
Become a member of Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of information is the foundation of any democracy. Yet almost half of the world’s population is still denied it. By becoming a member of Reporters Without Borders, you can support the integrity of journalism in every corner of the globe. We all share the right to freedom of information. We need you to help us defend it. Join us!

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What is Reporters Without Borders?

Reporters Without Borders is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to promoting and defending freedom of information. Thanks to its network of active correspondents in over 150 countries, Reporters Without Borders strives daily to maintain a free press in every corner of the globe. Registered in France as a non-profit organization, it has consultant status at the United Nations and UNESCO.

Reporters Without Borders currently has 10 offices and sections worldwide.

How will your contribution be used?

By donating to RSF, you are directly supporting journalists all over the world who have been silenced through imprisonment, torture, kidnapping and hefty fines.

Your contribution goes towards:

1. Fighting against censorship

Reporters Without Borders acts in cooperation with governments to fight censorship and laws aimed at restricting freedom of information; in some cases, a delegation follows it up with an on-site visit to gain more insight into the working conditions of the journalists and meet the country’s officials.

2. Supporting journalists

Reporters Without Borders provides material and financial aid to journalists needing urgent help, as well as to their families, by awarding around 300 grants annually.

If you want to apply to RSF for support, contact our Assistance Desk at To promote and defend information freedom, Reporters Without Borders continuously monitors and denounces attacks on freedom of information worldwide.

3. Mobilizing the opinion

In urgent situations and on the occasion of key international events, Reporters Without Borders organizes symbolic actions in front of repressive regimes’ embassies,

Who finances Reporters Without Borders?

Thanks to the annual funding support from our members, Reporters Without Borders can keep its financial and ethical independence. The membership fee and any other subsequent donations you make are tax deductible and you will be sent a tax receipt.

What does being a member of RSF mean?

The RSF membership card simply states that the member is committed to our goals and is financially supportive of the organization. It does not in any way constitute a press card or evidence that the holder is a journalist.

Being a part of the organization’s decisions and development:

Members are invited to the General Assembly to elect their administrators and vote on any strategic proposals.

Being informed about the state of press freedom around the world:

Members receive information every month about the latest attacks on press freedom and how we plan to challenge them.

Supporting the actions of Reporters Without Borders and getting involved in defending freedom of information yourself :

Members can participate in our activities and lend support to any demonstrations and campaigns we undertake.

What do I receive as a member?

For residents outside metropolitan France and overseas territories, please pay attention that only the "sponsorship rate" subscribers will receive a membership card and the Press Freedom World Map.