Content Categories

GET content_categories

Request the valid content categories for Ad Groups (line_items).

Note: These categories apply only to line_items with the VIDEO_VIEWS_PREROLL objective.

Each content_category maps to one or more IAB Categories. When creating an Ad Group with the VIDEO_VIEWS_PREROLL objective, one or more content_categories must be set for the Ad Group. This can be done by setting the value of the categories request parameter on the line_item to the the set of corresponding iab_categories returned in the response.

Additional details can be found in the Video Views Preroll Objective Guide

Resource URL


No request parameters

Example Request


Example Response

  "data": [
      "id": "st",
      "name": "Alcohol",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "ru",
      "name": "Automotive (Cars, Trucks, Racing)",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sk",
      "name": "Comedy",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sl",
      "name": "Digital Creators",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sm",
      "name": "Entertainment & Pop Culture",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sn",
      "name": "Financial & Business News",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "so",
      "name": "Food & Drink",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sp",
      "name": "Lifestyle (Fashion, Travel, Wellness)",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sq",
      "name": "Music",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sr",
      "name": "News & Current Events",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "s4",
      "name": "Politics",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "ss",
      "name": "Science & Education",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "se",
      "name": "Sports",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sg",
      "name": "Technology",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "sh",
      "name": "Television",
      "iab_categories": [
      "id": "s0",
      "name": "eSports & Video Games",
      "iab_categories": [
  "next_cursor": null,
  "request": {
    "params": {}