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Recent Blogs

Joe Emersberger: Nicaragua’s Real GDP per Capita since 1980

By 2008 Nicaragua’s real GDP per capita had grown to 23,087 Cordoba’s according to the IMF. The IMF doesn’t list a real GDP per capita value for 1980, the year after US-back dictator was overthrown, because it oddly doesn’t have population figures. However if we take the World Bank’s population figure for Nicaragua in 1980 Read more…

Joe Emersberger: 45 Reuters Articles about Violent Protests in Nicaragua

1)      OAS approves creation of group to address crisis in Nicaragua (7/30/2018) Reporting by Lizbeth Diaz; Writing by Julia Love; Editing by Sandra Maler 2)      Nicaragua’s Ortega rejects early elections, U.S. rebukes crackdown (7/30/2018) Reporting by Doina Chiacu in Washington & Oswaldo Rivas in Managua; additional reporting by Diego Ore in Mexico City; editing by Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Amnesty must reverse its policy of not denoucing US officials (and others) who incite violence against Venezuela

BELOW IS AN EMAIL I SENT TO AMNESTY TODAY Drones were just used to drop bombs on a large crowd in an attempt to assassinate Venezuelan President Maduro. In February, I asked Amnesty if it would denounce remarks against Maduro’s government made by Trump, Tillerson and Rubio that could incite violence and Amnesty refused. See below ME: Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Corbyn’s Capitulation: Lessons for the Left from UK Labour’s “anti-Semitism crisis”

This passage below from Stephen Bush’s latest on Jeremy Corbyn’s “anti-Semitism crisis” rings very true regarding Jon Lansman and a segment of the Labour left that lacks the willingness to stand up to Israel’s apologists or to fight for a civilized foreign policy. Lansman is on Labour’s National Executive Committee and also runs Momentum, a Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Trump’s Foreign Policy Is Awful, But There’s a Better Alternative than the Establishment Version

Since the advent of the Trump administration, American progressives have been aghast at its narrow nationalist approach to world affairs. But many of them are also uneasy at the American Establishment’s defense of its own foreign policy. The Trump “America First” approach has largely dispensed with American-led alliances of the past and, instead, emphasized U.S. Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Let’s Tax the Rich

Whatever happened to the notion that rich people should pay their fair share of the cost for their country’s public programs? Progressive income taxes―designed to fund government services and facilities—go back centuries, and are based on the idea that taxes should be levied most heavily on people with the ability to pay them.  In the United Read more…

Joe Emersberger: “Early elections” rallying cry of coup supporters in Latin America

“Early elections” were advocated by Washington and US apologists in 2002 to consolidate the coup that briefly ousted Hugo Chavez. It’s way to sound like you’re for democracy while actually seeking to consolidate the overthrow of a democratically elected government. If you oppose a coup then you demand the restoration of the government that was Read more…

Joe Emersberger: As Ecuador gets ready to hand over Assange, don’t let Lenin Moreno off the hook

Even as Ecuador looks very ready to hand over Julian Assange to the UK government, and months after Lenin Moreno’s government ruthlessly trampled over Assange’s right to free expression (Assange is an Ecuadorian citizen since about December of 2017), widespread ignorance about Ecuador shields its government from accountability. The only thing Lenin Moreno ‘s government Read more…

Anton Glaving: test
Lawrence Wittner: Has Democratic Socialism a Future in American Politics?

Recently, when 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an obscure, upfront democratic socialist from the Bronx, easily defeated one of the most powerful U.S. Congressmen in the Democratic primary, the story became an overnight sensation.  How, the pundits wondered, could this upset have occurred? Actually, it shouldn’t have been a total surprise for, in recent years, democratic socialism Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Reuters forgets Venezuela’s homicide rate and police death rate when it suits

If only it was somebody’s job to scrutinize claims made by officialdom and other partisan actors. We could call the people paid to do this “journalists”. There is not a single mention of Venezuela’s high homicide rate in this article below or of the high death rate of its police officers (which Reuters itself has Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Corporate Media go to work on Rafael Correa (Keystone Cop edition)

You have to love this headline. The “missing opposition figure” isn’t missing! Ex-Ecuador leader sought in case of missing opposition figure In 2012, Fernando Balda was the victim of a foiled kidnapping in COLOMBIA. If Balda was ever “missing” it was for a few hours (if that) back in 2012! The culprits were tried and Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Getting Ready for Nuclear War

Although many people have criticized the bizarre nature of Donald Trump’s diplomacy with North Korea, his recent lovefest with Kim Jong Un does have the potential to reduce the dangers posed by nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula. Even so, buried far below the mass media coverage of the summit spectacle, the reality is that Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Who Benefits from the “Booming Economy”?

