This is the original WWW homepage for the

Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory at the Department of Physics, UiO

This lab is the home facility for part of the experimental section of the Nuclear Physics research group.

The activity at our lab can be divided in two major projects:

Additionally, we have some activities that are either a direct spinoff of the above, such as development of electronic and mechanical equipment we need, or related to multiple interests of some of our staff, such as applied energy research.

If you want more references to our work and achievements, see our publication list for 1997.

Doing science nowadays almost always requires computers, and some of us spend a not insignificant amount of our time setting them up and writing programs for our special needs.

What is going on at present? Here is the beam schedule.

Here is a list of the staff and students affiliated with the lab.

Last update 20-03-2001 by Jon Wikne,