08.23.18 10:23am
Today’s Agenda: So Many Entities Are Investigating Michael Cohen Prime Membership Required

Michael Cohen remains our big story today, but there’s plenty else going on. Here’s more on those stories. (Updated.)

08.22.18 5:59pm
Tomorrow Is the Day 

Tomorrow we’re launching our annual Prime sign up drive.

As you may already see from this first iteration of the new front page, the new set up allows us to more clearly surface a lot of what we’re publishing in Prime. With this in place, we’ll also be upping what we’re publishing in Prime. But as I’ve explained in recent days, if you’re a regular reader of TPM, please take this time to become a member. It is a critical part of the future of the site. In addition to supporting our independent journalism, you also get a lot of cool stuff. You get all the exclusive Prime articles. You get fewer ads. You get access to the Hive, ad-free RSS feeds, various gizmos and features. If you’re a regular reader of TPM, please make this the time. It’s easy, quick, cheap. We kick off tomorrow.

08.22.18 3:54pm
Some Guidance on Our New Design 

As you acclimate to the new TPM front page design, I wanted to share a few thoughts to give some context about what we’re trying to do with this new design and other details to help you make sense of it.

08.22.18 3:33pm
Sounds Different 

Watching the Sanders press conference this morning, Sanders seems to have moved another big notch forward in terms of very clipped answers. Basically every answer is, I don’t have anything more for you. In addition, she has rolled out what seems like a new talking point. Each time she’s asked if Trump committed a crime she said repeatedly “he did nothing wrong. There are no charges against him.”

08.22.18 11:05am
Trump Attracts Bad People, Volume 84 

A number of people noted overnight that President Trump’s first and second Congressional endorsers in 2016 have now both been indicted. Those are Chris Collins of New York and Duncan Hunter of California.

08.22.18 09:51am
Today’s Agenda: Following Leads From A Blockbuster Day Prime Membership Required

So, yesterday turned out to be busy. Paul Manafort was found guilty on eight counts; the judge declared a mistrial on the other 10. Michael Cohen submitted a guilty plea in Manhattan Federal Court, and implicated Trump in the crimes he said he committed. Late in the day, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) was indicted, meaning that Donald Trump’s first two congressional supporters (Hunter and New York Rep. Chris Collins) have been charged with crimes.

Also, TPM rolled out a new front page.

Here’s more on those stories, and what we’re following today. (Updated)

08.21.18 10:15pm
Notes on the Cohen Charges Prime Membership Required

As yours may be, my head is still spinning from the events of the day. Let me just start with a few observations.

08.21.18 9:18pm
I Talk To John Dean 

This afternoon, just as all hell was starting to break loose, I talked to John Dean about Watergate, Trump Russia and similarities between the two. Listen here.

08.21.18 6:08pm
President’s Initial Reaction 

Here is a transcript and video of Trump’s brief comments on today’s news. Note that there’s no discussion of Cohen, only Manafort – transcript per pool report.

Transcript after the jump …

08.21.18 4:51pm
Bad News for Trump 

Developing: Cohen appears to directly implicate a “candidate” in the campaign finance violations he is currently pleading guilty to.

A lawsuit filed by 20 GOP-controlled states and supported by the Trump administration could end up becoming a serious liability for Republican candidates this November. The suit seeks to gut the remainder of the Affordable Care Act, and will go before a conservative Texas federal judge in early September, just two months before voters go to the polls to decide which party controls the House, the Senate, and dozens of influential state and local seats.

5 hrs 35 mins ago
Giuliani Calls On DOJ To ‘Wake Up’ And Indict Hillary Clinton 

Rudy Giuliani on Thursday tried to change the subject from Michael Cohen’s guilty plea. He called on the DOJ to “wake up” and suggested Hillary Clinton should be indicted over the Steele dossier.

7 hrs ago
Trump: ‘I Think Everybody Would Be Very Poor’ If I Got Impeached 

8 hrs ago
Trump: ‘Flipping’ To Get A Plea Deal ‘Almost Ought To Be Illegal’ 

In response to his former lawyer’s guilty plea this week, President Donald Trump expressed Thursday that he would like to do away with the government’s long-held practice of offering shorter sentences for those defendants willing to cooperate with the government in criminal cases.

8 hrs ago
Trump: Cohen Is ‘Not Somebody That Was With Me That Much,’ I’d ‘See Him Sometimes’ 

1 day ago
Cohen Atty On ‘Dirt’ Meeting: Cohen ‘Was Present’ During Trump, Trump Jr. Convo 

Asked Wednesday what evidence Michael Cohen had that President Donald Trump knew ahead of time about the June 2016 Trump Tower “dirt” meeting, Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis said simply: “I can only say that he was present during a discussion with [Donald Trump] Jr. and dad, and beyond that, his testimony to the Senate Intelligence and House Intelligence committees was accurate.”

Cohen on Tuesday maintained that his earlier testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, in which he claimed he personally had no advanced knowledge of the meeting, was still accurate.

1 day ago
CNBC: Prosecutors Say Cohen Spent $50k On Tech ‘In Connection With’ Campaign 

CNBC reported Wednesday on a $50,000 expense reported by Michael Cohen in January 2017 to the Trump Organization “buried in legal documents released Tuesday”. Cohen presented the expense to Trump Organization executives as “a handwritten sum at the top” of another document, CNBC reported. The Trump Organization would later say the expense was “payment for tech services,” but, CNBC noted, prosecutors say it “was in fact related to work Cohen had solicited from a technology company during and in connection with the campaign.” Read more here.

1 day ago
Was Cohen In Prague In 2016? Lawyer Says ‘Never, Never In Prague! Ever! Ever!’ 

Former Trump fixer Michael Cohen has long denied that he went to Prague in 2016 to meet Russian intelligence agents, as the Steele dossier alleged. In April, McClatchy reported that special counsel Robert Mueller’s team had obtained evidence that Cohen had traveled to Prague, via Germany, during the summer of 2016, per two unnamed sources familiar with the matter.

On Wednesday, Cohen lawyer Lanny Davis maintained his denials, emphatically:

1 day ago
Rep. Hunter Says DOJ Is ‘Democrats’ Arm Of Law Enforcement’ After Getting Indicted 

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) was indicted Tuesday for massive campaign finance violations. In true Trumpian form, he accused “Democrats’ arm of law enforcement” — that is, the Jeff Sessions-led Justice Department — of having “a political agenda.”  Watch below, or see a slightly longer version on KGTV:

1 day ago
WATCH LIVE: White House Holds Press Briefing At 2:15 PM ET 

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is scheduled to hold a press briefing at 2:15 p.m. ET.

Watch it live below:


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