Creative Canvas

The most live, dynamic platform for your brand's story.

Connecting with an audience has never been more challenging for businesses. With just moments to capture attention before customers move on to the next thing, it's critical to connect to the passions and interests that matter most to them.

Videos, GIFs and Twitter’s entire creative canvas of ad formats help you tell a rich and relevant story to engage, inspire and connect — in the moment.

The interactivity that’s involved in using Twitter, the immediacy of messages, and the short, condensed way of expressing them all drives a strong emotional response (+75% vs. online norm).”

Heather Andrew, CEO of (2014)

A variety of video ad formats earn attention in the moment it matters most and target those who will be most receptive and interested in your brand. With Twitter Ads, distribute your best video assets via targeted Promoted Videos and breathe new life into your existing assets with pre-roll ads. With custom Amplify sponsorships, you can monetise and sponsor videos from 200 of the world’s top TV networks. And when big events, like the Olympics or World Cup, play out around the globe, Twitter is the first place audiences turn to to see and share custom GIFs and conversational videos.

With our suite of products, you’ll also have access to innovative formats and platforms that are unique to Twitter.

You have amazing stories to share.

Twitter has the creative canvas to bring those stories to life.

Strategies to help you face this challenge

Promoted Video

A video within a Promoted Tweet paid for by advertisers that appears in users’ Home timelines, at the top of search results on Twitter, and elsewhere on the platform.

In-Stream Video Ads

Run pre-roll or mid-roll ads to align with relevant videos your customers are already watching.

In-Stream Video Sponsorships

Build brand association by sponsoring the best video content from a single Amplify partner.

Branded Emojis

Express your brand’s personality and immediately make it a part of the conversation by adding a fun, visually appealing creative element whenever your hashtag is used on Twitter.

Promoted Moments

A powerful way for brand narratives to unfold through rich multimedia formats. Surround your brand with premium, curated content that showcases the best of what’s happening now.

Conversational Video Ad

An ad format with a viral call to action that prompts users to Tweet about your brand to all their followers. This ad harnesses the power of video and photos and drives deep engagement and sharing.

GIFs and Photos

Easily add fun GIFs and photos to your brand Tweets and DMs. Within a Tweet, reply, or DM, a GIF button launches a portal where you can search or select fun GIFs to share with your consumers.


Use live streaming to forge a more personal relationship with your audience by giving them real-time access to Moments that matter, from big announcements to fashion shows to sponsored events.

More info

Download the 6 Plays to Build Your Brand playbook to learn more.