Although the U.S. mass media are awash with stories about America’s “booming economy,” the benefits are distributed very unequally, when they are distributed at all. Buoyed by soaring corporate profits and stock prices, the richest Americans have reached new and dazzling heights of prosperity.  As of May 2018, the growing crop of billionaires included corporate Read more…

Joe Emersberger: The Guardians of Empire Assail Nicaragua

Kath Viner became the Guardian’s editor–in-chief in 2015. She reminds me of OAS chief Luis Almagro and Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno: all three have served the US Empire at least, if not more, slavishly than openly declared right wingers might have done. All were initially applauded by the left who heaved sighs of relief when they got in. Read more…

Joe Emersberger: EXCLUSIVE: As Venezuelans Suffer, Reuters whitewashes Trump’s direct attack on them

Images and statistics regarding Venezuela’s economic crisis are relentlessly aimed a demonizing President Maduro’s government and absolving Trump for what U.S. sanctions do to Venezuelans. For example, in these Reuters articles below, the harmful impact of the Trump’s economic sanctions on the population (and their illegality) can only be reported as claims by the Venezuelan Read more…

Anton Glaving: NC, Libya

Below is a slightly edited and excerpted part of an unpublished review of mine of Maximilian Forte’s “Slouching Towards Sirte”, Baraka Books, 2012. It serves to refute commonly peddled lies and slanders (such as reproduced here) against Chomsky regarding his position on Libya: … Later in the book, Forte insists on discrediting himself further by Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno’s war on crime requires a war on roads?

One of the most important achievements of former Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s ten years in office was the vast improvements in Ecuador’s roads. The time required to travel from previously isolated regions of the country to the most populated (and therefore economically developed and politically influential) was drastically reduced. The comfort and safety of road Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Review of Daniel Ellsberg’s “The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner”

It’s not every day that an insider tells us how preparations for nuclear war have been proceeding.  So, when one does, it’s worth sitting up and taking notice. Although Daniel Ellsberg is best-known for his 1971 role in delivering the Pentagon Papers (the Top Secret Defense Department study of U.S. involvement in Vietnam) to the Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Which Nations Are the Happiest — and Why

America’s oft-quoted Declaration of Independence, when discussing “unalienable rights,” focused on “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”  Although “happiness” is rarely referred to by today’s government officials, the general assumption in the United States and elsewhere is that governments are supposed to be fostering the happiness of their citizens. Against this backdrop, it’s worth Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Corbyn allies buckle under pressure from the UK’s pro-war establishment

Anyone who has been following the career of Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British Labour party since 2015, knows that his key allies within the party have been a small group of Labour MPs and the party membership. They have been Corbyn’s bulwark against a hard core of about 30-40 right wing Labour MPs who Read more…

Nessa: First Post

I get lost in the words. I listen and watch this fool of a stooge president And then I look at my friends who live, work Or have fled from Central America Live in Venezuela Y me duele el corazón. ¿Qué puedo hacer? Una tristeza me lleva Como un abrigo en el verano I have Read more…

Z3k3@ndZ@mi: Leadership, Pace, Solidarity

This is chapter twenty one of the book RPS/2044: An Oral History of the next American Revolution. RPS/2044 has its own book page, with front matter, reviews, essays, interviews, testimonials and place for user interaction with the interviewees.   Robin Kunstler, Celia Curie, and Noam Carmichael,  discuss leadership, pace, and solidarity. Robin, one of the contentious Read more…

The Polemicist: The Warm War: Russiamania At The Boiling Point

Go to source Is it war yet? Yes, in too many respects. It’s a relentless economic, diplomatic, and ideological war, spiced with (so far) just a dash of military war, and the strong scent of more to come. I mean war with Russia, of course, although Russia is the point target for a constellation of Read more…

Joe Emersberger: The Guardian should immediately correct an op-ed by Nick Cohen

I sent this note to the Guardian’s readers editor today about a Nick Cohen article that was both libelous and anti-Semitic.* The article has already been up for over a week. I wish I had noticed it earlier but I can seldom bother to read Cohen’s trash closely. _______ It is ok to conflate “the Read more…

Joe Emersberger: What would Philip Agee’s 1961 CIA budget in Ecuador get by 2002?

