Tagged with US

Bork, bork, bork

One rarely gets the opportunity to read a really scathing obituary. Even the most disliked public figures are generally afforded some kind of respect in death – perhaps described as flawed but brilliant, or having achieved great things before losing their way. No such luck for Robert Bork, the former US Solicitor-General who Reagan tried, unsuccessfully, to put on the Supreme Court. The New Yorker has dipped deep into the well of schadenfreude to come up with this one:

Robert Bork, who died Wednesday, was an unrepentant reactionary who was on the wrong side of every major legal controversy of the twentieth century. The fifty-eight senators who voted against Bork for confirmation to the Supreme Court in 1987 honored themselves, and the Constitution. In the subsequent quarter-century, Bork devoted himself to proving that his critics were right about him all along.


In 1973, Nixon directed Elliot Richardson, the Attorney General, to fire Archibald Cox, the Watergate special prosecutor. Richardson refused and resigned in protest, as did his deputy William Ruckelshaus. Bork, the third-ranking official in the Justice Department, had no such scruples and thus served as executioner in the Saturday Night Massacre, to his enduring shame.

Read the full article at the New Yorker website.

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America’s racists

President Obama

President Obama’s speech to the memorial service for victims of the Newtown mass school shooting meant the broadcast of a football game was delayed a few minutes. Cue drunk racist bogans: Deadspin has the details.

Apparently interrupting a football game is offensive, while shooting twenty 5–7 year olds isn’t.

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Tweet of the year

Well played, Mr Turnbull. Well played.

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Shit homophobic people say

Video from Lamda Legal in the US highlighting some of the egregious garbage being spewed by hyperconservatives in that country.

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How to trick people into getting an HIV test

Watch this extraordinary “training video” which explains how hospital workers in Texas “encourage” patients to undergo routine HIV testing. I particularly like the part where they stress that written consent isn’t required, and there’s no need for pre-test counselling.

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Click to enlarge


This image provided by GeoEye Satellite Image shows Washington D.C.’s National Mall and the United States Capitol, far right, Washington D.C. on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009 taken at 11:19AM EDT during the inauguration of President Barack Obama. The image, taken through high, whispy white clouds, shows the masses of people between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. (AP Photo/GeoEye Satellite Image)

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Straight male christian becomes President of the US


America’s new president is a non-gay man, just like all those before him. What a nation of homophobes!


Seriously, the new Pres has a pretty good set of objectives for the GLBT people who voted for him — check em out.

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The elite drool from every orifice

Doug Cameron, the colourful national secretary of the AMWU, at the ALP national conference this morning (via Crikey):

The elite drool from every orifice at the thought of a free trade deal with the US. The Premiers are even worse. I reckon there’s some Pavlovian science going on here.

It’s one of the better lines from Labor’s annual talkfest/scragfight. Julia Gillard was very much in her element waving about a leaked memo sent by the government to the pointy heads at Medicare state offices, warning that if the national health system’s 20th birthday is to be celebrated with a cake, government MPs must not be photographed sticking the knife in:

What this email is telling us, as clearly as any other action by the Howard Government, is Australians know when a conservative politician, when John Howard or Tony Abbott get anywhere near Medicare and they’ve got a knife in their hand, they’ve only got one purpose and that is to destroy Medicare by chopping it up. (ABC News)

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