news and action

14 Aug 2018 >> Action, News, Top story

Around 500 people crammed into the solidarity event with Bookmarks bookshop, in central London,  last Saturday. The day was in response to the far right …

6 Aug 2018 >> Action, News, Top story

As we wrote yesterday, UKIP supporters, including a Swindon council candidate, Martin Costello (below, with a hand to his mouth) were among those whose who …

5 Aug 2018 >> Action, News, Top story

A cowardly collection of  far right supporters of fascist Tommy Robinson and Donald Trump attacked a TUC-backed socialist bookshop in central London on Saturday.
Roughly 12 …

1 Aug 2018 >> Action, News, Top story

Fascist thug Tommy Robinson has won his appeal against his conviction for contempt of court and is set to be released on bail.


Robinson  was jailed …

30 Jul 2018 >> Action, News, Top story
robinson billboard

Ex UKIP leadership candidate and friend of fascist Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters brought her ‘For Britain’ anti muslim campaign to Stockton, in the North …

25 Jul 2018 >> Campaign material, News, Top story, Unity Magazine
mlk unity

Plus: Dangers ahead as Tommy Robinson’s ‘lads’ take to the streets // Grenfell testimonies expose media lies // Rotherham 12 Campaign celebrates final victory // …

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