Inquest shows Australian governments directly responsible for refugee’s death
10 August 2018
Coroner rules Hamid Khazaei’s death was a “preventable” outcome of “the policy of offshore processing.”
Australian hospital staff have to raise money for patients’ basic needs
9 August 2018
Footscray Hospital is one of three acute and sub-acute hospitals managed servicing a major working-class region of the Victorian state capital.
Australia: Telstra seeks to slash wages after announcing massive job cuts
8 August 2018
The communications company is pushing a new enterprise agreement containing wage rises well below rapidly rising inflation.
New Zealand Nurses Organisation rams through sellout pay deal
8 August 2018
The union is trying to present the agreement, which fails to address the crisis in the public health system, as a victory.

Australia: Youth protest racist “African gangs” campaign
4 August 2018
African-Australian youth rally to denounce divisive hysteria whipped up by the political and media establishment.
Australia: Nine-Fairfax Media merger threatens jobs
3 August 2018
The deal marks a new stage in a protracted restructuring of corporate media organisations, dictated by the financial elite.
Julian Assange’s lawyer: Australian government has a “duty” to protect him
2 August 2018
Jennifer Robinson said the WikiLeaks editor wants to exercise his right to return to Australia, provided he is protected from extradition to the US.
New Zealand nurses express frustration, anger in union broadcast
2 August 2018
The union’s online event was a desperate attempt to sell the latest, widely opposed deal and shut down the rebellion among nurses.