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What are Promoted Trends?

Note: Promoted Trends are currently unavailable for self-serve advertisers.

Promoted Trends show users time-, context-, and event-sensitive trends promoted by our advertising partners. These paid Promoted Trends appear at the top of the Trending Topics list on Twitter and are clearly marked as “Promoted.” They can also show within users’ timelines.



Promoted Trends display at either the top or second to top slots of the "Trends for you" section in your home timeline and Explore tab. 

Users who click on a Promoted Trend see Twitter search results for that topic, with a related Promoted Tweet from the advertiser at the top. Tweets on the search results page for Promoted Trends are unfiltered, open, and authentic. (Tweets which violate Twitter’s spam and abuse policy are filtered out as usual).


Promoted Trends are visible to all users on Twitter while they are being promoted. Check your homepage and your Explore tab’s Trends for you list to see what one looks like!


Promoted Trends act similar to any other Trending Topics, and users are able to interact and engage in the same way. The only difference is that a Promoted Trend is purchased by an advertiser and clearly marked as being promoted.

Questions on our Promoted Trend guidelines? Learn more

FAQs on Promoted Trends

  • In addition to, Promoted Trends are displayed on Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for Android, and Tweetdeck.

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  • What happens when I click on a Promoted Trend?
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    Users who click on a Promoted Trend see Twitter search results for that topic, with a related Promoted Tweet from the advertiser at the top. Tweets on the search results page for Promoted Trends are unfiltered, open, and authentic. (Tweets which violate Twitter’s spam and abuse policy are filtered out as usual).

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  • Info on our Promoted Trends policies can be found here

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  • Can I purchase a Promoted Trend?
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    At this time Promoted Trends are not available for our self serve advertisers. 

    Certain advertisers may be eligible to work with a Twitter Sales Account representative. To see if you qualify, please direct your interest via DM to @TwitterAdsHelp. This team will respond to qualifying advertisers and direct them to the proper channels

    Please note this team is active during PST business hours. 

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  • Head here for answers to all your organic trends and trending questions. 

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