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Recent Video

Boots Riley: Riding Through Oakland

Take a ride through Oakland with Boots Riley, frontman of the politically-charged hip-hop group ‘The Coup’, as he reflects on his music, his future, and his relentless revolt against capitalism

Jason Isbell: Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit – White Man’s World

From Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit — The Nashville Sound

Noam Chomsky: From Geopolitical Conflict to Nuclear Abolition

Noam Chomsky delivers the keynote address, “Fate of Humanity”

Ron Daniels: Dr. Ron Daniels Delivers his Final Lecture

A talk on his political world view and on his vision and priorities for IBW moving forward.

Bill Fletcher: The History of Race and Labor in the U.S.

Interview on the history of race and racism in the US from African slavery to today

Arundhati Roy: Bodies, Borders, Resistance, Rebirth

Interview on the political upheaval in India with PM Modi at its front, fueled by increased violence towards Muslims, queers, Dalits, women, and more

Norman Finkelstein: Life in Gaza

Interview on Gaza, its people, and its future

Glenn Greenwald: Trump and NSA Surveillance

Interview on Donald Trump, NSA Surveillance, Facebook Scandal, Russiagate, Syria, Israel, Gaza & Yemen

Noam Chomsky: International Solidarity in the Nuclear Age

Interview on the state of nuclear geopolitics, international solidarity and more

Badri Raina: Democracy – Past, Present and Future

Indian democracy is at crossroads because it did not experience any intellectual revolution

Noam Chomsky: Will organized human life survive?

Noam Chomsky is Political Awareness Committee Student Organization Speaker at St. Olaf College

Noam Chomsky: Discussing Nuclear War

A discussion on nuclear policy and war

Norman Solomon: The Democratic Party in Crisis

Talk on “Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis,” recorded April 25, 2018 at Kane Hall, University of Washington, Seattle

Taya Graham: New Student Movement Seeks to Change Hopkins from Within

A student-led group called Youth Against War and Racism is partnering with the community to lead a fight against Hopkins’ connection to government agencies like the CIA and end its role in military research

Laura Flanders: Workers, Wildcats & New Models for Labor Organizing

Interview on worker wins, challenges, and some new models for organizing

Naomi Klein: The Battle for Paradise

The post-Hurricane Maria recovery is seized by one overarching question: Who is Puerto Rico for: islanders or wealthy outsiders?

Gerardo Reyes Chavez: Farmworkers Bring Human Rights Fight to Wendy’s

Dozens of farmworkers with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers have entered their last day of a 5-day fast

Francis Boyle: Boycott, Divest, Sanction

Stopping Zionist Genocide Against the Palestinians

Brendan Muckian-Bates: West Virginia Teachers Offer a Lesson in Organizing

With a deal reached in the West Virginia teachers strike, there is talk of revived labor activism nationwide

Gregory Wilpert: US Efforts to Sabotage Venezuelan Elections Intensify

Lucas Koerner is a journalist at Venezuelanalysis based in Caracas, Venezuela. Gregory Wilpert a German-American sociologist who earned a Ph.D. in sociology from Brandeis University in 1994. Between 2000 and 2008 he lived in Venezuela, where he taught at the Central University of Venezuela and then worked as a freelance journalist, writing on Venezuelan politics Read more…

Mark Weisbrot: Trump Renews Venezuela Sanctions

Trump renewed Obama’s sanctions against Venezuela, declaring it an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to the US, violating international law in the process

Vincent Emanuele: Red State Rebellion In The Age of Trump

Vincent Emanuele, Open University of the Left, 2-24-2018, Chicago, Illinois, Red State Rebellion In The Age of Trump.

