Twitter extended entities 


If a Tweet contains native media (shared with the Tweet user-interface as opposed via a link to elsewhere), there will also be a extended_entities section. When it comes to any native media (photo, video, or GIF), the extended_entities is the preferred metadata source for several reasons. Currently, up to four photos can be attached to a Tweet. The entities metadata will only contain the first photo (until 2014, only one photo could be included), while the extended_entities section will include all attached photos. With native media, another deficiency of the metadata is that the media type will always indicate ‘photo’, even in cases where the attached media is a video or animated GIF. The actual type of media is specified in the[].type attribute and is set to either photovideo, or animated_gif. For these reasons, if you are working with native media, the extended_entities metadata is the way to go.

All Tweets with attached photos, videos and animated GIFs will include an extended_entities JSON object. The extended_entities object contains a single media array of media objects (see the entities section for its data dictionary). No other entity types, such as hashtags and links, are included in the extended_entities section. The media object in the extended_entities section is identical in structure to the one included in the entities section.

Tweets can only have one type of media attached to it. For photos, up to four photos can be attached. For videos and GIFs, one can be attached. Since the media type metadata in the extended_entities section correctly indicates the media type (‘photo’, ‘video’ or ‘animated_gif’), and supports up to 4 photos, it is the preferred metadata source for native media.

  "extended_entities": {
    "media": [


Example Tweets and JSON payloads

Below are some example Tweets and their associated entities metadata.

Tweet with four native photos

Tweet with hashtag, user mention, cashtag, URL, and four native photos:

Here is the entities section for this Tweet:

  "entities": {
    "hashtags": [
        "text": "hashtag",
        "indices": [
    "urls": [
        "url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "unwound": {
          "url": "",
          "status": 200,
          "title": "Tweeting in the Rain, Part 1 - Gnip Blog - Social Data and Data Science Blog",
          "description": "If you would have told me a few years ago that one day I’d be comparing precipitation and social media time-series data, I would have assumed you were joking.  For 13 years at OneRain I helped develop software and monitoring … Continue reading →"
        "indices": [
    "user_mentions": [
        "screen_name": "MentionThis",
        "name": "Just Me",
        "id": 50247739,
        "id_str": "50247739",
        "indices": [
    "symbols": [
        "text": "twtr",
        "indices": [
    "media": [
        "id": 861627472244162561,
        "id_str": "861627472244162561",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "photo",
        "sizes": {
          "medium": {
            "w": 1200,
            "h": 900,
            "resize": "fit"
          "small": {
            "w": 680,
            "h": 510,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "large": {
            "w": 2048,
            "h": 1536,
            "resize": "fit"

Only in this ‘extended’ payload below will you find the four (maximum) native photos. Notice that the first photo in the array is the same as the single photo included in the non-extended Twitter entities section. The media metadata structure for photos is the same for both entities and extended_entities sections.

Here is the extented_entities section for this Tweet:

"extended_entities": {
    "media": [
        "id": 861627472244162561,
        "id_str": "861627472244162561",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "photo",
        "sizes": {
          "medium": {
            "w": 1200,
            "h": 900,
            "resize": "fit"
          "small": {
            "w": 680,
            "h": 510,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "large": {
            "w": 2048,
            "h": 1536,
            "resize": "fit"
        "id": 861627472244203520,
        "id_str": "861627472244203520",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "photo",
        "sizes": {
          "small": {
            "w": 680,
            "h": 680,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "medium": {
            "w": 1200,
            "h": 1200,
            "resize": "fit"
          "large": {
            "w": 2048,
            "h": 2048,
            "resize": "fit"
        "id": 861627474144149504,
        "id_str": "861627474144149504",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "photo",
        "sizes": {
          "medium": {
            "w": 1200,
            "h": 900,
            "resize": "fit"
          "small": {
            "w": 680,
            "h": 510,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "large": {
            "w": 2048,
            "h": 1536,
            "resize": "fit"
        "id": 861627474760708096,
        "id_str": "861627474760708096",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "photo",
        "sizes": {
          "small": {
            "w": 680,
            "h": 680,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "medium": {
            "w": 1200,
            "h": 1200,
            "resize": "fit"
          "large": {
            "w": 2048,
            "h": 2048,
            "resize": "fit"


Tweet with native video

Below is the extended entities metadata for this Tweet with a video:

  "extended_entities": {
    "media": [
        "id": 869317980307415040,
        "id_str": "869317980307415040",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "video",
        "sizes": {
          "small": {
            "w": 340,
            "h": 604,
            "resize": "fit"
          "large": {
            "w": 720,
            "h": 1280,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "medium": {
            "w": 600,
            "h": 1067,
            "resize": "fit"
        "video_info": {
          "aspect_ratio": [
          "duration_millis": 10704,
          "variants": [
              "bitrate": 320000,
              "content_type": "video/mp4",
              "url": ""
              "bitrate": 2176000,
              "content_type": "video/mp4",
              "url": ""
              "bitrate": 832000,
              "content_type": "video/mp4",
              "url": ""
              "content_type": "application/x-mpegURL",
              "url": ""

When an advertiser chooses to limit video playback to just Twitter owned and operated platforms, the video_info object will be replaced with an additional_media_info object.

The additional_media_info will contain additional media info provided by the publisher, such as title, description and embeddable flag. Video content is made available only to Twitter official clients when embeddable=false. In this case, all video URLs provided in the payload will be Twitter-based, so the user can open the video in a Twitter owned property by clicking the link.

Here is an example of what the extended entities object will look like in this situation:

  "extended_entities": {
    "media": [
        "id": 924685332347469824,
        "id_str": "924685332347469824",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "photo",
        "sizes": {
          "small": {
            "w": 680,
            "h": 383,
            "resize": "fit"
          "medium": {
            "w": 1200,
            "h": 675,
            "resize": "fit"
          "large": {
            "w": 1280,
            "h": 720,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
        "additional_media_info": {
          "title": "#ATLvsNYJ: Tomlinson TD from McCown",
          "description": "NFL",
          "embeddable": false,
          "monetizable": true

As discussed above, here is the entities section that incorrectly has the type set to ‘photo’. Again, the extended_entities section is preferred for all native media types, including ‘video’ and ‘animated_gif’.

"entities": {
    "hashtags": [
    "urls": [
    "user_mentions": [
    "symbols": [
    "media": [
        "id": 869317980307415040,
        "id_str": "869317980307415040",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "photo",
        "sizes": {
          "small": {
            "w": 340,
            "h": 604,
            "resize": "fit"
          "large": {
            "w": 720,
            "h": 1280,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "medium": {
            "w": 600,
            "h": 1067,
            "resize": "fit"



Tweet with an animated GIF

Below is the extended entities metadata for this Tweet with an animated GIF:

  "extended_entities": {
    "media": [
        "id": 870042654213459968,
        "id_str": "870042654213459968",
        "indices": [
        "media_url": "",
        "media_url_https": "",
        "url": "",
        "display_url": "",
        "expanded_url": "",
        "type": "animated_gif",
        "sizes": {
          "medium": {
            "w": 350,
            "h": 262,
            "resize": "fit"
          "small": {
            "w": 340,
            "h": 255,
            "resize": "fit"
          "thumb": {
            "w": 150,
            "h": 150,
            "resize": "crop"
          "large": {
            "w": 350,
            "h": 262,
            "resize": "fit"
        "video_info": {
          "aspect_ratio": [
          "variants": [
              "bitrate": 0,
              "content_type": "video/mp4",
              "url": ""


Next steps

Explore other Tweet JSON objects and data dictionaries: