Support One People's Project!

5 575 $ sur un objectif de 5 000 $

91 personnes ont fait un don en 49 mois

As Donald Trump hatemongers his way into history, One People's Project sees the role we play in reporting on hate activities expanding and keeping us very busy.

Today's neo-Fascists (yeah, we know they like to call themselves "alt-right", but we prefer to call them what they are) think they have the momentum because their guy is in the White House, but they are wrong. We do. We who have been fighting them long beforehand. Antifascist groups and individuals who were long underground are getting a closer look by those who want to know how to keep the threat of Fascism buried, and they do so because they were the ones who did not listen when they were told to ignore the fash. We now see the costs of ignoring them - and the benefits those who didn't bring to the table.

We have always been a well-grounded organization because we all have day jobs and our members are a part of the communities they live in. But each and every day we have seen the need to do this work well beyond the parameters we have maintained for this long. Two years ago, we announced our plans to build a research library and archival (, but, as many know, that has hit a rough patch due to our fiscal sponsor, resulting in our inability to receive tax-deductable donations. In addition, we still have to continue our work reporting on the issues and concerns that we face with right-wing groups and individuals. Expanding that will also require resources.

One People's Project has established itself as a go-to source of information on issues pertaining to the right, particularly the racist right, but as we have no corporate sponsors and depend on the support of individual readers who share our goal of building a better society free of the hate politics we have dealt with for generations, we are asking for your help to start structuring our organization to be more viable and efficient. We are looking to raise only $5,000 or more at this time to put us in that position. With that, we will become a full-on non profit organization and we can return to efforts to establish our library. We will also be able to not only send more reporters out into the field but also host and participate in events that will promote the unity we champion. Those who wish to keep their donation private, including your name, comment and/or Facebook photo from others visitor and search engines, simply click the ‘Private’ checkbox during the donation process.

Will you please help?

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As you might have seen, we have surpassed our $5000 mark last week! I could not be more grateful to everyone that has donated. And I very much so appreciate the trust you have put in One People's Project! This fundraiser will continue as we will still need your support as we continue to build efforts, but I did not want to go any further without thanking you all!

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Since the events of Charlottesville, we have been receiving a lot of attention and I want to thank everyone for the support in the wake of that rally and hope that everyone will continue to support not only us but also those on the frontlines going out to oppose the planned events this weekend as well as subsequent rallies and other events in the future. We can and will get through this.

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Hey just wanted to thank everyone once again for your donations. We are almost at the original 5,000 goal, and we cannot say how appreciative we are! It's getting warmer but things have already heated up, particularly with the clashes that we have seen at various rallies. This weekend, which by the way is the 25th Anniversary of the LA Rebellion, the National Socialist Movement and the Traditionalist Worker Party will be in Pikeville, KY to hold a rally and conference. Originally the conference was to be in a state park, but the park kicked them out and it will be in a private location, but the rally will still be public. The fact that they announced the locale of the conference publicly when they never have before is a sign they were trying to pick a fight, Meanwhile, the neo-Fash has been making Berkeley, CA their proving grounds, so much so rumors are circulating that pedophilla defender Milo Yiannopoulous plans to return in a few months. American Renaissance will have their conference in Nashville July 28-30. And in September, there is a huge neo-fascist rally being planned for Washington, DC.

Needless to say, we need to stay on top of all of this That's why last month we became a 501(c)(3) organization. We intend to be out there covering every event and the fash that organizes them. We do need funds to do that though. Next weekend, we intent to be in Pikeville, and next month we want to go out to California and possibly Oregon and Washington State to talk with people and gather info about the fash on the West Coast. Travel expenses are pretty much what we need right now. If you can help or continue to help, please do. Once again thank you for all your help and showing the neo-Fascists out there hate indeed has consequences!

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
One People's Project
April 8, 2017, Washington, DC
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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let folks know that things have really been ratcheting up and we are going to places we have never been before. Last month I spoke in Los Angeles for the first time, and participated in the Fash Bash Bash in Brooklyn just a few weeks ago. One People's Project is getting more media attention over the past few weeks, and we even have our old friend James O'Keefe and his people trying out a smear campaign against me in particular. That negative however, we can brush off. We cannot ignore the fact that people were attacked in NYC by neo-Fascists, domestic terrorists in Quebec City and South Carolina have been in the news, and new hate groups are showing up at Rutgers University, which is pretty much the original OPP stomping grounds.

In the next few months, we will be showing up at conferences and festivals looking to reach out to people who want to be involved. There are other projects that we are trying to put in motion, particularly musical events. We will definitely keep you posted on that.

We cannot do it without your help! We are almost at our initial goal of 5,000, and we hope to meet and surpass that before Spring arrives. If you can, please donate what you can. Any donations $20 or more will receive an Antifa skullcap (See picture - and please make sure we have your address).

Thanks again for all your support!

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
One People's Project
Antifa Skullcap
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5 575 $ sur un objectif de 5 000 $

91 personnes ont fait un don en 49 mois
Date de création : 30 août 2014
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