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Recent ZNet

Hilary Wainwright: The economics that came in from the cold

This recognition of workers as not simply an interest to be defended but as knowledgeable, creative allies in the process of production of social wealth, considerably strengthens Labour’s claim to be the party with which voters can best entrust the economy

Victoria Law: Sex Workers Are Fighting Back

Anti-Trafficking Laws Are Hurting, Not Helping

Jane Paul: Workplace Solidarity in the Equitable Economy

These networks of worker-owned cooperatives show that well-designed workplaces can provide living wages, generate productivity, and foster mutual respect

Nathan Thrall: BDS: Transforming the Israeli-Palestinian debate

Israel sees the international boycott campaign as an existential threat to the Jewish state. Palestinians regard it as their last resort.

Corey Robin: The New Socialists

Why the pitch from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders resonates in 2018

Charles Pierson: Is Bankruptcy in Your Future?

Older Americans are going bankrupt in record numbers

Jeff Abbott: Guatemala Communities Rebel Against High Energy Costs

Rural communities in Guatemala are rising up against unmanageable energy bills, more than two decades after the Central American country privatized its power grid

Chris Brooks: How New York Taxi Workers Took On Uber and Won

The union charges Uber with cynically pitting communities of color against one another

Jack Rasmus: What is Financial Imperialism?

If one were to believe the European and US press, Greece has now recovered and emerged from the bailout and its nearly decade-long debt crisis, and the depression it created. But that conclusion couldn’t be further from the truth

David Hernández: Trump’s Assault on Authorized Migration

The Trump administration’s crackdown on unauthorized immigration obscures his larger effort: to prevent lawful forms of immigration for migrants and remake the racial composition of the country

Dilip Hiro: Can Donald Trump Unite the World (Against Himself)?

The Rise of an Anti-Trump Movement Globally — and on His Home Turf

Jessica Corbett: Demanding an End to ‘Modern Day Slavery,’

“Prisoners understand they are being treated as animals. We know that our conditions are causing physical harm and deaths that could be avoided if prison policymakers actually gave a damn.”

Angel Prado: ‘The commune holds the solution to the crisis’, Part 2

The continuation of a comunero leader’s reflections on the future of the communal project and the contradictions in the Bolivarian Process

Manuel E. Yepe: Progressive Preaching by Sanders Leaves Its Mark

“Have the courage to face the challenge of oligarchy”

James Risen: Is Donald Trump Above the Law?

What we know for sure is that the path to the criminal prosecution and imprisonment of the president of the United States is now clear. How it is handled will be a major test for the American system of government

Vandana Shiva: Kerala wake-up call on growth and development

The images of floods and mudslides in Kerala, known as “God’s own country”, should be a wake-up call — we should ask ourselves if we are on a sustainable development path

Marjorie Cohn: US Leaders Aid and Abet War Crimes in Yemen

US leaders who provided military support to the Saudi-led coalition that bombed civilians in Yemen this August could be charged with aiding and abetting the commission of war crimes under customary international law, which is part of US law. The 500-pound laser-guided MK 82 bomb, which the coalition dropped on August 9, killed 51 people, Read more…

Suzete Tinto Avez Gomes: Why I’m striking

Respect is a beautiful thing, and that is what lies at the heart of our demands

Jonathan Cook: In Israel, some are far more equal than others

The Israeli Jewish public’s assumption that the Druze enjoy equal status in Israel was always fanciful illusion

Alan MacLeod: Facebook Censoring the Left Isn’t a Worry—It’s a Reality

The latest action by Facebook is part of a worrying trend towards greater censorship of media

Karl Grossman: Turning Space Into a War Zone

Resurrecting the Perilous Plan to Militarize Space

Ivan Couronne: Trump unleashes Coal

President Donald Trump’s administration announced a plan Tuesday to weaken regulations on US coal plants

Jack Rasmus: How Ideology in Mainstream Economics Works: Tax Cuts & Savings Rates

Mainstream economic policy is full of misrepresentation of reality

Ramzy Baroud: Gaza without Cancer Medicine

Haley Blames Arabs for Washington’s Sins

Nick Turse: The U.S. is Building a $280 Million Drone Base in Niger

In the time since construction at Agadez began, U.S. military operations in North and West Africa have dramatically increased

Alfred W. McCoy: Beijing’s Bid for Global Power in the Age of Trump

“America First” Versus China’s Strategy of the Four Continents

Gregory Shupak: A ‘Regime’ Is a Government at Odds With the US Empire

Calling a government a “regime” suggests a lack of legitimacy, with the implication that its ousting (by whatever means) would serve humanitarian and democratic ends

Natasha Lennard: Brutal Prison Conditions Risk “Another Attica”

When we fail to support prison strikes, we reinforce the violence imposed by the prison system itself, allowing the voices of incarcerated people to go unheard and their lives unrecognized.

