Twitter Apps

View the "Apps" page

To manage existing apps within the developer portal, developers must have either applied or been approved for a developer account.
To create a new Twitter app, you must have an admin role for an approved developer account.

The "Apps" page allows developers to quickly and easily perform the following tasks. 

  • View your existing apps and their associated app ID. 
  • Create a new app.
  • Delete an unused app by clicking the ellipses to the right of an app's "Details" button. 
  • Open up a specific app's settings by clicking the "Details" button. Within the settings, you can see the app details, keys and tokens, and permissions.

Please note - At this time, you can still manage your existing Twitter apps via We will eventually require all developers to have an approved developer account to both create and manage their Twitter apps. We will provide at least 90-day notice before making this change.

We may opt to sunset before the point in time where we require a developer account to manage Twitter apps; in that case, we will ensure developers continue to have the ability to manage their Twitter apps on without having an approved developer account for a reasonable amount of time. 

App Settings

App details

Here you can edit the app icon, app name, app description, your website URL, callback URLs, terms of service URL, privacy policy URL, organization name, organization URL, and purpose of the app (i.e., the use case). You can also toggle on and off whether Sign in with Twitter is supported for this app. It is important to keep this information up to date. If your app purpose changes, be sure to update it here in order to ensure you are in compliance with the Developer Terms.

Keys and tokens

On the "Keys and tokens" page you can view, create, regenerate, or revoke the following tokens:


The "Permissions" page allows an app owner to adjust the permissions each app is requesting from people (read-only; read and write; or read, write and direct messages). This controls which resources and events you have access to via Twitter APIs (note: some resources require further permission from Twitter directly).

You can also toggle on and off your apps' ability to ask for user email addresses on this page (this requires a Terms of Service URL and a Privacy Policy URL to be present on the "App Details" page). 

Learn more about the application permissions here.

Do you have a use case that requires more than 10 apps?

We have limited accounts to a maximum of 10 apps as an important step to combat spam and multi-key abuse. We recognize, however, that there are legitimate reasons for developers to have more than 10 apps linked to their accounts. We suggest that you review our policy guidance on multiple apps for the same use case to familiarize yourself with the types of app creation that are not policy-compliant. If, after reading this guidance, you believe you may qualify for additional apps beyond the 10 limit (or your current number of apps, if it’s greater than 10) please complete the following steps:

  1. If you haven’t already submitted a developer account application, go to and submit one. Please be as specific and detailed as possible to avoid additional requests for information and ensure a smooth review. You will also need to confirm your email address at the end of the application flow. Please make sure to pay attention to your email in case we need to clarify your use case. 
  2. While we review your developer account application, make sure we know the purpose of each of your individual apps. Using, go to ‘Apps’ > Details > and add a description of your app's use case(s) where it says “Tell us how this app will be used”.
  3. Once you receive notice that your developer account is approved, you should submit an elevation request for each app that needs elevated app access: 
    1. Go to our API Policy Support Form
    2. Open a case under the “I have an API policy question not covered by these points” category. (Be sure that you’re signed in from the @handle tied to the developer account that is requesting additional apps.)
    3. In the “Details” section of the form please provide the total number of apps that you require, along with the specific use case for each app. We will not approve apps that do not include a use case.
    4. Submit the case, and complete instructions in follow up emails as requested.


Next Steps