Eddie Conway: ‘It’s Not Mass Incarceration, It’s Targeted’

Prisons aren’t “correctional” facilities, because they have no interest in correcting anything; the multibillion-dollar prison industry is interested in profits, and institutional racism keeps the money flowing

Women's Strike - UK: Why We Strike

On 8 March 2018 women across the world are going on strike. This is a call to action for women in the UK to join the strike. We will refuse to work. We will be on the streets. We will shut things down and disrupt business as usual

Michael Hudson: Trump Privatizes America

Trump’s infrastructure privatization plan is a hat trick that optimistically turns $200 billion into $1.5 trillion, is designed to eliminate the public sector and to bankrupt cities and states

Bernie Sanders: Responding to the State of the Union

Bernie Sanders responds to Trump’s State of the Union speech

Mark Weisbrot: Lula’s Prosecution a Travesty of Justice

Brazil’s political elite is going after Lula and the Workers Party to stop them from running in this year’s presidential election

Taya Graham: Women March in Defiance

In Baltimore and around the world the second anniversary of the Women’s March on Washington prompted calls for unity in resisting the policies of the Trump Administration

Sebastiaan Faber: Spain’s Political Divide

Political parties in Spain are struggling to navigate an increasingly polarized political landscape

Doug Henwood: The Fights Within the US Ruling Elite

The bestseller Fire and Fury not only confirms the worst we suspected about the Trump White House, but it also puts the fights within the US ruling elite on display

Norman Finkelstein: Gaza’s Martyrdom

Israel, with U.S. backing, has caused a “humanitarian disaster” in Gaza, and international human rights groups have failed to uphold justice for its besieged people

Vijay Prashad: Trump’s ‘America First’ a Defensive Strategy

Trump’s “America First” Security Strategy is a defensive response to old rivals China and Russia reasserting their position in the world

Jack Rasmus: Debate on Bitcoin

Is it a currency that is going to replace the dollar or is it a classical commodity speculative financial bubble?

Sebastiaan Faber: Catalan Separatists Defy Obstacles

Catalan independence parties won the regional parliamentary vote, defeating the central government’s effort to weaken the movement

Leo Panitch: Fight Within UK Labour Party

Career Politicians Against Radicals

Lev Golinkin: Europe’s White Supremacists Have Powerful Allies

After a massive neo-fascist march in Poland and new reports of neo-Nazi influence in Ukraine, Lev Golinkin says both the US and Russia have troubling ties to Europe’s far-right

Shir Hever: The Military Industrial Complex of Israel – Part 1

In this video Dr. Shir Hever talks about the history and evolution of the Israeli military industrial complex from the 1980s onwards until the modern era. Dr. Shir Hever is an independent economic researcher and journalist. He writes articles and research for various venues and gives lectures in political and academic venues. Hever also reports Read more…

Norman Solomon: Democratic Party in Crisis

Interview on a new report, “Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis,” which examines the role of Democratic Party loyalists in the party’s 2016 defeat

Lance Canales & The Flood: Plane Wreck At Los Gatos (Deportee)

A version of the legendary song

Richard D. Wolff: On Economic & Business Schools

Interview about the state of economic and business education in universities today

Yanis Varoufakis: The Universal Dividend and Basic Income

Interview about about the Universal Dividend, it’s differences with the Basic Income, how it will be financed and whether it will burden the working class

Lawrence Wilkerson: Trump Following Neocons

In sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal, President Trump is listening to — and following the playbook of — the neocons behind the Iraq war

Matthew Hurteau: Fueling Deadliest Blazes

100 years of fire suppression and human-caused climate change are fueling California’s historic wildfires

Phyllis Bennis: The War in Afghanistan

Trump’s plans to extend the war he once supported ending are even more worrisome for their lack of transparency

Michael Moore: Broadway, Trump, Puerto Rico, & NFL

Interview on what needs to happen next

Monxo Lopez: Puerto Rico Goes Dark

Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on Puerto Rico, but massive debt and a crumbling infrastructure put the island in crisis long before the storm

Dean Baker: Uniting to Fund War

As Republicans attempt a last-ditch repeal of Obamacare, Democrats have joined them to overwhelmingly pass massive spending on the military and war

Phyllis Bennis: Trump’s Threat is Illegal

Donald Trump’s comments at the UN General Assembly violate international law, and the world should hold him to account

John Kiriakou: Harvard Picks Torture

The goal is to ruin you permanently, to make an example of you so that other people don’t take your cue and blow the whistle on waste, fraud, abuse, and illegality

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