
PSMA Australia offers sustainable access to authoritative national location data, underpinning an ever-expanding range of consumer applications, business processes and solutions and government services.

We derive data from Australia’s federal, state and territory governments and our private sector partners.

We’re changing the business of location data for an increasingly connected, competitive and mobile world.

Product Update: Data model changes improve G-NAF product scope

Tracking addressable objects has become easier with the introduction of a new Address Feature table...

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PSMA Shareholders' Statement of Expectations

In May 2018 PSMA Australia made a series of changes to its Constitution as part of a shareholder-initiated governance reform and modernisation initiative. As part of those changes the Shareholders now have the right to issue the Company with a Statement of Expectations which the Board will take into account when preparing the Annual Program each year. The Company received its first Statement of Expectations on 11 May 2018.  ...

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Professional of the Year…again!

Professional of the Year…again!

Our very own CEO Dan Paull, has received the prestigious 2017 Asia Pacific Spatial Professional of the Year Award....

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