The late Philip Agee, a former CIA officer who blew the whistle on its dirty dealings, was the Edward Snowden of his time. A 1961 diary entry of Agee’s said regarding a CIA program in Ecuador that “It costs about 50,000 dollars a year and in a place like Quito a thousand dollars a week Read more…

Huzaifa Zoomkawala: a dark unacceptable

Add to that list the poet who rambles on in stolen dark    a dark prepared in stark solemnity a dark unacceptable to the lavish word    the poem struggles to breathe    it crosses over and touches void    and here it speaks attaches belongs    the proverbial becoming adversary — We live of course in a world not Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Although Two Out of Three Americans Oppose Increasing U.S. Military Spending, the U.S. Government Is Boosting It to Record Levels

Early this February, the Republican-controlled Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed new federal budget legislation that increased U.S. military spending by $165 billion over the next two years.  Remarkably, though, a Gallup public opinion poll, conducted only days before, found that only 33 percent of Americans favored increasing U.S. military spending, while 65 percent Read more…

Joe Emersberger: How could Wil Hylton’s NYT article “miss” that Leopoldo Lopez participated in violent ouster of Hugo Chavez?

An extremely long article in the New York Times today has the headline “Can Venezuela Be Saved?” The subhead reads “As a nation unwinds, Leopoldo López, the opposition’s most prominent leader, sits under house arrest and contemplates what might still be possible.” The article states “The world is full of byzantine methods to communicate through Read more…

Joe Emersberger: It seems editorial standards are non-existent at Reuters when it comes to Venezuela

An article by Julia Symmes Cobb and Anggy Polanco ran with the headline ‘Migrate or die’: Venezuelans flood into Colombia despite crackdown This article says  Some 3 million Venezuelans – or a tenth of the population – have left Venezuelan since late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez started his Socialist revolution in 1999.   UN population Read more…

Movements for 'Real Democracy' SUNY Binghamton class: What Else Should We Talk About When We Talk About Gun Control

This piece, a work in progress, was collectively conceived, but written up by the five of us. We believe the violence exhibited by public shootings is symptomatic of larger issues. We propose this list of considerations not with finality, but rather with the hopes of sparking similar conversations about what else must be addressed for future prevention. (Morgan Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Amnesty International Replied to Questions about Venezuela

ME: What is Amnesty’s position on the economic sanctions the Trump Administration has implemented against Venezuela? AMNESTY: Amnesty International monitors and documents human rights violations globally, regardless of the country or government exercising authority in the place where such violations occur, from Israel to Argentina, as well as the USA and Venezuela. Amnesty International believes Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: The Trump Administration’s War on Workers

When Donald Trump was running for the presidency, he promised that, if he was elected, “American worker[s] will finally have a president who will protect them and fight for them.”  Today, though, safely ensconced in the White House, President Trump is waging a fierce campaign against American workers. His appointments to federal positions created to Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Uniformity in Reporting about Referendum in Ecuador: NOT a Sign of Press Freedom

FAIR posted a piece of mine the other day (very proud of that as a long time fan) providing extremely important information about a referendum Ecuador held on Sunday – information that has been ignored by the international media. So of course, the day after the referendum, a flurry of articles appear continuing the same Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Who Is a Hero?

In the aftermath of World War II, the U.S. occupation authorities in Germany, checking on the effectiveness of their “denazification” program, polled Germans on whether they believed a civilian was “less worthy than a soldier.”  One wonders what they would think of the exalted status that many Americans currently accord to anyone serving in the Read more…

Huzaifa Zoomkawala: neoliberal

the theoliberal dust will settle in time not before befuddling hearts, sinking minds, coalescing goodwill into mush and repeating mulch from a petrified storybook few cared would matter, but it did, and it stored dark endings as a matter of tact. the geoliberal must settle longitudinal accounts with the attitude of frost, and give; give Read more…

Henrik Hansen: Crowdfund the left

What is the one thing that would help the left right now and in the future? Having more resources. The left could do what it does now, just better, if we had more resources. Think of all the things that could grow with more money: Coops, legal aid, alternative media outlets, local chapter activities, social Read more…

Henrik Hansen: The need for societal visions in welfare states

I live in Denmark, a small country in Scandinavia, which, as I’m writing this, is a welfare state. We have free health care, high wages, progressive taxation, sustainable energy production, strong unions, democracy in universities, public-paid liveable income for students, a safety net for the unemployed, rent control, clinics for addicts, protection (though modest) for Read more…