Negin Owliaei: New York Taxi Workers Defeat Uber and Lyft

Ride-hailing companies and their corporate lobby were no match for the commitment of the city’s cab driver union

Amani Sawari: National Prison Strike Begins

Prisoners in 17 States Demand End to “Slave Labor” Behind Bars

Carl Boggs: The Road to Disaster?

The monotonously endless anti-Russia crusade serves a number of political agendas for Democrats and the Washington power structure

Ken Loach: If We Don’t Understand Class Struggle, We Don’t Understand Anything

Interview on populism, the gig economy, and the importance of transnational solidarity in his movies and beyond

Jonathan Cook: Corbyn’s Labour Party is Being Made to Fail –By Design

The media’s ever-more outlandish slurs against Corbyn and the Labour party’s imminent capitulation on the IHRA’s full definition of anti-semitism are not unrelated events. The former was designed to bring about the latter

Dean Baker: Retirement Income in the 21st Century

Several states, including California, Oregon, Illinois and most recently New York have set up systems whereby workers without retirement plans at their workplaces can make contributions to a public retirement system

Ed Hedemann: In Memoriam: David McReynolds

The Gay Socialist Pacifist Who Twice Ran for President, Dies at 88

Robert Fisk: Uri Avnery has died

He was one of my few Middle East heroes

Kevon Paynter: How a Detroit Community Overcomes a Lack of City Services

A range of neighbor-to-neighbor efforts address basic needs, from healthcare to food access, that are going unmet by local government agencies

Celia Bottger: If Ireland Can Get Out of Fossil Fuels, Your Town Can Too

Almost 900 cities, universities, and governments have divested over $6 trillion from the fossil fuel industry. Why not yours?

William Astore: Why Can’t We Just Play Ball?

The Militarization of Sports and the Redefinition of Patriotism

Joao Pedro Stedile: A way out for Brazil

The country needs a new project of development for the people. More subordination, submission and exploitation of the people will not be a way out for Brazil

Juan Cole: Why is the US Helping Saudis Kill Children, Allying with al-Qaeda?

The US Department of Defense is, in short, and unindicted co-conspirator in Saudi and UAE war crimes

Ian Millhiser: Jim Crow-like assault on black voting in Georgia

A Georgia election board proposed shutting down seven of the nine polling locations in an overwhelmingly black rural county

Eric Toussaint: The Evolution of the Government of President Ortega

In order to win the presidential election of November 2006, Daniel Ortega succeeded in making his election acceptable to the ruling classes, and in particular to the COSEP (Superior Council for Private Enterprise), the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, represented by Cardinal Obando y Bravo, former presidents Arnoldo Alemán and Enrique Bolaños, and the Read more…

Badri Raina: Ahead of 2019, BJP Is Out to Rearrange the Electorate

From bringing in non-Muslims from neighbouring nations to allowing proxy voting rights to NRIs, the ultimate goal seems to be to expand the voter base

Andrew Fan: 14 Times More Likely to Use Force Against Young Black Men

Internal Chicago police files document thousands of police uses of force over more than a decade. Nearly 90 percent were against people of color

Glenn Greenwald: Should We Worry About Silicon Valley Regulating Speech?

Debate on how the left should consider free speech issues in the context of online platforms

Kim Scipes: Zinnophobia

It is rare to get an intelligent, well-sourced and coherent discussion of issues today such as the role of history in education, politics and scholarship, but David Detmer of Purdue University Northwest has provided such with this book

Harold Meyerson: Elizabeth Warren Proposes a Second New Deal

Her new bill would compel corporations to dump “maximizing shareholder value” and put worker representatives on their boards

Jeffrey St. Clair: Roaming Charges: Running Out of Fools

+ Aretha Franklin is dead and America will never be as great again. + Aretha made her first recording when she was 14. She emerged almost fully formed as an artist, with killer chops on the piano and a voice that had the power of Howlin Wolf’s and fluidity of Sam Cooke’s… + For the Read more…

Richard Pithouse: New Frame

We will strive to keep a clear and vigilant eye on the lived experience of oppression and resistance, and to develop new frames for making adequate sense of our time and place, and prospects for a better future

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