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  1. New Left Review, NLR Editorials: Scarborough and Beyond
  2. Ioan Davies: The Congo and the Press
  3. Mike Harrington: What the Hell Is Happening?
  4. Eric Heffer: Conversations in Italy
  5. Martin Baillie: Early Picasso
  6. Graham Martin: Stand: War Poets
  7. Ron Meek: Rates of Growth
  8. Peter Sedgwick: The Mind of an Assassin
  9. Philip Abrams: Beyond the Welfare State
  10. Max Neufeld: The First Machine Age
  11. New Left Review, NLR Editorials: Letter to Readers
  12. Slavomir Mrozek: Wedding in Atomice
  13. Simon Rosenblat: Can the Clubs Grow?
  14. Rod Prince: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
  15. Edward Thompson: Revolution Again!
  16. Stuart Hall: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
  17. Dirk Alverman: Photo Supplement on Algeria
  18. French Intellectuals: The Declaration in Support of the Right of Students Who Refuse to Fight in Algeria
  19. New Left Review, NLR Editorials: The Trial
  20. Alan Lovell: Film Chronicle