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  1. New Left Review, NLR Editorials: To Our Readers
  2. Alan Shuttleworth: Conscription
  3. Dorothy Wedderburn: Pensions, Equality and Socialism
  4. Lee Russell: Howard Hawks
  5. Alan Beckett: Sonny Rollins since 1961
  6. New Left Review: Introduction to Attila Jozsef
  7. Attila Jozsef: Two Poems
  8. Sadegh Hedayat: Tomorrow
  9. I. H.: 'African Socialism'
  10. Norman Dombey: 'The Soviet Family'
  11. T. W.: 'Twelve Wasted Years'
  12. John Hughes: An Economic Policy for Labour
  13. R. B.: 'Sunshades in October: An Analysis of the Main Mistakes in British Economic Policy Since the Mid-50s'
  14. J. M.: 'Radcliffe'
  15. T. W.: 'The Rise of Social Democracy in Russia'
  16. Martin Malek: 'The Turkish Revolution 1960-61'
  17. Hamza Alavi: 'Quiet Crisis in India'
  18. Quintin Hoare: 'Peking v.Delhi'
  19. L. R.: 'The Fighting Task Confronting Workers in Philosophy and the Social Sciences'
  20. L. R.: 'The Secret History of the Mongols'
  21. Kuo Ling: 'The Modern History of Japan'
  22. Fern Rich: 'The Group'
  23. Barbara Castle: The Lessons of French Planning
  24. New Left Review, NLR Editorials: Statement (on Editorial Team)
  25. Tom Nairn: The English Working Class
  26. Ken Coates: The Right to Strike
  27. New Left Review: Olympic Games
  28. New Left Review: Dimbleby
  29. Jon Halliday: The New Italian Socialist Party
  30. New Left Review: The Regiments of Women