Conan Osiris Was Robbed


I earn $1000USD for every left wing tweet I send.

North Sydney
Beigetreten Juni 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    18. Aug. 2017

    Friendly reminder: queuing across intersections should be punished by having your teeth crushed with pliers.

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  2. vor 8 Stunden

    Suddenly no weird spin about how bad this is for Shorten.

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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 8 Stunden

    Federal 2 Party Preferred: L/NP 48.5 (-0.5) ALP 51.5 (+0.5)

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  4. vor 8 Stunden

    Very low primary vote to get there for Labor.

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  5. hat retweetet
    vor 8 Stunden

    Preferred PM: Morrison 47 (+2) Shorten 38 (0)

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  6. hat retweetet

    There appears to have been a very aggressive altercation involving someone tearing down Tony Abbott campaign banners. The police have issued this statement:

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  7. vor 8 Stunden

    If Australia wins Eurovision we should hold it in Gaza.

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  8. hat retweetet
    16. Mai
    Antwort an

    Shameful plug but I wrote an article on this last year (also did an actress edition)! James Franco was at 14 at the time of writing and Michael Shannon and David oyelowo had 10 .

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  9. hat retweetet
    12. Mai

    Some A-list actors and the number of their films directed by women (excluding voice roles) Tom Cruise 0 Matt Damon 0 Will Smith 0 Brad Pitt 1 Robert Downey Jr 1 Hugh Jackman 1 Jim Carrey 1 Keanu Reeves 13

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  10. vor 8 Stunden

    “I’m going to vote for the party that have wrapped the school in enough plastic drown all the world’s turtles!”

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  11. vor 8 Stunden

    Anyway, just remember if you vote for Scott Morrison tomorrow he’s promised we can burn him. Every day. He’ll burn for all Australians. Comforting thought.

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  12. vor 8 Stunden

    This is really stupid it’ll be exactly as bad and poisonous as having him directly on your platform. Is this really the environment you want to create?

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  13. vor 8 Stunden
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  14. vor 9 Stunden

    Here in 2031 Tony Abbott and Mark Latham control the two largest parties in the NSW Upper House.

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  15. vor 10 Stunden

    Sad to hear a cat has died of a virus.

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  16. hat retweetet

    You can pretend to be a tiger an alien or a giant robot but don't you dare make believe you're Emma Wiggle.

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  17. vor 11 Stunden

    On a Telstra plan you could bankrupt a small nation in minutes.

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  18. hat retweetet

    Tony Abbott wrote 20 years ago floating dollar didn't make sense “makes no more sense than altering the price of cornflakes every time a buyer takes a packet off the supermarket shelves” 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐

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  19. vor 11 Stunden

    You, an idiot: Bill Shorten needs to start measuring for curtains at the lodge! Me, an intellectual: I don’t think he has to pay for soft furnishings, also, it’s far more important to make sure his fridge will fit in the spot in the kitchen.

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  20. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden

    I wonder if any incoming PM moves into the Lodge and thinks “damn, I really should have measured these drapes before I became PM, bit busy now and my tape measure is at the bottom of a box”

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  21. hat retweetet
    vor 12 Stunden

    In Queensland we could lose the amazing Larissa Waters in the Senate to be replaced with Malcolm Roberts, Fraser Anning or Clive Palmer 😱 even if you are a hard core Labor supporter, you have to know having Larissa in the Senate is a better option for everyone.

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