of the elite don’t want to drive Trump from the White House

Compiled by Joel Chaffee: Event’s listings

  Events   EVOLUTION/RELIGION – February 10-12 will be the annual celebration of Evolution Weekend, intended to demonstrate that religious people from many faiths and locations understand that evolution is sound science and poses no problems for their faith.   Contact:   MUSIC – The Annual International Folk Alliance Conference & Winter Music Camp Read more…

Mel Gurtov: Essay for the New Year: The Calculated Destruction of America’s Government

It is truly extraordinary that the still-new Trump administration keeps appointing people whose common priority is the destruction of the agency they head.

Edward S. Herman: Publishing Edward S. Herman

An important semantic development of the past decade that is closely related to the doublespeak of moderateness and extremism is the new usage of the concept of “special interests.”

Arman Sidhu: School Vouchers: The Silver Bullet of America’s Education

In instances where school vouchers have been partially adopted, the pedagogical results have been insignificant, if not shoddy

Marjorie Cohn: Duty To Disobey

If the president ordered a nuclear strike, General Hyten said he would offer legal and strategic advice, but he would not violate the laws of war simply on the president’s say-so.

Michael T. Klare: The Trump Doctrine

Of course, we don’t yet know the details of the coming Trumpian NPR. It will, however, certainly throw the Obama approach to the sharks and promote a far more robust role for nuclear weapons,

Jack Rasmus: A Letter of Thanks To Our Wealthiest 1 Percent

Your stewardship of the U.S. economy has allowed us to keep 5 percent of all the national income created since the last recession in 2009; while you wealthiest 1 percent got to keep the other 95 percent
created since the last recession in 2009; while you wealthiest 1 percent got to keep the other 95 percent

Mark Weisbrot: Trump Doubles Down On Sanctions and Regime Change

With encouragement from Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and other Republicans, Trump has been trying to help topple the elected government of Venezuela

Melissa A. Work: Essay for the New Year: Wondering When We Will Decide to Fix This

It was a nice warm evening where children, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, and friends gathered to listen to country music in Las Vegas, Nevada.

William Boardman: Mega Deaths From America

The U.S. naval blockade of Yemen has been unrelenting since March 2015.

Zoltan Grossman: Olympia Train Blockade

For the second time in the past year, Washington activists blocked a train carrying oil fracking supplies from leaving the Port of Olympia on the Salish Sea The blockade camp prevented a possible shipment of ceramic proppants from being shipped to the Bakken oil shale basin in North Dakota, and possibly other fracking operations.

Morgan Humphrey: Assassination of Fred Hampton

U.S. law enforcement does an especially good job of quelling the dissidence of oppressed peoples, no matter how peaceful the leader.

Jonathan Cook: The Dark Ages

Can anyone still doubt that access to a relatively free and open internet is rapidly coming to an end in the west?

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