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Accounts from the Fall of Silent Sam

CrimethInc. offers up the following reflections on the toppling of the Silent Sam statue in North Carolina. As the effects of the toppling of the...

Noise Report: Fireworks and Rage Light Up the Youth Jail in...

The following report back on a #PrisonStrike solidarity noise demonstration was originally published on Conflict MN. A noise demo was called to take place...

Down Goes Silent Sam: A Reportback From UNC-Chapel Hill

A report back and an analysis of the anti-Silent Sam actions that toppled the statue in North Carolina. Last night, 300 people tore down the...

Comrade Malik Speaks On Nationwide Political Repression Against Prison Strike

Keith "Comrade Malik" Washington, Deputy Chairman of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and a proud member of the Industrial Workers of the World/Incarcerated...

Lafayette, IN: #PrisonStrike Banner Dropped Across from Court House

The following photo and report back was anonymously sent to It's Going Down. Yesterday morning, anarchists in Lafayette, IN, dropped a banner across the...

New Prisoner Audio Confirms “Humanitarian Crisis†at Stillwater Prison: Prisoners and...

Report from Twin Cities Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) on the lockdown at Stillwater Prison. By Joanna Nuñez The lockdown at Stillwater Prison is now in...

Austin Goes #AllOutATX: Autonomous Antifascists Assemble

A report and analysis from autonomous antifascists about the recent #AllOutATX mobilization in Austin, Texas. #AllOutATX was the final act in a month of struggle...

Calling It Terror: On Recent Attacks in Southern Ontario

Looking at recent events in Canada, the following analysis piece originally posted to Northshore Counter-Info argues that all movements and both State and non-State...

A Year in Popular Power: Episode 1 – Teacher Strikes and...

Black Rose Anarchist Federation presents the first episode in their A Year in Popular Power series. Enrique is a high school teacher in North...

Hotwire #33: #PrisonStrike Kicks Off, Racist Statue Torn Down

CrimethInc's weekly show brings us updates and news from anarchist and social struggles around the world. This week, you will hear updates from the Stony...

#PrisonStrike Solidarity Action Across the US on August 21st

Across the US, solidarity actions took place to mark the kick off of the August 21st national prison strike. In Brooklyn, anarchists, abolitionists, wobblies,...

This is America #26: #PrisonStrike Kicks Off, Sam is Silenced

Welcome, to This Is America, August 21st, 2018. Today the prison strike kicked off. We're not going to rehash everything that is already on It's...

Little Rock, AR: Antifascist Report Back from the ‘Rally for Religious...

Various religious and community groups came together to rally for basic freedoms, only to be met by threats from KKK and neo-Nazi organizations. Local...

Philadelphia, PA: Call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc in Mobilization Against ‘Blue...

A call for an anti-authoritarian bloc at an upcoming mass mobilization against a 'Blue Live Matter' march in Philadelphia, PA. This Saturday, August 25th, fascists...

Avalon, PA: John Brown Gun Club and BLAQK OPS Hold Picnic...

Report from Steel City John Brown Gun Club, who along with other community organizations, organized in the wake of a racist neo-Nazi attack. Paul Morris,...

Community Shows Support as NC Prisoners Rally With Banners

Report back from community members in North Carolina who showed up to support a prison strike action organized by prisoners across racial lines on...

How the Confederate Statue Came Down in Chapel Hill

In North Carolina, people have been fighting for the removal of the "Silent Sam" statue for years. Last night, people brought it down on...

Tacoma, WA: Detainees Declare Solidarity with #PrisonStrike, Launch Hunger and Work...

On Tuesday, August 21st, the national prison strike hit the ground running, went viral on Twitter, spread into Canadian prisons, set off a series...

Pulling Down the Bars: The 2018 #PrisonStrike

The 2018 Prison Strike has officially begun. Already, the strike has spread into Canada, and numerous facilities around the US are already seeing hunger strikes...

Philadelphia, PA: Banner Drop in Solidarity with Prison Rebels

The following photo and report in solidarity with the #PrisonStrike was anonymously sent to It's Going Down. Kickin' off the nationwide prison strike with...

Ralph Cielocha, One Slumlord Among Many: The Horner Park Tenants Union’s...

Report from Chicago's Autonomous Tenants Union on a recent organizing campaign. Many of ATU’s anti-eviction struggles are against large developers who are moving into Albany...
Keith "Comrade Malik" Washington, Deputy Chairman of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and a proud member of the Industrial Workers of the World/Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, writes about his personal experience of the coordinated program of state repression against rebel prisoners in the lead up to the prison...
As the earth heats up - the State cracks down. After 12 years of fruitless searching, federal agents have captured Joseph Dibee, accused participant in the Earth Liberation Front. Dibee is charged with arson and conspiracy. The following statement from our collective, It’s Going Down, and a network of anti-fascist...
CrimethInc. offers up the following reflections on the toppling of the Silent Sam statue in North Carolina. As the effects of the toppling of the Confederate statue at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill continue to ripple out, we’ve obtained two narratives of the night’s events. The first...
The following report back on a #PrisonStrike solidarity noise demonstration was originally published on Conflict MN. A noise demo was called to take place in Minneapolis on the 21st of August at the start of the nationwide prison strike coordinated across at least seventeen different states. We joined hundreds...
A report back and an analysis of the anti-Silent Sam actions that toppled the statue in North Carolina. Last night, 300 people tore down the Silent Sam Confederate statue on UNC-Chapel Hill campus. The evening began outside the Chapel Hill post office at 7 p.m.  A crowd of a couple hundred...
A report and analysis from autonomous antifascists about the recent #AllOutATX mobilization in Austin, Texas. #AllOutATX was the final act in a month of struggle against fascism in central Texas. While the ongoing Occupy ICE San Antonio encampment faced attacks from Patriot Front, local police, and the FBI, this marked...