• The Web I Want

    Great post by Chris James. “If I can’t use your website without JavaScript being turned on, then you don’t know what you’re doing.”

    21 Aug 2018
  • Securing Web Sites Made Them Less Accessible

    Eric Meyer talks about one of the downsides of HTTPS everywhere, particularly caching strategies that benefit remote regions with high-latency internet connections.

    08 Aug 2018
  • The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018

    A detailed look at the crushing effect of JS on UX and especially performance, by Addy Osmani.

    06 Aug 2018
  • Bits

    Ethan Marcotte makes the case for thinking about slow websites in a broader context, so we don’t only focus on improvements to processes or put too much responsibility on those who build. There are business needs that should be considered.

    03 Aug 2018
  • The Bullshit Web

    “You know how building wider roads doesn’t improve commute times, as it simply encourages people to drive more? It’s that, but with bytes and bandwidth instead of cars and lanes.”

    31 Jul 2018
  • Save RSS!

    “This website is dedicated to the spreading and promotion of the RSS and Atom news syndication formats.”

    29 Jul 2018
  • Browser Detecting Div

    This is an interesting demo that looks dramatically different in every browser.

    06 Jul 2018
  • The Cult of the Complex

    Another article observing the increasing complexity of modern websites.

    01 Jul 2018
  • Wireframe Deck

    With this deck of cards, you can piece together a wireframe by using the cards as puzzle pieces, helping you quickly iterate through ideas away from the computer.

    25 May 2018
  • Service Worker Cookbook

    A rich collection of recipes and patterns for service workers.

    21 May 2018
  • Campnab

    “Tell us where, when, and how long you want to camp for. We’ll text you when a suitable spot opens up!”

    13 May 2018
  • Interview with Jeremy Keith

    “It’s ironic that, at the same time as we can do so much more with less when it comes to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in browsers, many developers are choosing to make things more complicated by introducing complex tool chains, frameworks, and processes.”

    09 May 2018
  • Pure CSS Francine

    Incredible portrait by Diana Smith made with HTML and CSS. Works well in the latest Firefox and Chrome, but the real fun is trying it in older browsers.

    01 May 2018
  • Generate New York 2018

    Rob Weychert provides a fantastic summary of every talk from the Generate conference.

    29 Apr 2018
  • Fathom Analytics

    A proposal for trustworthy analytics. At Faculty, we’ve considered building something like this that would also be extremely fast, since analytics account for a lot of today’s performance issues, not just privacy issues.

    16 Apr 2018
  • It’s Time to Rebuild the Web

    “The web was never supposed to be a few walled gardens of concentrated content owned by Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and a few other major publishers. It was supposed to be a cacophony of different sites and voices.”

    16 Apr 2018
  • Dear Developer, The Web Isn’t About You

    Solid rant from Charlie Owen about the downward spiral of quality in web design and development.

    06 Apr 2018
  • FontCode

    “An information embedding technique for text documents. Provided a text document with specific fonts, our method embeds user-specified information in the text by perturbing the glyphs of text characters while preserving the text content.”

    06 Apr 2018

    A privacy-first name server from Cloudfare that also boasts impressive performance. I’ve been using it as my primary web server since first discovering it.

    02 Apr 2018
  • CSS Mario

    A Super Mario World animation made exclusively with HTML and CSS.

    29 Mar 2018
  • Firefox Multi-Account Containers

    This is a concept I have been wanting for many years. With multi-account containers in Firefox, you can isolate accounts, similar in spirit to using a separate browser for each account.

    29 Mar 2018
  • Design Doesn’t Care What You Think Information Looks Like

    Rob Weychert shows some examples from his work at ProPublica that show how far you can push the envelope with design without sacrificing web fundamentals.

    27 Mar 2018
  • The Missing Building Blocks of the Web

    “At a time when millions are losing trust in the the web’s biggest sites, it’s worth revisiting the idea that the web was supposed to be made out of countless little sites.”