Joe Emersberger: David Smilde concedes US sanctions kill Venezuelans, but argues the price is worth it

US liberals have always preferred to have the US government use economic strangulation against its enemies rather than military force. They’ve also, much more than “conservatives”, stressed the importance of having accomplices (“allies” is common euphemism). David Smilde, in a New York Times op-ed, stated that a US military invasion of Venezuela would be “folly”. Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Note to Reuters (Alexandra Valencia) about Ecuador. No – not Venezuela this time

Hi Alexandra: I find it remarkable how this article glosses over Lenin Moreno’s extreme hypocrisy and cynicism.  He is literally doing the opposite of what he said he would do as a candidate when he ran as staunch Correa loyalist and defender of the government’s record – a government he was a part at the highest level for 10 years. Read more…

Mina Khanlarzadeh: Iran’s Streets Again

“This image is the work of Iranian artist Marjan Andaroodi. It reads: “bread, employment, freedom.” Those of us who have followed the news of workers’ strikes in Iran don’t need various kinds of conspiracy theories to interpret the recent protests. An example of such workers’ strikes is this speech by a labour activist during the strike Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: The “Merchants of Death” Survive and Prosper

During the mid-1930s, a best-selling exposé of the international arms trade, combined with a U.S. Congressional investigation of munitions-makers led by Senator Gerald Nye, had a major impact on American public opinion.  Convinced that military contractors were stirring up weapons sales and war for their own profit, many people grew critical of these “merchants of Read more…

Sam Hitt: Charter of the Forest

November 6 was the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the Forest in England on November 6, 1217. This charter returned to free men rights of access to the royal forests of southern England that had been taken from them by William the Conqueror. It was the first time in European history Read more…

Huzaifa Zoomkawala: Poet as anarch

I. Do your words support this one tradition or that? did the vault of your craft meek out yet another salve or did it glare in revulsion to craft? do you salvage or savage the cow at the altar of the unholy? does the sacred tempt you to sacrilege or do you bow? will you Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: Should We Pay the Staggering Economic and Human Costs of Nuclear Weapons?

This October, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that its estimate of the cost for the planned “modernization” the U.S. nuclear weapons complex over the next three decades has risen to $1,200,000,000,000.00.  For those of you not familiar with such lofty figures, that’s $1.2 trillion.  Furthermore, when adjusted for inflation, the cost of the Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Jeremy Corbyn is right about global inequality, and John Rentoul is wrong

Arch Blairite John Rentoul claimed that Jeremy Corbyn’s “complaint about growing global inequality is not based on facts” Corbyn had said “The growing concentration of unaccountable wealth and power in the hands of a tiny corporate elite, a system many call neoliberalism,…has sharply increased inequality, marginalisation, insecurity and anger across the world,” Chu’s article, contrary Read more…

Joe Emersberger: A brief note on a LONG article by John Lee Anderson. New Yorker editors should make corrections

John Lee Anderson rambled on for over 7,600 words in a New Yorker article about Venezuela. I’ll highlight some quotes from Anderson’s article and respond to them below: In all, a hundred and twenty protesters died in the fighting, and on two occasions National Guardsmen and chavista loyalists stormed the National Assembly to assault opposition legislators. Read more…

Joe Emersberger: A good piece by Adam Johnson: “WaPo’s One-Sided Cheerleading for Coup and Intervention in Venezuela”

This is a very well done piece that Adam Johnson wrote for FAIR: “WaPo’s One-Sided Cheerleading for Coup and Intervention in Venezuela” I’d only add that while many people will see through the Trump administration, even the Obama admin, when it comes to foreign policy, this isn’t as likely when the basic US/corporate media position is echoed Read more…

Lawrence Wittner: The Peace Movement and Electoral Politics

Although the U.S. peace movement has been on the wane for about a decade, it remains a viable force in American life.  Organizations like Peace Action, the American Friends Service Committee, Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Jewish Voice for Peace, and numerous others have significant memberships, seasoned staff, and enough financial resources Read more…

Joe Emersberger: Hey Reuters: Ken Roth’s deep devotion to the US Empire should be reported

If Reuters reported what the temperature was in Caracas on a given day I would not expect them to cite a source, but when you report sweeping claims about the Venezuelan government’s human rights record then citing a source and making an effort to assess its bias should be a standard journalistic procedure.    This Read more…

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