Reza Ehsan


PhD Scholar in Economics / Book | Nature |Travel | Music

Inscrit en novembre 2011


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  2. il y a 9 heures

    چرا محمد زمان احمدی آزاد نمی‌شود؟

  3. a retweeté
    29 nov.

    tf is wrong with you Mr President, stop shouting, stop waiting for clapping, stop being this...

  4. a retweeté
    29 nov.

    Abdullah’s supporters staged protests in 3 parts of , Dasht-e-Barchi in the west, Khair-Khana in the north, and east of the city. The protests began with dozens early in the morning, their number reaches to hundreds now. “Death to fraudsters,” they chant.

  5. a retweeté
    29 nov.

    Would Atta have said the same ("security forces have the right to suppress" the protesters) when he was protesting to keep his post in Balkh? Nope. Amazing how the political leaders here swing and they try to swing with them values that are more fundamental than any of them.

  6. 29 nov.

    من هم امیدوارم. خداوند صحت و لامتی شانرا بهبود بخشد.

  7. 28 nov.

    شکردخت دوره دکترا را در مرکز فیزیک هسته‌ای و تشعشع دانشگاه ساری بریتانیا گذراند. به گفته خودش تاکنون نشر بیش از ۴۰ مقاله علمی و ثبت دو اختراع را در کارنامه خود دارد. چندین مقاله علمی دیگر را نیز در دست نشر دارد.

  8. a retweeté
    28 nov.

    The first time Ghani did not meet a US president, it was the Secretary of State, which is worse. They had to lie in the caption of the official photo saying it was taken in the palace. NYT report on the doctored photo:

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  9. a retweeté
    28 nov.

    Karzai always refused to meet Obama in the US military base in Bagram. He met him only in the Palace. But not Ghani. The man is desperate. He wants Trump to endorse his vote-rigging, apparently. (And it's his second time meeting a US president in Bagram.)

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  10. 28 nov.

    به امید و آروزی سلامتی و موفقیت بیشتر این دانشمند و مخترع پر افتخار کشور.

  11. a retweeté
    28 nov.

    ’s campaign asked supporters to stage protests against and in and across the country on Friday.

  12. 27 nov.

    او آغا صاحب مرتضوی. در قضیه ی جنبش روشنای، متهم اول حکومت مولایت غنی و شورای امنیت کاکایت اتمر است. هیچ گروه/نهاد یا فردی به اندازه ی حکومت مقصر نیست. حکومت، در تامین امنیت جنبش روشنایی نه تنها کوتاهی بلکه جمعیت را به خون کشاند. هنوز هم به خواسته ی برحق شان جواب مثبت نداده.

  13. 27 nov.

    و از این ابزار ها برای تحریک احساسات مردمی استفاده نکن. ای بی شرفی و بی وجدانی است، تمام.

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  14. 27 nov.

    شاه حسین مرتضوی! عبدالرحمان هم هزاره را قتل عام کرد حالا ما باید دشمنی ابدی با پشتونها انتخاب کنیم؟ افشار یک فاجعه و جنایت تاریخی بود و این جنایت فراموش نمی‌شود، اما هزاره ها آموخته که به عقب برنگردد، ما به جلو می‌رویم. در ضمن تو هزاره نیستی. سید هستی. برای هزاره ها عقل کل نشو.

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  15. 27 nov.

    ظرفیت دیکتاتور شدن، سرکوب، توجیه، تحریف و ستم چه راحت در هرکدام ما بصورت بالقوه (قابل تبدیل به بالفعل) وجود دارد. اگر همین سفیر های کشورهای مختلف نباشد خدا می‌داند از حکام و این جوانان دربار چه چیزهای که ساخته خواهد شد. این آدم چندی پیش جوان جوان و وطن وطن می‌کرد، حالا چه شده.

  16. a retweeté
    27 nov.

    So poor & awful! are you aware of what is happening outside of your office? we are expecting you to be professional! is there to take care of this case! should not shut down the civil society mouth!

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  17. a retweeté
    27 nov.

    Now that you're at it, Mr. ambassador, please post a tweet about Zaman Ahmadi too. He is in jail for an unpublished article that was misinterpreted by some ignorant judge as offensive to Islam. Ghani is ignoring the pressure from the local press but he seems to listen to you.

  18. a retweeté
    26 nov.

    New twists in Afghanistan schoolboy sex abuse scandal: Rights worker held by spy agency for 5 days recants allegations in video that looks coerced. US & German envoys denounce spy agency's actions. President demands an inquiry.

  19. a retweeté
    26 nov.

    With full responsibility I can say that, without instruction from the Presidential Palace, NDS will not take such a decision by their own.

  20. a retweeté
    26 nov.

    Thank you !! Now it's time for you to advocate for the release of Mr. Zaman Ahmadi, who's been jailed for writing an article which was never published. It's been 7 years that he is in Pule Charkhi prison in , where Taliban, terrorists & criminals are kept.

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