    22 Mar 2018
  • An Exist Strategy

    Thoughtful post from Natasha Lampard of Webstock fame. “Building for the long run beats racing for a quick exit.”

    21 Mar 2018
  • The Good Room

    Another gem from Frank Chimero. “If we’re setting out to change the character of technology in our lives, we’d be wise to learn from the character of places.”

    20 Mar 2018
  • The 100 Day Collective

    A 15-week group program for people participating in the 100 Day Project.

    20 Mar 2018
  • Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

    The world could use a movie about Mister Rogers right now.

    20 Mar 2018
  • The Web Can Be Weaponised

    Insightful article from Tim Berners-Lee. “It’s dangerous having a handful of companies control how ideas and opinions are shared.”

    13 Mar 2018
  • Everything Easy Is Hard Again

    Excellent essay by Frank Chimero about long-term experience on the web, getting started, unnecessary complexity, and the web’s legibility problem.

    09 Feb 2018
  • The Case for RSS

    Another post about RSS and why it’s great.

    08 Feb 2018
  • How Analogue Remade the Super Nintendo

    Fascinating look at Analogue, the company making gorgeous replicas of old video game consoles, including the Analogue Nt and the upcoming Analogue Super Nt.

    08 Feb 2018
  • Wootube

    Eddie Woo is math teacher from Sydney who creates some pretty great educational videos.

    30 Jan 2018
  • Thoughtbot’s Git Protocol

    Good alternative to branching models like GitFlow. Provides a linear logical history instead of a branching mess. Via Elle Meredith.

    29 Jan 2018
  • Datasette

    A project from Simon Willison that provides an instant, read-only JSON API for any SQLite database.

    28 Jan 2018
  • Vestaboard

    Very cool display that resembles the design of a split-flap display you might see at a train station.

    26 Jan 2018
  • Yes VC

    Investment companies aren’t usually interesting, but they’re not usually comprised of partners like Caterina Fake. Yes!

    25 Jan 2018
  • Die With Me

    A chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery left.

    18 Jan 2018
  • Legends of the Ancient Web

    This is the text version of a talk given by Maciej Cegłowski at the Front Trends conference in Warsaw.

    11 Jan 2018
  • AMP Letter

    “We are a community of individuals who have a significant interest in the development and health of the World Wide Web, and we are deeply concerned about Accelerated Mobile Pages, a Google project that purportedly seeks to improve the user experience of the Web.”

    09 Jan 2018
  • Isotope Fonts

    “Inspired by a style of lettering invented to convey precision and reliability, Isotope is a new family of typefaces designed to be both luxurious and fit.”

    09 Jan 2018
  • Minimum Viable Sharing Meta Tags

    Informative post from Stoyan Stefanov about how to add the appropriate sharing tags for Twitter and Facebook to your site, so that anyone who shares the link will get a nice preview image.

    08 Jan 2018
  • Front-End Performance Checklist 2018

    Pretty thorough front-end performance guide from Vitaly Friedman of Smashing Magazine.

    03 Jan 2018
  • Introducing Web Payments

    Pretty good introduction to Web Payments and the Payment Request API.

    02 Jan 2018
  • Ad Targeters Are Pulling Data from Your Browser’s Password Manager

    Another example of the growing similarities between ads and XSS. Ad blockers don’t just improve your experience; they improve your security, too.

    02 Jan 2018
  • Alike

    A short film by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez.

    02 Jan 2018
  • The Great Slate

    “Tech Solidarity is endorsing eight candidates for Congress. Each of them is a first-time progressive candidate with a day job, an excellent campaign team, and a clear path to victory.”

    31 Dec 2017
  • How To Add A Security Key To Your Gmail

    Protecting your email account is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself online.

    27 Dec 2017
  • Facebook Russian Agent Check

    Facebook is now offering a page that checks whether you got played by the Russians during the 2016 election.

    23 Dec 2017
  • Site Inspire

    My site was featured on Site Inspire. Yay!

    22 Dec 2017
  • Typewolf

    My site was featured on Typewolf. Pretty cool.

    22 Dec 2017