Federal officers establish unconstitutional checkpoints on road to Burning Man ( 2 ) [boing] (35)
N-word returns to British television ( 2 3 4 ) [boing] (74)
DNC alerts FBI to phishing attack on its voter database [boing] (6)
Nikon re-registers legendary 'Nikonos' trademark [boing] (10)
'Too Late to Protect 2018 Elections,' says Alex Stamos, former Facebook CSO [boing] (8)
Elizabeth Warren's anti-corruption bill bans foreign lobbyists, subjects domestic lobbyists to strong oversight ( 2 3 ) [boing] (55)
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter indicted on wire fraud & campaign finance crimes, incl. $1,500+ of Steam games ( 2 3 ) [boing] (54)
Great movies to watch: Pretty much anything from Preston Sturges ( 2 ) [boing] (25)
Walmart's selling eBooks now I guess [boing] (9)
Trump recommends against hiring Michael Cohen as your lawyer ( 2 3 4 5 ) [boing] (94)
California's resurrected #NetNeutrality bill just passed a hurdle. Californians, here's how to help. [boing] (2)
Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega: from hero to Nero [boing] (5)
'He did nothing wrong,' WH Press Sec. Sarah Sanders says on Trump, 'There are no charges against him.' ( 2 3 4 ) [boing] (63)
Police officer who breastfed a malnourished baby at hospital hailed a hero ( 2 3 ) [boing] (52)
:cake: Let Us Eat CAKE :birthday: ( 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ) [general] (596)
Super, super, super-size me: a 2142 calorie meal ( 2 3 4 ) [boing] (61)
AI will try to paint what you tell it to, often generating surreal horrors ( 2 3 ) [boing] (54)
When asked about Cohen hush payments, Trump can't stop saying the word "campaign" ( 2 3 ) [boing] (44)
Facebook sends man animation featuring cartoon characters dancing on his mother's grave ( 2 ) [boing] (30)
Unprecedented: criminal president [wrath] (17)
This deck of cards will spark small, IRL experiences [boing] (8)
European measles outbreak infects 41,000 people, killing 27 of them (so far) ( 2 ) [boing] (29)
New York Times removes reporters' bylines from homepage ( 2 ) [boing] (21)
Caucasian Ovcharka determines child lacks skills necessary to play at beach ( 2 ) [boing] (21)
Build a Crowbox kit and become friends with your neighborhood crows ( 2 ) [boing] (25)
Facebook users demand their Cambridge Analytica data, as 'dirty data' firm dies in bankruptcy [boing] (5)
Legal weed is 22.5% cheaper on the west coast ( 2 ) [boing] (26)
Russian skepticism ( 2 3 4 5 ) [wrath] (85)
PETA frees animal crackers from their cages ( 2 3 ) [boing] (48)
Cohen says he has information about Trump conspiring with Russia to corrupt American democracy ( 2 3 ) [boing] (42)