A bell cymbal or bell splash cymbal is a small, very thick cymbal with little if any taper, used as an effects cymbal in a drum kit. The sound produced when striking the bell cymbal with a drumstick is a distinctive high-pitched ping sound with a long sustain. Some manufacturers list bell cymbals as a type of splash cymbal, others as a distinct type.
The name bell cymbal is suggestive both of its tone, which is distinctly bell like, and also the earliest examples, which were made by drummers cutting down a larger cymbal (often one damaged at the rim) so that only the bell of the cymbal remained.
Bell cymbals vary greatly in profile. In some, there is no bow at all, the entire cymbal is in the shape of a concave downwards cymbal bell, similar to the earliest examples. Others have the shape of a traditional Turkish cymbal, with a smallish bell in proportion to the size of the cymbal, and still others are intermediate between these two extremes.
Bell cymbals are most commonly six to ten inches in diameter, but larger and smaller examples are found occasionally, down to four inches, and Paiste make one at thirteen inches.
The Bell Food Group is the leading meat processor and manufacturer of convenience products in Switzerland. The company was founded in 1869 by Samuel Bell in Basel, where it's headquarter is located up to now. Its range of products includes meat, poultry, charcuterie, seafood and convenience products. Brands include Bell, Abraham, ZIMBO, Môssieur Polette and Hilcona. Some 8,000 employees generated consolidated sales of CHF 2.6 billion in the fiscal year 2014. Bell is listed on the Swiss stock exchange. The majority shareholder of Bell is Coop, one of Switzerland's largest retail and wholesale companies.
The Bell is a British 3-wheeled cyclecar that was made in 1920 by W.G. Bell of Rochester, Kent.
The car was a three-wheeler with the single wheel at the front and was powered by a JAP or Precision engine. The cars were advertised, but it is not certain that series production ever started.
Actors: Arnim Dahl (actor), Paul Henckels (actor), Alexander Hunzinger (actor), Heinz Klevenow (actor), Albert Lieven (actor), Erwin Linder (actor), Robert Meyn (actor), Harald Paulsen (actor), Hans Schwarz Jr. (actor), Josef Sieber (actor), Hans Stiebner (actor), Hubert von Meyerinck (actor), Fritz Wagner (actor), Charlotte Bufford (actress), Elly Burgmer (actress),
Genres: Comedy,Ein Sterbelied Auf Metall
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